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locais screenW , screenH = guiGetScreenSize () local exibir_painel = função falsa PainelDX () dxDrawLine (( telaW * 0,3807 ) - 1 , ( telaH * 0,1615 ) - 1 , ( telaW * 0,3807 ) - 1 , telaH * 0,7734 , tocolor ( 237 , 0 , 0 , 245 ), 1 , false ) dxDrawLine ( telaW * 0,6208 , ( telaH * 0,1615 ) - 1 , ( telaW * 0,3807 ) - 1 , ( telaH * 0,1615 ) - 1 , tocolor ( 237 , 0 , 0 , 245 ), 1 , falso ) dxDrawLine (( telaW * 0,3807 ) - 1 , tela H * 0,7734 , telaW * 0,6208 , telaH * 0,7734 , tocolor ( 237 , 0 , 0 , 245 ), 1 , falso ) dxDrawLine ( telaW * 0,6208 , telaH * 0,7734 , telaW * 0,6208 , ( telaH * 0,1615 ) - 1 , tocolor ( 237 , 0 , 0 , 245 ), 1 , falso ) dxDrawRectangle ( telaW * 0,3807 , telaH * 0,1615 , telaW * 0,2401 , telaH * 0,6120 , tocolor ( 3 , 0 , 0 , 153 ), falso ) dxDrawImage ( telaW * 0,4290 , telaH * 0,2227 , screenW * 0,1435 , screenH * 0.2747 , ": guieditor / images / examples / LavarMoney.png" , 0 , 0 , 0 , tocolor ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ), false ) dxDrawText ( "Lavagem de Dinheiro" , screenW * 0.4305 , screenH * 0,1693 , tela W * 0,5652 , tela H * 0,2005 , tocolor ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ), 0,70 , "bankgothic" , "center" , "center" , false , false , false , false , false ) dxDrawText ( "O dinheiro sujo pode ser lavado 100 mil por PenDrive com Trojan" , screenW * 0,4173 , tela H * 0,5117 , tela W * 0,5798 , tela H * 0,5638 , tocolor ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ), 0,50 , "bankgothic" , "center" , "center" , false , true , false , false , false ) dxDrawLine (( screenW * 0.4239 ) - 1 , ( screenH * 0.6237 ) - 1 , ( telaW * 0,4239 ) - 1 , telaH * 0,7018 , tocolor ( 255 , 3 , 3 , 254 ), 1 , falso ) dxDrawLine ( telaW * 0,5798 , ( telaH * 0,6237 ) - 1 , ( telaW * 0,4239 ) - 1 , ( telaH * 0,6237 ) - 1 , tocolor ( 255 , 3 , 3 , 254 ), 1 , falso ) dxDrawLine (( telaW * 0,4239 ) - 1 , telaH * 0,7018 , telaW * 0,5798 , telaH * 0,7018 , tocolor ( 255 , 3 , 3 , 254 ), 1 , falso ) dxDrawLine ( telaW * 0,5798 , telaH * 0,7018 , screenW * 0.5798, (screenH * 0.6237) - 1, tocolor(255, 3, 3, 254), 1, false) dxDrawRectangle(screenW * 0.4239, screenH * 0.6237, screenW * 0.1559, screenH * 0.0781, tocolor(11, 0, 0, 203), false) dxDrawText("Lavar", screenW * 0.4231, screenH * 0.6237, screenW * 0.5798, screenH * 0.7018, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, "bankgothic", "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) dxDrawLine((screenW * 0.6040) - 1, (screenH * 0.1693) - 1, (screenW * 0.6040) - 1, screenH * 0.1953, tocolor(240, 254, 3, 254), 1, false) dxDrawLine(screenW * 0.6179, (screenH * 0.1693) - 1, (screenW * 0.6040) - 1, (screenH * 0.1693) - 1, tocolor(240, 254, 3, 254), 1, false) dxDrawLine((screenW * 0.6040) - 1, screenH * 0.1953, screenW * 0.6179, screenH * 0.1953, tocolor(240, 254, 3, 254), 1, false) dxDrawLine(screenW * 0.6179, screenH * 0.1953, screenW * 0.6179, (screenH * 0.1693) - 1, tocolor(240, 254, 3, 254), 1, false) dxDrawRectangle(screenW * 0.6040, screenH * 0.1693, screenW * 0.0139, screenH * 0.0260, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 131), false) dxDrawText("X", screenW * 0.6032, screenH * 0.1693, screenW * 0.6179, screenH * 0.1953, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.60, "bankgothic", "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) end addEvent("Exibir_Painel_Ao_Hitar_O_Marker", true) addEventHandler("Exibir_Painel_Ao_Hitar_O_Marker", root, function() if exibir_painel == false then addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), PainelDX) exibir_painel = true showCursor(true) else RemoveEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), PainelDX) exibir_painel = false showCursor(false) end end) function isMouseInPosition ( x, y, width, height ) if ( not isCursorShowing( ) ) then return false end local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize ( ) local cx, cy = getCursorPosition ( ) local cx, cy = ( cx * sx ), ( cy * sy ) return ( ( cx >= x and cx <= x + width ) and ( cy >= y and cy <= y + height ) ) end -- Modified version for DX Text function isCursorOverText(posX, posY, sizeX, sizeY) if ( not isCursorShowing( ) ) then return false end local cX, cY = getCursorPosition() local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local cX, cY = (cX*screenWidth), (cY*screenHeight) return ( (cX >= posX and cX <= posX+(sizeX - posX)) and (cY >= posY and cY <= posY+(sizeY - posY)) ) end addEventHandler("onClientClick", getRootElement(), function(button, state) if button == "left" and state == "down" then if exibir_painel == true then if isMouseInPosition(screenW * 0.6040, screenH * 0.1693, screenW * 0.0139, screenH * 0.0260) then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), PainelDX) exibir_painel = false showCursor(false) end end end end) local Sujo = getElementData(source, "moneysujo") or 0 addEventHandler("onClientClick", getRootElement(), function(button, state) if button == "left" and state == "down" then if exibir_painel == true then if isMouseInPosition(screenW * 0.4239, screenH * 0.6237, screenW * 0.1559, screenH * 0.0781) then if Sujo >= 100000 and "PenDrive Com Trojan" then setElementData(source, "moneysujo", -100000) givePlayerMoney(source, givePlayerMoney(source)+100000) end end end end end) Estou fazendo um script com Painel DX e estou tendo problema na parte de limpar o dinheiro pois não está funcionando eu clicko no botão de "Lavar" e não tira os 100k de dinheiro sujo para virar 100k limpo além disso para conseguir fazer essa lavagem com o dinheiro precisa está com um PenDrive com Trojan para cada lavagem de dinheiro, ou seja, cada pendrive lava 100k alguem pode me ajudar Imagem do painel: