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Ways to stop hackers!


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If you encrypt the MTAD.scm file and/or all of the other files except for the basic running files for MTAClient.exe. I have found this out with another game and it sure did stop almost all of the hackers. Only the smartest hackers will be able to decrypt the files. I realize that these are already encrypted. YOU NEED TO ADD MORE SECURITY. Or make an auto-update for the files so that you can't create a bypass. Like when you open mtaclient.exe and if the files aren't matched with the server then they aren't able to play. I hope you do this! I HATE HACKERS!!!!

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If you encrypt the MTAD.scm file and/or all of the other files except for the basic running files for MTAClient.exe. I have found this out with another game and it sure did stop almost all of the hackers. Only the smartest hackers will be able to decrypt the files. I realize that these are already encrypted. YOU NEED TO ADD MORE SECURITY. Or make an auto-update for the files so that you can't create a bypass. Like when you open mtaclient.exe and if the files aren't matched with the server then they aren't able to play. I hope you do this! I HATE HACKERS!!!!

And how do you suppose GTA will be able to read an encrypted SCM/CFG/etc? You have to understand that, whether files are encrypted/crc checked/whatever, there is a point in time when all the data is decrypted and ready to be handled; anyone with a brain and a dissasembler can figure out how to take advantage of this 'point in time'.

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Basically encryption changes something into another form so that it is unreadable. It's similar to "languages" that outlaws used in the olden days, where they would convert English characters to other characters so that people couldn't read them unless they knew the code. Obviously at some point, the computer will need to decrypt the files in order to read them again, and therein the problem lies.

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Well there is another way... When you launch the client there could be a server-wided thing that checks if you have the same size and files as the server. If not then they update automatically.

You think this is decent protection? The server would 'ping' the client, requesting a filesize; anyone with a brain and a dissasembler could force it to send the 'correct' filesize, regaurdless of what it actually is.

Keep the ideas coming though.. :)

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