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Everything posted by frostjack980

  1. V 1.3 : Community Page - Added WayPoint Path Finding to navigate your way to highlighted blips. (can be disabled through /csettings) - Improved blip interaction on the map. (sound and visual effects) - Fixed 3D blips being created underground. (self-corrects when inside the player's loaded world map) Video showcase:
  2. thanks for the support, i already tried to do so. no luck so far
  3. I don't know if this is the right place to post this but I cant upload my resource to the community resources page. My zip file size is 2.34 MB and it clearly says " Maximum upload size is 20 MB", any idea why?
  4. Download Link: Vehicle Replay System Showcase video: This resource allows players to record, replay, and manage vehicle recordings. Commands: /startrec <seconds> - Start recording for the specified duration in seconds. /saverec <name> - Save the current recording with the specified name. /playrec [id] - Play a saved recording by its ID. If no ID is provided, play the most recent recording (including unsaved ones). /stoprep - Stop the currently playing replay. /delrec <id> - Delete a saved recording by its ID. /checkreplays - List all saved replays with their IDs and timestamps. /openrecgui or F6 default hotkey - Open the Replay System GUI. Server Settings: 1. Max replays per player: 5 (default) 2. Max duration: 60 seconds (default) 3. Allow player warping: false (default) These settings can be modified in the `replay_config.xml` file by the server owner only. The server checks for changes in these settings when the resource starts and updates them accordingly. Features: 1. Set vehicle as camera target: Players can choose to set the replay vehicle as the camera target during playback. 2. Stop replay: Players can stop an ongoing replay using the /stoprep command or through the GUI. 3. Delete replay: Players can delete their saved replays using the /delrec command or through the GUI. 4. Automatic saving: Players can choose to automatically save a recording when starting it. 5. Replay list: The GUI provides a list of saved replays with details such as ID, name, vehicle, timestamp, duration, and location. (*If you're experiencing issues with starting the replay through the GUI, USE COMMANDS they are more reliable*). 6. Warp to replay location: Players can warp to the starting location of a saved replay (if allowed by server settings). 7. Customizable hotkeys: Players can change the hotkey to toggle the GUI. 8. Default recording duration: Players can set a default recording duration in the settings. Important Notes (Please read): - Each player is given total of 5 recordings, with a maximum duration of 60 seconds each, due to performance reasons. - Recording is saved on the server side, max size for a recording (60 seconds) is approximately 0.8 MB. (4 MB total for each player). - Decreasing max_duration or max_replays_per_player will cause old replays that exceed the new limit to be deleted. - This resource **STILL IN BETA**. Users may encounter bugs, performance issues, or sometimes experience long loading times when starting a replay or populating the recordings list. - Restart the resource if replays are not behaving as expected. - Report bugs back to [email protected] Additional Notes: - The script uses a SQLite database to store replay data on the server. - Replays are saved with various details, including vehicle properties like color, paintjob, and license plate. - The script includes a system to prevent saving duplicate replays. - There's a countdown feature when starting a new recording. - The recording progress is displayed on the screen during active recording.
  5. Advanced Compass is a fully client Quality of Life resource to ease navigation in MTA SA world. Features: - A compass Hud display with cardinal and ordinal directions (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW) and degree markers. - Blip System: * supports displaying server-made / Client-made blips on the compass and in the game world (for client player only). image: https://imgur.com/o72ASg2 - Blip Management: *GUI for creating blips. *Right-click on map to create or delete blips. *Option to delete all player-created blips at once. * Settings to controls blips visibility (/csettings). image: https://imgur.com/ksXoNbu -Persistence: *Custom blips and settings are saved for your next login. image: https://imgur.com/ajZhLj1 -Commands: */csettings to open settings panel . */blip <Blipid> <visible on compass> <visible in-game world> : a short cut to create a blip at your location. ex: /blip 14 true false : create blip id 14, shows on your compas but not in the game world. Video showcase: Version 1.3 Showcase : Download link: AdvancedCompass
  6. Hey there, i wanted to post here about something I've been messing around with a bit, an AI assistant (named Helena after one of CJ's gfs) what makes this one bit special is that it can access in-game data and players' stats, locations and it can also execute any function to retrieve information about the server/player in real time to cut the hustle of having to remember different commands for it, you just ask and the assistant delivers. Currently in its very very early stages! and it needs some more work, but whats really exciting is that you can use custom functions, like you can write any script then add it to a functions file that Helena can access and there you go it will understand when to use it and how to run the function to return the output without the need for you to use any command handlers or anything. This assistant uses Groq API (llama model) for fast interactions. using their free plan for quite a generous amount of requests. I just wanted to have some different thoughts and suggestions about this script, and when it's all done I'm planning to post it here for free so anyone can custom modify it for his own use. Shot video showcase :
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