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Shibsol's Achievements

I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody.

I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody. (2/54)



  1. @RekZ It partically fixed the issue, there was mem leak in two resources, exactly one has particles and other was map-caching for custom maps loader. Removed them, first of all game last longer before crashing, but they still appear, code says Out of Memory. I just think is because of cars, since i use tuning system, cars weight 6 - 15 mb each.
  2. @RekZ it didn't help much, yeah, client loading faster, but crash still appears (game frozen) after nearly 44 minutes of playing.
  3. I have a server bulit on 1.6.0 MTA version, it works well, no lags etc, but it has many cars and maps, the problem is that you can play it well for 30 - 40 minutes, then game unfortunately crash, or else, freeze. It happens not only to me as host, but also for players who just join and play their sessions in solo, is there a way to make car/map models unload when player is away from them? or atleast when player goes into carshop, garage, to make models reload and extract them from buffer memory? Im not so skilled at coding such things, i want to see if its possible, because i played on few servers that maybe uses it, through Loading-Screens, which is i think makes all the job behind, unloading-loading txd/dff. IF i delete the car resource, it runs good, up to hours of playthrough, but when i boot resource up, it will start like a countdown. Resource is nearly 400 - 500 MB, and reaches somewhat 45 cars.
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