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Everything posted by mafioz

  1. function onPlayerKey(button, press) if not press and button == "e" then -- check clicking E -- function () end end addEventHandler("onClientKey", root, onPlayerKey) ?
  2. killPed ( hitElement, source, 34, 3 ) use instead of triggerServerEvent! ?
  3. Sorry, fixed function respawnPlayer() local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) local int = getElementInterior(source) local dim = getElementDimension(source) local _, _, rot = getElementRotation(source) local skin = getElementModel(source) fadeCamera(source, false) setTimer(function (source, skin, int, dim, x, y, z, rot) spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z, rot, skin, int, dim) fadeCamera(source, true) end, 3000,1,source, skin, int, dim, x, y, z, rot) end addEventHandler ("onPlayerWasted", root, respawnPlayer)
  4. Do you want to make the player appear where he died after death? function respawnPlayer() local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) local int = getElementInterior(source) local dim = getElementDimension(source) local _, _, rot = getElementRotation(source) local skin = getElementModel(source) fadeCamera(source, false) setTimer(function (source, skin, int, dim, x, y, z, rot) spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z, rot, skin, int, dim) fadeCamera(source, true) end, 3000,1,source) end addEventHandler ("onPlayerWasted", root, respawnPlayer)
  5. function HackingRange(source, Difficulty) function HackingRange(Difficulty)
  6. Sorry for the english. The bindKey specifies a player that is in the function itself, so the script does not see this value * You need to specify an actual player for the key binding instead of thePlayer. ------------- * In addEventHandler instead of markerN write WorkMarker
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