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xScripterEn last won the day on April 17 2021

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  1. Police Team = اسم التيم الشرطي الي عندك , ف يمديك تغيره عادي
  2. معليش والله م فهمتك بالاول تفضل addEventHandler ( 'onVehicleStartEnter' , root , function ( Player , _ , Driver ) if ( not Driver ) then return false end local DriverTeam = getPlayerTeam ( Driver ) if ( DriverTeam ) then if DriverTeam ~= getTeamFromName ( 'Police Team' ) then return false end local Team = getPlayerTeam ( Player ) if ( Team == DriverTeam ) then cancelEvent ( ) end end end )
  3. لآ ي الغالي نو تيم لا تحطه شرطي حط اسم التيم الي بيكون يقدر يخرج الي بلتيم معه
  4. addEventHandler ( 'onVehicleStartEnter' , root , function ( Player , _ , Driver ) if ( not Driver ) then return false end local DriverTeam = getPlayerTeam ( Driver ) if ( DriverTeam ) then if DriverTeam == getTeamFromName ( 'No Team' ) then return false end local Team = getPlayerTeam ( Player ) if ( Team == DriverTeam ) then cancelEvent ( ) end end end ) بلنسبه لكودك الثاني جرب سيرفر سايد
  5. -- # لمن يرسبن addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerSpawn' , root , function ( ) for Index , Value in pairs ( { [ 69 ] = 999 , [ 70 ] = 999 , [ 71 ] = 999 , [ 72 ] = 999 , [ 73 ] = 500 , [ 74 ] = 999 , [ 75 ] = 500 , [ 76 ] = 999 , [ 77 ] = 999 , [ 78 ] = 999 , [ 79 ] = 999 , [ 160 ] = 999 } ) do setPedStat ( source , Index , Value + 1 ) end end ) -- # لمن المود يشتغل addEventHandler ( 'onResourceStart' , resourceRoot , function ( ) for Index , Value in pairs ( { [ 69 ] = 999 , [ 70 ] = 999 , [ 71 ] = 999 , [ 72 ] = 999 , [ 73 ] = 500 , [ 74 ] = 999 , [ 75 ] = 500 , [ 76 ] = 999 , [ 77 ] = 999 , [ 78 ] = 999 , [ 79 ] = 999 , [ 160 ] = 999 } ) do for _ , Players in ipairs ( getElementsByType( 'player' ) ) do setPedStat ( Players , Index , Value + 1 ) end end end )
  6. الاكواد الي تحتاجها 1- setPedStat 2- setWeaponProperty 3- onVehicleStartEnter
  7. xScripterEn

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