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  1. i mean it to be pitch blue the sky without any clouds like as when you start as single player.
  2. in the current mta when the weather is sunny it is not totally sunny as there are still clouds. in the upcoming release can you plz make the weather proper sunny with pitch blue sky and bring back the spaz . thanks.
  3. Once a cheater always a cheater. im glad mta made spectator mode so you can ban hidden cheaters like genzo. serves him right for being banned from all the servers! even though he jet packed after the match it is still against the mta law and still cheating because he would have still killed people with the weopons he was getting.
  4. i tried to go to the site home page but got redirected here. is it closed temporarly?
  5. hey , i am sorry if anyone else has mentioned this , but will blue be so synced that punching will now be possible? and also if someone is driving the car it wont shake and you can stand on the car while they are driving it? thanks. keep the great job up!
  6. hello , when i first played mta i used to use the classic controls as i was used to it like the xbox or ps2 , but then i realised that those controls wernt very well synced , so i had to use what most people use now is the standard controls , i used to use a game pad. i wanted to ask if mta blue will be synced to classic controls too so you can manual aim with stubby or uzi and get that red circle aim and shoot and still be synced? thanks.
  7. ban BlooD , i was playing in a server then he comes along and uses hacks to spawn vehicles and make ur game crash or drown your car while your driving.
  8. thats brilliant!!! , i have a suggestion for vc radio too , as when ever i start the game in mta , the radio tracks are always beginning at the same track , maybe you can do something about having the radio starting from a different song each time?
  9. oke , and also will there be seperate modding servers? so if someone jsut wanted to play regularly they could?
  10. in mta blue , will there be a chat in it just like all mta modes , and also will the players be on the radar?
  11. the-man

    MTA 0.4.1 Released

    YEAH NOW THATS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!! the spawn selection is much better and the lag fix and crashes it the best!!! THANK YOU , MTA TEAM HAVE DONE IT AGAIN :D nice nice! keep the good work up!!
  12. the-man


    even if we do install anti crashe its going to expire anyway some day
  13. the-man


    ok , i liked the old mta 0.3 i want the player selection to be plain simple , so in the mean time ill stil play mta 0.3 , but an idea , can the team make a patch where if you can decide to play as 0.4 player selection or as 0.3 as all the players in a stright line?
  14. the-man


    hi , heres my suggestions/opinion: mta 0.4 is alot more slower then 0.3 and ping demanding. if i spawn more then once i crash ! thirdly the stubbi's stance when you shoot with the stubbi the player just stays there for 3 seconds longer as with 0.3 it was quick. is there any chance that like 0.3 there will be a mta 0.4r2 ? but good work so far though!!! its ok but i prefer 0.3 to be much more stable and stronger. thanks mta team!
  15. the-man


    hi , heres my suggestions/opinion: mta 0.4 is alot more slower then 0.3 and ping demanding. if i spawn more then once i crash ! thirdly the stubbi's stance when you shoot with the stubbi the player just stays there for 3 seconds longer as with 0.3 it was quick. is there any chance that like 0.3 there will be a mta 0.4r2 ?
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