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  1. Senki nem fog helyetted ingyen scriptelni. addCommandHandler outputChatBox getElementData A minden egységes dologhoz kell egy for ciklus amiben végigpörgeted a játékosokat, lekérdezed a játékosok frakcióját, ha az egyezik a kiválasztott frakival, üzenjen a játékosnak.
  2. Hello! I've been banned yesterday for hacking activities. I tried to make an internal Lua injector for the client, and to bypass the AC. I got banned like three times for DLL inject, and once for my project. I coded my own hack, and tried it I had no big plans to do with it, I was just curious. (btw the Lua injector didn't work properly, but I just had to fix some lines) After that I got the ban. I am being honest with you Dutchman, I will never try to cheat again. Serial: 641EE0C84313D143361A22E1B2570124
  3. https://pastebin.mtasa.com/999996361 Version = 1.5.8-release-20881.1.000 Time = Thu Aug 5 19:199 2021 Module = C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\gta_sa.exe Code = 0xC0000005 Offset = 0x003C91CC EAX=0F730288 EBX=0F730278 ECX=0028FA90 EDX=00221D20 ESI=00000000 EDI=00000001 EBP=0028FC40 ESP=0028FA70 EIP=007C91CC FLG=00210202 CS=0023 DS=002B SS=002B ES=002B FS=0053 GS=002B
  4. Hey, guys. I've been coding for 3 years now and I hopped in a very big problem, so I hope somebody can help me. I am developing a server that runs with a RolePlay mod. I know what 0xc0000005 means, but I can't solve it. I have a script that shows me all the script's CPU usage on server and client-side also. Nothing runs more than 1-2%, expect the Inventory that can be 5% sometimes, but that's fine imo. We have a lot of car mods, nothing is more than 15 megabyte all in all. The server has 7050 megabyte RAM and 7850 MHz CPU for 50 players on average. Everyone is crashing a day more than 10 times and I don't know what script or car can cause that. I am using tables ofc, and I clear tables if the player doesn't have to use it on client-side. I need some tips to fix this problem, have a good day.
  5. MTADiag LOG: https://pastebin.mtasa.com/601933713
  6. Linux Mint-en vagyok, és a kliens menüben folyamatosan kidob ezzel az üzenettel. Megcsináltam az instrukciókat amiket ajánlott (linux szerver), de még mindig nem működik.
  7. I'm running a Linux Mint and this message keeps saying that MTA can't validate my serial. I did the instructions (linux server), but still not working. I hope you can help me.
  8. Kliens oldalon nem kell megadnod az elementet.
  9. Közel van a lehetetlenhez. Nem sok értelme van vele próbálkozni, hiszen az egészet sosem fogod tudni visszafejteni.
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