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  1. Do you have a Discord? I'd like to talk about it more.
  2. Yeleha

    TV Script

    Help no longer needed, I figured it out.
  3. Also adding a shader to make the vehicle shadow invisible
  4. Yeleha

    TV Script

    I am looking forward to doing a TV script for players that buy a house (Playable Youtube Videos). I am either looking for MTA events to use or for someone else to get paid to do it.
  5. Yeleha


    My users are crashing because of the 'Out of video memory' offset. I would really appreciate some tips & tricks to optimize scripts and models. (I am trying to optimize models but we are using some extravagant model sizes that I can't get under 1MB no matter how hard I try.) I tried performancebrowser but I am unsure about the values the Lua Memory tab shouldn't be reaching at max.
  6. local playermoney = getPlayerMoney(player) Player in this case is the source that is executing it, so you. If you want to set it to a player with an account that is currently logged in you should do that with a loop. for k,v in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getAccountName(v) == AccName then -- This can cause problems if more players are on the same account, giving all of them money givePlayerMoney(v, amount) end end
  7. I was wondering how to have more then 315 skin IDs. I saw a server have 400+ slots for skins but I can't reproduce that behavior in any sort of way.
  8. Yeleha

    ACL Problem

    I don't have ACL access with these settings. The group has access to this.
  9. Yeleha

    Showing Cursor

    Can't figure out how to use it. Can you complete the script for me please?
  10. I have a simple script to show the cursor on bind, but I don't want any binds ( except the bind to switch the cursor ) to be usable when it's shown. function toggleCursor() if (isCursorShowing()) then showCursor(false) guiSetInputMode('allow_binds') else showCursor(true, true) guiSetInputMode('no_binds') end end bindKey("m", "down", "togglecursor") This works but the M-key is not usable.
  11. I was thinking about how I should make the player finger point to the camera position exactly like in Gta V. If somebody would find some free time I would greatly appreciate if you would make the script for me.
  12. I have a different problem now, when I have my in-game mouse visible, the door can still be opened/closed and I would need a fix for that.
  13. Okay, I fixed it now it works just fine.
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