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Everything posted by [RT]kooper
for some reason the .com doesnt seem to be working but you can get to mtascripts throught http://www.x32dev.com/mtascripts/
ok we worked long into the night on the mysql and finaly got mtascripts.com back up so get posting
well as i sed it would happen mtascripts.com has gone down unfortunately it was a little sooner than we expected oops
looks good but when are we going to get some propper cheat protection crc checks just dont cut it
opium do you check your email account you used to sign up for the mta scripts forum, i sent you an email... sorry to keep posting off topic here but its the only way we can sort this once and for all and never hear about it again
yer, atleast on the mta scripts tite other ppls scripts go credited, you know something bout that dont ya dan. i would also like to see these other site, has anyone got a link?
the host was fine you were the only person with problems check your email opium if you want to use the forums fine if not dont use em just from the first post you havent said anything useful the first thing you ever posted was i dont like the site its not postnuke well fine, go find a postnuke scripts site, and good luck cos you will need it
Aeron i made you admn at the script site so you can start adding to the archive http://www.dogtagworks.com
well here we go the new site for the scripts is at http://www.dogtagworks.com archive and scripts will be there and it should be alot easier to find scripts on there cos its a dedicated site aeron when you sign up i will make you admin [edit] i forgot to say... if anyone had any ideas or sergestions about the look of the site can you post them on the forum, thanks
Ah no.. You only changed some of the messages, and post it again.. wow.. now i know why this thread is allmost 50 pages... How could anybody find something here, if everything is ajusted for just 2 characters, and no real big improvments, and posted over and over and over again? yep, x32 developers in in the middle of making a custom site for posting scripts and archive for tested and working scripts that sort of thing... please be patient not long to wait now!
i decided to use post nuke with a forum module, the pnphpbb2 module seems to be the best out there at the moment but if you know better please tell me. i have also started adding a 'archive' module, so all the scripts like votekick etc can be in there and found easily.
i offered 24/7 hosting, and i still do, i can set up a forum and give aeron, oli admin rights and whoever else you think should have admin i dont need helpers to set up the site, just moderators once it is set up. but if you want to help your more than welcome. can i also point out, this is web hosting that i pay for so your not getting some doddgy connection to a doddgy server
ignor that last post its complete rubbish
i have tested your script oli and most of it works except a couple of things whn you manhunt vote or start manhunt on a specific person and there aint enough players for manhunt in the server you get this... and if there are enough players and you start manhunt on a specific person you get this... thats it eveything else is good, thanks oli
if you just want a site for scripts to be on, in catagories etc you can do that in html but for ppl to post their scripts on its just gona turn into a forum anyway
if you want a site setting up i can set up a phpbb2 forum on my site and get a .tk for it and when i have time probably set up a site thats a bit better than phpbb2 tell me what you think ppl or email/msn if its a yes
thanks alot oli i will do some testing on it but im sure it will be fine i will be running it on the [RT] server so if anyone wants to see it in action it will be there or msn me thanks again oli
i had an idea for a decent script which i cant be bothered makin at the mo cos im a bit busy at the moment, so i thought one of you pro script ppl can probably do it in about 10 seconds, so here goes... you vote for a specific person to be manhunt, and same rules apply but it turns off when you win/loose, thats it
hi all just wondering if anyone knew of any irc addons that detect a key word (eg !admin) then play a wav or mp3 file so i can run it in conjunction with the mta/irc flood script and wen ppl are shouting admin while im doing something i know about it
thanks man always happy to help with and hits you want to collect on your sites aswell lol
im doin exactly the same thing but im lucky to have had alot of help from other ppl
thanks for replying your script sounds good, please keep me posted on its progress cos i wouldnt mind having a go at using it. i have been having a go at making it but i have only been irc scripting for 3 days so i get so far then my own script starts to confuse me [uVA]sc00by has been halping me out alot but i dont want to ask for hs help too much incase i become that realy anoying person who wont leave him alone, lol i will keep having a stab at it and if i can do it i will post it
i have a slightly varied idea for an in game kick or ban script (i think) i already have the clan tag login script that writes to a login.ini file can i make an in game kick script that first checks if your name is loged in then kicks the id you specify i.e. !kick 5 and then it would kick whoever was id 5 but public players wouldnt be able to do this cos there not logged in as a clan member thanks for any reply even if its no your a stupid script noob go away, lol