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Posts posted by njr1489

  1. whilst the team hope to get Blue finished before SA is released on PC

    but, that gives em like 6 weeks, so whatd be the point of releasing 0.5.1 if blue will be out so soon after

    If they were to release it this week, there would be a point. People would play a lot more, and would be paitent for blue. It would also be pointless to release it a week before blue since its 1 week away.

  2. Looks like This clan will be playing in MTA SA since it will be possible. Anyway about your clan getting big, here is what you do. Train the clan and make them good enough that people want to be in. Also, be knowna lot more, and help new guys cause they might be on your side someday.

  3. I thx that we need 2 make a san andreas mod 4 vice city. Also 4 san andreas we need 2 make a mod called Vice city and Liberity city.

    I understand some of what you are saying. Are you saying have the SA map for VC? I think there is one under development by some other community. Why have a map mod of VC for SA when you can play vc on blue?about liberty city, maybe it can be a mod for blue on VC.

  4. Well here are reasons why people don't play:

    - People want a new experience and are waiting for 0.5.1

    - The repetition of the game

    - People not playing

    - Ruined gameplay(in their view)

    - People are into other games

    One other reason I would also say why 0.5 is declining is the amount of players as yankees said. The popularity decreases because of those reasons.

  5. And with any luck, the devoted Grand Theft Auto PC fan community will give the game even more life with modifications. Apparently, existing modifications, like the online Multi Theft Auto, will require some programming adjustments to adapt to San Andreas, but they won't require complete overhauls. Though the game won't ship with mod tools, Rockstar expects that with community support, San Andreas for the PC will keep players busy for a long, long, long time. From what we've seen, we don't have much reason to disagree. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas for the PC looks like a better version of an already-great game. It offers more options and better graphics, and the huge world of San Andreas remains intact. The game is scheduled for release in June.

    This is great news. This means there can be a MTA SA in development. And it also looks like MTA is getting more recognition.

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