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This is more liek a game mode for clanwars but with some thinking u could adapt it to normal game 2. So, liek in gw's u have 2 teams, let's call em red and blue. So red team pickup a base, all weapons needed and go to it. One of reds is the VIP, he also can have all weapons, there are no restrictions at all. Blue team also pickups all needed equipment and w8 somewere near reds base. The objectives are simple.

1. Reds have to prevent killing the VIP either by killing all blue team members or rescuing VIP by a transportation (transporting him to the far side of the map).

2. Blues have to kill VIP and/or prevent him from escaping.

If the fight is 5 vs 5 reds have 4 soldiers and the VIP. VIP can fight normally but it's obvious he aint gonna rush it coz he would be an easy target. On of the reds would prolly leave the base to get some transportation, which would make the defending even more harder. But in blue we hope to c some things taken from other multi player games which will make this game mode better. Im talkin here about radar on which u only c ur own teammates (so u dont know how many defenders is in the base actually) and ofcoz tags with names that arent visible tru walls (imo they should appear only if u target some1 - liek in CS). Ideas/Comments :?:

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Well the idea was taken from CS, yes, but from the map as_thundra. thundra>oilrig :) . bot, i really would like start working on this but as we dont know how blue gonna work and read files im stuck :( I was thinking bout writing it in scm for the old core but i can't c any point in this. We just gotta w8 for Blue. :wink:

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