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The walking GTA DayZ! A DayZ server consisting of Multi Theft Auto Game 1.Loots that appear on the ground 2.Inventory system 3.Base system 4.Car panels 5.FPS optimization system 6.Air-firing system 7.51 Arena alarm and loot systems 8.Sometimes extremely fast zombies 9.Zombies that appear on the roads or in loot areas 10.Nice textures 11.Appearance selection panel - F9 12.Information panel - F9 13.Base system / Base with gated access 14.Series copy panel - F1 15.Helmet armor first aid kit bullets weapon loot 16.Group systems and panel - F2 17.Discord Server copy panel - F10 18.Vehicle usage 19.Best cars / BEST VEHICLES 20.Vehicle speedometer KM/H 21.Death texts (shaking system) 22.F11 loot points hospital points 23.Vehicle Mods 24.Vehicle crash objects on the map 25.You will spawn with a bag when you die 26.There is a GAME/CHARACTER selection panel on the main screen and there is music 27.There is a Loading Screen with a song 28.There is a Radio button that opens with R 29.Vehicle does not explode when they fall upside down 30.Health Humanity helmet armor huds 31.GPS SYSTEM 32.F5 Debug Monitor 33.F7 Interface 34.Other Boxes 35.Base blips that appear in F11 Walking GTA Discord: IP mtasa://
Server ip: mtasa:// Discord: The project: The KillorGetKilled (KoGK) DayZ project was founded by me a few years ago but has been shut down for a long time. The basic script is from the former TWD 500+ Vehicles server and has been changed a lot, such as military loot points, as well as the autospawns, the HUD and much more. It is important to me that everything is kept old school, so not the usual top GTA or, as is already common, everything is based on the DayZ standalone game. This is so important to me because I got to know and love MTA DayZ in this style about 10 years ago and for me it is just pure nostalgia. The team: Our team is already a bit bigger and consists of: Owner: Shallow Co-Owner: OpTiC, Acrow, Sisqo Scripter/Mapper: iDiamond, OpTiC, Warden SuperModerator: Justinas, Warden Supporter: V4der, Extreme Server: Bases: Are made by me, depending on the team's wishes and size. Free bases for groups of 4 or more people (vehicle limit varies depending on the size of the base) Other content: Airdrops in which you can also find tear gas, which you can use to call your own airdrop, lots of loot, A 1vs1 or 3vs3 arena, A leaderboard where you can see the top murders, top zombie kills and top alive time (top 50). Not just the people who are on the server for the whole time. A self-made HUD, Level system, Buy ammunition with zombie kills, Crafting system, the loot for crafting is only available on 2 special islands Armor system, Area51 player card, a lot more..... Vehicles: More than 500 vehicles and 36 different vehicles, Map: The map was made by OpTiC. A lot has been changed in every city and some new military bases have been set up. (the ? on the map) I'll finish now and hope that you liked my server presentation and that you'll visit us sometime. Because it's simply a huge wish of mine to bring a server like this back to life. Best regards, KoGK Team!
Hello, so i have got a bit of a problem. I've created a mta DayZ server. Everything was great and it was running fine, but the problem is that none of the vehicles spawn. Do i need to add some script for that or something? Thanks for the help already ! ?
function spawnDayZPlayer(player) if player then local x,y,z = unpack(spawnPositions[math.random(#spawnPositions)]); spawnPlayer(player, x, y, (z+0.5), math.random(360), 73, 0, 0); setCameraTarget(player, player); fadeCamera(player, true); local playerCol = createColSphere(x, y, z, 1.5); setElementData(player, "playerCol", playerCol); attachElements(playerCol, player, 0, 0, 0); setElementData(playerCol, "parent", player); setElementData(playerCol, "player", true); setAccountData(getPlayerAccount(player), "isDead", false); setElementData(player, "isDead", false); setElementData(player, "logedin", true); for _,v in ipairs(playerDataTable) do if (v[1] ~= "radiochannel" and v[1] ~= "gpschannel") then setElementData(player, v[1], v[2]); end end setElementData(player, "logedin", true); setTimer(checkBuggedAccont, (25*1000), 1, player); setElementData(player, "spawnedzombies", 0); end end addEventHandler("kilLDayZPlayer", root, function(killer, headshot, weapon) local account = getPlayerAccount(source); if not account then return; end triggerClientEvent(source, "onClientPlayerDeathInfo", source); killPed(source); triggerClientEvent(source, "hideInventoryManual", source); if not isElementInWater(source) then if (getElementData(source, "alivetime") > 5) then -- If alivetime is bigger than 5 mins, to avoid haveing too much corpses at spawn. local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source); if (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, 6000, 6000, 0) > 200) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source); local _,_,rotz = getElementRotation(source); local skin = getElementModel(source); local ped = createPed(skin, x, y, z, rotz); local pedCol = createColSphere(x, y, z, 1.5); killPed(ped); setTimer(function(ped, pedCol) if ped then destroyElement(ped); end if pedCol then destroyElement(pedCol); end end, (10*60000), 1, ped, pedCol); attachElements(pedCol, ped, 0, 0, 0); setElementData(pedCol, "parent", ped); setElementData(pedCol, "playername", getPlayerName(source)); setElementData(pedCol, "deadman", true); setElementData(pedCol, "MAX_Slots", getElementData(source, "MAX_Slots")); local time = getRealTime(); setElementData(pedCol, "deadreason", getPlayerName(source).." is dead. Cause of death: "..