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nu am eu connexiunea dbconnect in mysql connectata si nu stiu cum sa o fac
fuel-system/s_gas_station.lua:33: Bad argument @ 'dbQuery' [Expected db-connection at argument 3] Salutare am si eu un sistem de benzinarie custom de mine dar nu i dau de cap aici la db-connection de asta va rog mult sa ma ajutati!
Mersi pentru ajutor am rezolvat!
Nu decat cand dau pe ped imi da erroarea
How can I do this. Can you help me modify it?
Hello, I want to ask you how I can adopt this script from dbQuery to mysql. local gas_stations = {} local db = exports.mysql:getConnection() local mysql = exports.mysql addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() dbQuery(function(qh) local result = dbPoll(qh, -1) if result and #result > 0 then for _, v in ipairs(result) do gas_stations[tostring(] = {} gas_stations[tostring(].pos = {x = v.x, y = v.y, z = v.z, int = v.interior, dim = v.dimension} gas_stations[tostring(].status = {owner = v.owner, price = tonumber(v.price), stock = tonumber(v.stock), id = tonumber(, fuelPrice = tonumber(v.fuelPrice), money = tonumber(} gas_stations[tostring(].colshape = createColSphere(v.x, v.y, v.z, 10) gas_stations[tostring(].pickup = createPickup(v.x, v.y, v.z, 3, 1239) end triggerClientEvent("gas:fetchGasStations", root, gas_stations) end end, {}, db, "SELECT * FROM `gas_stations` WHERE `deleted`='0' ORDER BY `id` ASC") end) addEvent("gas:getGasStations", true) addEventHandler("gas:getGasStations", root, function() triggerClientEvent("gas:fetchGasStations", root, gas_stations) end) addCommandHandler("makegas", function(thePlayer, command, price) if not exports.integration:isPlayerLeadAdmin(thePlayer) then return exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "error", "Nu ai acces la aceasta comanda!") end if not tonumber(price) then return outputChatBox("SYNTAX: /" .. command .. " [Pret]", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14) end local x, y, z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) local interior, dimension = getElementInterior(thePlayer), getElementDimension(thePlayer) dbQuery(function(qh, thePlayer) local result, numRows, lastID = dbPoll(qh, -1) if numRows > 0 then outputChatBox("A fost creata o noua benzinarie. ID: " .. lastID .. "!", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14) gas_stations[tostring(lastID)] = {} gas_stations[tostring(lastID)].pos = {x = x, y = y, z = z, int = interior, dim = dimension} gas_stations[tostring(lastID)].status = {owner = -1, price = tonumber(price), stock = 0, id = lastID, money = 0, fuelPrice = 4} gas_stations[tostring(lastID)].colshape = createColSphere(x, y, z, 10) gas_stations[tostring(lastID)].pickup = createPickup(x, y, z, 3, 1239) triggerClientEvent("gas:fetchGasStations", thePlayer, gas_stations) end end, {thePlayer}, db, "INSERT INTO `gas_stations` (`x`, `y`, `z`, `interior`, `dimension`, `stock`, `owner`, `price`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", x, y, z, interior, dimension, 0, -1, price) end) --comanda de fill function refillCommand(thePlayer, command, amount) local money = 0 local gasStation = nil for _, gs in pairs(gas_stations) do if isElementWithinColShape(thePlayer, gs.colshape) then gasStation = gs break end end if not gasStation then return exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "error", "Trebuie să te aflii într-o benzinărie.") end if not tonumber(amount) then return outputChatBox("SYNTAX: /" .. command .. " [Sumă ($) | 0 = plin]", thePlayer, 255, 194, 17) end local posX, posY, posZ = getElementPosition(thePlayer) local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer) if (getVehicleEngineState(theVehicle) == true) then exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "error", "Nu poti face plinul la masina cu motorul pornit.") return end if not (isPedInVehicle(thePlayer) == true) then exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "error", "Trebuie