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Everything posted by dev645

  1. function onClientSuccessBuysItem(target,item,currency,amount,price) setElementData(target,item,getElementData(target,item)+amount) takePlayerMoney(target, price) end addEvent("DayZPH:onClientSuccessBuysItem",true) addEventHandler("DayZPH:onClientSuccessBuysItem",getRootElement(),onClientSuccessBuysItem) It should work, if there are problems show debug. To enable it, type debugscript 3 in the console
  2. If you have a HUD that displays the player's money, then post the code from there here
  3. function onClientSuccessBuysItem(target,item,currency,amount,price) setElementData(target,item,getElementData(target,item)+amount) setElementData(target,"money",getElementData(target,"money")-price) -- or takePlayerMoney(target, price) end addEvent("DayZPH:onClientSuccessBuysItem",true) addEventHandler("DayZPH:onClientSuccessBuysItem",getRootElement(),onClientSuccessBuysItem)
  4. Hello. I'm doing my new "Star Wars" project at MTA. I need like-minded people, fans of the universe, to support me with ideas for various cool systems. I also need a designer for a good Star Wars style game interface. Contact me on Discord if you are - qev645
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