(weapon or "Unknown")..". Time of death: "..time.hour..":"..time.minute.." o'clock."); if pedCol then for _,v in ipairs(playerDataTable) do local itemPlus = getElementData(source, v[1]); if (v[1] == "M1911 Mag") then itemPlus = math.floor(getElementData(source, v[1])/10); elseif (v[1] == "M9 SD Mag") then itemPlus = math.floor(getElementData(source, v[1])/15); elseif (v[1] == "Desert Eagle Mag") then itemPlus = math.floor(getElementData(source, v[1])/7); elseif (v[1] == "PDW Mag") then itemPlus = math.floor(getElementData(source, v[1])/30); elseif (v[1] == "MP5A5 Mag") then itemPlus = math.floor(getElementData(source, v[1])/20); elseif (v[1] == "AS50 Mag") then itemPlus = math.floor(getElementData(source, v[1])/40); elseif (v[1] == "CZ550 Mag") then itemPlus = math.floor(getElementData(source, v[1])/10); elseif (v[1] == "Mosin 9130 Mag") then itemPlus = math.floor(getElementData(source, v[1])/35); elseif (v[1] == "M24 Mag") then itemPlus = math.floor(getElementData(source, v[1])/10); elseif (v[1] == "KVSK Mag") then itemPlus = math.floor(getElementData(source, v[1])/15); elseif (v[1] == "M107 Mag") then itemPlus = math.floor(getElementData(source, v[1])/5); elseif (v[1] == "SVD Dragunov Camo Mag") then itemPlus = math.floor(getElementData(source, v[1])/25); elseif (v[1] == "MK 48 Mod 0 Mag") then itemPlus = math.floor(getElementData(source, v[1])/100); elseif (v[1] == "MG36 Mag") then itemPlus = math.floor(getElementData(source, v[1])/100); elseif (v[1] == "PKP Mag") then itemPlus = math.floor(getElementData(source, v[1])/100); elseif (v[1] == "AK-107 Mag") then itemPlus = math.floor(getElementData(source, v[1])/30); elseif (v[1] == "AKS Gold Mag") then itemPlus = math.floor(getElementData(source, v[1])/30); elseif (v[1] == "SA-58V ACOG Mag") then itemPlus = math.floor(getElementData(source, v[1])/30); elseif (v[1] == "AKS-74U Mag") then itemPlus = math.floor(getElementData(source, v[1])/30); elseif (v[1] == "M4A1 Holo Mag") then itemPlus = math.floor(getElementData(source, v[1])/20); elseif (v[1] == "1866 Slug") then itemPlus = math.floor(getElementData(source, v[1])/7); elseif (v[1] == "2Rnd. Slug") then itemPlus = math.floor(getElementData(source, v[1])/2); elseif (v[1] == "SPAZ-12 Pellet") then itemPlus = math.floor(getElementData(source, v[1])/7); elseif (v[1] == "DMR Mag") then itemPlus = math.floor(getElementData(source, v[1])/5); elseif (v[1] == "SKS-45 Mag") then itemPlus = math.floor(getElementData(source, v[1])/10); end if not string.find(v[1], "(Equipped)") then setElementData(pedCol, v[1], itemPlus); end for i = 1, 3 do local item = getElementData(source, "currentweapon_"..tostring(i)); if (item ~= "") then setElementData(pedCol, item, 1); end end end local skin = getSkinNameFromID(getElementData(source, "skin")); setElementData(pedCol, skin, getElementData(pedCol, skin) + 1); local backpack = getBackpackNameFromSlots(getElementData(source, "MAX_Slots")); setElementData(pedCol, backpack, (getElementData(pedCol, backpack) or 0) + 1); end end end end if (killer and killer ~= source and getElementType(killer) == "player") then if (getElementData(source, "htype") ~= "Bandit") then addPlayerStats(killer, "humanity", math.random(-2500, -1000)); else addPlayerStats(killer, "humanity", math.random(1000, 2500)); end setElementData(killer, "murders", getElementData(killer, "murders") + 1); if (getElementData(source, "htype") == "Bandit") then setElementData(killer, "banditskilled", getElementData(killer, "banditskilled") + 1); end if headshot then setElementData(killer, "headshots", getElementData(killer, "headshots") + 1); end triggerClientEvent("displayClientInfo", root, "#FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(source).." #FFFFFFwas killed by "..getPlayerName(killer), 0, 22, 255); else triggerClientEvent("displayClientInfo", root, "#FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(source).." #FFFFFFwas killed", 0, 22, 255); end setTimer(setElementPosition, 500, 1, source, 6000, 6000, 0); setAccountData(account, "isDead", true); setElementData(source, "isDead", true); setTimer(spawnDayZPlayer, 10000, 1, source); end); addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, function() savePlayerData(source); end); addEventHandler("onResourceStop", root, function() for _,v in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do savePlayerData(v); end end); [2019-10-30 18:32:05] ERROR: [DayZ-MTA]/DayZ/accounts.Lua:344: attempt to perform arithmetic on a boolean value [2019-10-30 18:32:06] WARNING: [DayZ-MTA]/DayZ/accounts.Lua:344: Bad argument @ 'getElementData' [Expected string at argument 2, got nil] [2019-10-30 18:32:06] ERROR: [DayZ-MTA]/DayZ/accounts.Lua:344: attempt to perform arithmetic on a boolean value [2019-10-30 18:31:02] ERROR: [DayZ-MTA]/DayZ/accounts.Lua:307: attempt to perform arithmetic on a boolean value [2019-10-30 18:31:08] WARNING: [DayZ-MTA]/DayZ/accounts.Lua:307: Bad argument @ 'getElementData' [Expected string at argument 2, got nil] [2019-10-30 18:31:08] ERROR: [DayZ-MTA]/DayZ/accounts.Lua:307: attempt to perform arithmetic on a boolean value when I give /kill it kills me and my screen floats and does not respawn me