sa te aflii intr-un vehicul.") return end local theLitres = calculateFuelPrice(thePlayer, amount, 1, tonumber(gasStation.status.fuelPrice)) if tonumber(amount) == 0 then theLitres = calculateFuelPrice(thePlayer, 99999999, 1, tonumber(gasStation.status.fuelPrice)) end if tonumber(gasStation.status.owner) ~= -1 then if tonumber(gasStation.status.stock) < theLitres then return exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "error", "Această benzinărie nu are destul combustibil.") end end local fuelCost = theLitres*tonumber(gasStation.status.fuelPrice) money = local factionPlayer = getElementData(thePlayer, "faction") local factionVehicle = getElementData(theVehicle, "faction") local factionPaid = false if factionPlayer == factionVehicle and factionsThatPayForFuel[factionPlayer] and factionsThatPayForFuel[factionVehicle] then local theTeam = getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) if, fuelCost, true) then exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "info", "Angajatorul dvs. plateste pentru plin.") mysql:query_free("INSERT INTO wiretransfers (`from`, `to`, `amount`, `reason`, `type`) VALUES (" .. mysql:escape_string(( -getElementData( theTeam, "id" ) )) .. ", " .. mysql:escape_string(getElementData(thePlayer, "dbid")) .. ", " .. mysql:escape_string(fuelCost) .. ", '"..mysql:escape_string(theLitres).."', 9)" ) factionPaid = true end end if not factionPaid then if (fuelCost > 0 and money > 0) then if not exports.donators:hasPlayerPerk(thePlayer, 7) then if not, fuelCost) then exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "error", "Nu ai destui bani la tine.") return end end else exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "error", "Rezervorul dvs. este plin.") return end end local loldFuel = getElementData(theVehicle, "fuel") local newFuel = loldFuel+theLitres exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(theVehicle, "fuel", newFuel, false) triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "syncFuel", theVehicle, newFuel) local info = { {"Chitanță benzinărie"}, {""}, } if exports.donators:hasPlayerPerk(thePlayer, 7) and not factionPaid then table.insert(info, {" " .. math.ceil(theLitres) .. " litrii de combustibil - (( Gratuit ))"}) else table.insert(info, {" " .. math.ceil(theLitres) .. " litrii de combustibil - " .. fuelCost .. "$"}) if factionPaid then table.insert(info, {" Plătit de angajator "..tostring(exports.factions:getFactionName(factionPlayer))}) end end table.insert(info, {" "" - ", 2).."/", 2).." litres"}) triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "hudOverlay:drawOverlayTopRight", thePlayer, info ) --ia stock-ul din benzinarie local newStock = tonumber(gasStation.status.stock) - theLitres local newMoney = 0 if tonumber(gasStation.status.owner) ~= -1 then newMoney = tonumber( + fuelCost end if newStock < 0 then newStock = 0 end gasStation.status.stock = newStock = newMoney triggerClientEvent("gas:fetchOneGasStation", root,, gasStation) dbQuery(function(qh) dbFree(qh) return true end, {}, db, "UPDATE `gas_stations` SET `stock`=?, `money`=? WHERE `id`=?", newStock, newMoney, end addCommandHandler("refill", refillCommand) --cumpara benzinaria addEvent("gas:buyGasStation", true) addEventHandler("gas:buyGasStation", root, function(gasStation) if not, tonumber(gasStation.status.price)) then return false end, tonumber(gasStation.status.price)) dbQuery(function(qh, player, gasStation) local result, numRows, lastID = dbPoll(qh, -1) if numRows > 0 then if gasStation.status.owner > 0 then for _, p in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(p, "dbid") == tonumber(gasStation.status.owner) then setElementData(p, "bankmoney", (getElementData(p, "bankmoney") or 0) + gasStation.status.price) end end local updateBankMoney = exports.mysql:query_free("UPDATE `characters` SET `bankmoney`=`bankmoney` + '" .. gasStation.status.price .."' WHERE `id`='" .. gasStation.status.owner .."'") end exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(player, "succes", "Ai cumpărat această benzinărie cu succes!") local gasStationID = tostring( local gasStation = gas_stations[gasStationID] --reloadOneGasStation(tonumber( gasStation.status.owner = getElementData(player, "dbid") gasStation.status.price = 0 gasStation.status.stock = 50 triggerClientEvent("gas:fetchOneGasStation", root,, gasStation) end dbFree(qh) end, {client, gasStation}, db, "UPDATE `gas_stations` SET `owner`=?, `price`=?, `stock`=? WHERE `id`=?", getElementData(client, "dbid"), 0, 50, tonumber( end) --reload la o benzinarie doar function reloadOneGasStation(gasID) if not gas_stations[tostring(gasID)] then return false end destroyElement(gas_stations[tostring(gasID)].colshape) destroyElement(gas_stations[tostring(gasID)].pickup) gas_stations[tostring(gasID)] = nil loadOneGasStation(tonumber(gasID)) end function loadOneGasStation(gasID) dbQuery(function(qh) local result = dbPoll(qh, -1) if result and #result > 0 then local gasData = result[1] gas_stations[tostring(] = {} gas_stations[tostring(].pos = {x = gasData.x, y = gasData.y, z = gasData.z, int = gasData.interior, dim = gasData.dimension} gas_stations[tostring(].status = {owner = gasData.owner, price = tonumber(gasData.price), stock = tonumber(gasData.stock), id = tonumber(, money = tonumber(, fuelPrice = tonumber(gasData.fuelPrice)} gas_stations[tostring(].colshape = createColSphere(gasData.x, gasData.y, gasData.z, 10) gas_stations[tostring(].pickup = createPickup(gasData.x, gasData.y, gasData.z, 3, 1239) end triggerClientEvent("gas:fetchGasStations", root, gas_stations) dbFree(qh) end, {}, db, "SELECT * FROM `gas_stations` WHERE `id`=?", tonumber(gasID)) end --update la pret benzina addEvent("gas:updateFuelPrice", true) addEventHandler("gas:updateFuelPrice", root, function(gasStation, price) dbQuery(function(qh, player, gasStation) local result, numRows, lastID = dbPoll(qh, -1) if numRows > 0 then exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(player, "succes", "Ai setat prețul la benzină cu succes!") local gasStationID = tostring( local gasStation = gas_stations[gasStationID] --reloadOneGasStation(tonumber( gasStation.status.fuelPrice = tonumber(price) triggerClientEvent("gas:fetchOneGasStation", root,, gasStation) end dbFree(qh) end, {client, gasStation}, db, "UPDATE `gas_stations` SET `fuelPrice`=? WHERE `id`=?", price, tonumber( end) addEvent("gas:withdrawMoney", true) addEventHandler("gas:withdrawMoney", root, function(gasStation, amount) dbQuery(function(qh, player, gasStation) local result, numRows, lastID = dbPoll(qh, -1) if numRows > 0 then exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(player, "succes", "Ai scos banii cu succes din seif!") local gasStationID = tostring( local gasStation = gas_stations[gasStationID] --reloadOneGasStation(tonumber(, amount) = - tonumber(amount) triggerClientEvent("gas:fetchOneGasStation", root,, gasStation) end dbFree(qh) end, {client, gasStation}, db, "UPDATE `gas_stations` SET `money`=? WHERE `id`=?", - tonumber(amount), tonumber( end) addEvent("gas:setSellPrice", true) addEventHandler("gas:setSellPrice", root, function(gasStation, price) dbQuery(function(qh, player, gasStation) local result, numRows, lastID = dbPoll(qh, -1) if numRows > 0 then exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(player, "succes", "Ai scos la vânzare benzinăria cu succes!") local gasStationID = tostring( local gasStation = gas_stations[gasStationID] gasStation.status.price = tonumber(price) triggerClientEvent("gas:fetchOneGasStation", root,, gasStation) end dbFree(qh) end, {client, gasStation}, db, "UPDATE `gas_stations` SET `price`=? WHERE `id`=?", tonumber(price), tonumber( end) addEvent("gas:updateGasStationStock", true) addEventHandler("gas:updateGasStationStock", root, function(gasStationID, stockAmount, orderID) local newStock = gas_stations[tostring(gasStationID)].status.stock + tonumber(stockAmount) dbQuery(function(qh, player, newStock, gasStationID) local result, numRows, lastID = dbPoll(qh, -1) if numRows > 0 then local gasStation = gas_stations[tostring(gasStationID)] gasStation.status.stock = tonumber(newStock) triggerClientEvent("gas:fetchOneGasStation", root,, gasStation) end dbFree(qh) end, {client, newStock, gasStationID}, db, "UPDATE `gas_stations` SET `stock`=? WHERE `id`=?", tonumber(newStock), tonumber(gasStationID)) end) addEvent("gas:buyStock", true) addEventHandler("gas:buyStock", root, function(gasStation, stock) exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(client, "succes", "Ai dat comandă de combustibil cu succes!") --reloadOneGasStation(tonumber(, stock * 4) dbQuery(function(qh) dbFree(qh) end, {}, db, "INSERT INTO `stock_orders` (`biz_id`, `biz_type`, `stock_amount`, `x`, `y`, `z`, `trailer`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", tonumber(, 1, tonumber(stock), gasStation.pos.x, gasStation.pos.y, gasStation.pos.z, 584) triggerClientEvent("gas:fetchOneGasStation", root,, gasStation) end) --fetch benzinarii addEvent("gas:fetchGasStations", true) addEventHandler("gas:fetchGasStations", root, function(temp_table) gas_stations = temp_table end) --opreste jucatorul din a lua pickup-ul lol function serverPickupHit(matchingDimension) for _, pickup in pairs(gas_stations) do if pickup.pickup == source then cancelEvent() break end end end addEventHandler("onPickupHit", root, serverPickupHit) --refillgs function pedWillFillFuelCan(thePlayer, command) if not (thePlayer and isElement(thePlayer)) then return end local gasStation = nil for _, gs in pairs(gas_stations) do if isElementWithinColShape(thePlayer, gs.colshape) then gasStation = gs break end end if not gasStation then return exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "error", "Nu te aflii intr-o benzinarie!") end local hasItem, itemSlot, itemValue, itemUniqueID =, 57) if not (hasItem) then exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "error", "Nu ai o canistra la tine.") return end if itemValue >= 10 then exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "error", "Este deja plina.") return end local theLitres = 10 - itemValue local fuelCost = math.floor(theLitres * tonumber(gasStation.status.fuelPrice)) local money = if tonumber(money) == 0 then exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "error", "Nu ai destui bani la tine.") return else if not, fuelCost) then exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "error", "Nu ai destui bani la tine - " .. fuelCost .. "$!") return end end if not (exports['item-system']:updateItemValue(thePlayer, itemSlot, itemValue + theLitres)) then exports.fuel_notifications:addNotification(thePlayer, "error", "Ups.. ceva nu a mers bine.") return end local info = { {"Gas Station Receipt"}, {""}, {" " .. math.ceil(theLitres) .. " Litrii de combustibil - " .. fuelCost .. "$"}, } triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "hudOverlay:drawOverlayTopRight", thePlayer, info ) end addCommandHandler("refillgs", pedWillFillFuelCan)
I know, but there are several variants with the value, for example from account to character
MYSQL ERROR 1364: Field 'id' doesn't have a default value ?
mysql/connection.lua:174: Bad usage @ 'dbConnect' [Access denied for user 'u2951_OMFcNk13wb'@'' (using password: YES)] How can I solve this problem?
Help me rezolved problem?
[20:09:22] INFO: MYSQL ERROR 1364: Field 'log_id' doesn't have a default value
[21:44:49] INFO: [MYSQL] Closed connection to MySQL database. [21:44:49] INFO: [MYSQL] Opening connection to MySQL database.. [21:44:491 INFO: [MYSOLJ Connection to the MySOL database was successfully established! [21:44:49] INFO: N/A 21:44:491 INFO: MYSOL ERROR 2006: MySOL server has gone away if there are players on it it works perfectly but after there is no one there it doesn't appear! and you have to restart mysql