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Hola gente acabo de modificar una script de mi Day Z que te permite coger la mochila y con click derecho equipartela manualmente... He echo esto porque en el gamemod que descargue la mochila se te equipaba automáticamente (cosa que no me gustaba) He echo casi todo bien, pero el problema con lo que hice fué que al morir la mochila no desaparece de tu inventario y como consecuencia tampoco te deja arrojar otros items es como que bugea todo tu inventario =( Aqui les dejo mi script: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- itemName2 = itemName if itemName == "Patrol Pack" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 12 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Patrol Pack") == 1 then return end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if itemName == "Vest Pouch Pack" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 14 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Vest Pouch Pack") == 1 then return end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if itemName == "Assault Pack (ACU)" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 18 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Assault Pack (ACU)") == 1 then return end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if itemName == "Alice Pack" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 22 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Alice Pack") == 1 then return end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if itemName == "British Assault Pack" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 26 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"British Assault Pack") == 1 then return end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if itemName == "Czech Backpack" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 30 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Czech Backpack") == 1 then return end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if itemName == "Coyote Backpack" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 36 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Coyote Backpack") == 1 then return end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if itemName == "CMRA Backpack" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 70 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"CMRA Backpack") == 1 then return end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if itemName == "Army Backpack" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 50 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Army Backpack") == 1 then return end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if loot then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), itemName, (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), itemName) or 0) + itemPlus) if itemPlus == 0 then setElementData(loot, itemName, getElementData(loot, itemName) - 0) else setElementData(loot, itemName, getElementData(loot, itemName) - 1) end local players = getElementsWithinColShape(loot, "player") if #players > 1 then triggerServerEvent("onPlayerChangeLoot", getRootElement(), loot) end end if getElementData(loot, "itemloot") then triggerServerEvent("refre:~emLoot", getRootElement(), loot, getElementData(loot, "parent")) end end addEvent("onPlayerMoveItemInInventory", true) addEventHandler("onPlayerMoveItemInInventory", getRootElement(), onPlayerMoveItemInInventory) function onClientOpenInventoryStopMenu() triggerEvent("disableMenu", getLocalPlayer()) end function isPlayerInLoot() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "loot") then return getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "currentCol") end return false end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Según noto esta todo bien pero porqué la mochila no desaparece de tu inventario? no se!! Espero me den una manito muchas gracias!!!.