yeah many of such projects came and go, but that doesn't mean that they were imitating MTA at all. the only project (in my opinion) that was close to imitating MTA was ViceMultiplayer, when Stanton just started the project( he constantly asked the mta team for help but also 'sort of' said that it would beat mta. later on , the team size grew, and most of them joined GTAC, and a few of them are currently in the SA-MP team, which isn't an imitation).
i don't understand why ppl don't realise that there is no competition between those projects. until ppl realise, the arguïng will go on.
i think developers of any multiplayer mod should stay neutral ( which means they shouldn't say thinks like, we're the best or our mod beats mod x ; anything that sounds arrogant and which could cause a flamewar between mods). some fanboys however, will never realise though, but that can be dealt with.
anyway, i think planetgta should have waited for interviewing you( the team) cause you've just started to focus on deathmatch. and yeah it will be more interesting for the fans as soon as new info/media is going to be revealed.