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About S7waj

  • Birthday 14/03/2005

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  1. Hi Guys , My Problem Is My Character Move To The Right Alone , i changed the keyboard + restart mta + re-download mta + re-download gta and the problem still there ( the problem in MTA + GTA Only )
  2. guys i create login panel html but when i press login or register nothing happen
  3. i have problem in es-system roleplay mod , the mod should wait 30 sec to respawn , i want to know how to delete the button until the time end , what codes should i use?
  4. Hi Guys I Want To Make Ped Start sound when the ped attack the player but the sound don't start can i know where is the wrong? function tankAttack ( attacker, weapon, bodypart, randnum ) local number = tonumber(randum) if not number then return end if (attacker) then if getElementType ( attacker ) == "ped" then if (getElementData (attacker, "Tank") == true) then local playerHealth = getElementHealth ( getLocalPlayer() ) if playerHealth > 15 then setElementHealth ( source, playerHealth - 20 ) local Zx1, Zy1, Zz1 = getElementPosition( attacker ) local sound = playSound3D("sounds/tgroan"..math.ceil(number)..".wav", Zx1, Zy1, Zz1, false) setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 20) else triggerServerEvent ("killed", source, source, attacker, weapon, bodypart ) end end end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", getLocalPlayer(), tankAttack )
  5. I Created A bridge when player hit marker the bridge lower i want the bridge get up after time -server side local x,y,z = 725.70001220703, 574, 28 local time = 10000 local gate = createObject(5333, 725.70001220703, 574, 28, 359, 0, 93) local marker = createMarker(721.80884, 668.31335, 9.33671, "cylinder", 1.4, 255, 0, 0, 255) function moveGate(hitPlayer, matchingDimension) moveObject(gate, time, 725.70001220703, 574, 28, 0, 0, 0) end
  6. S7waj

    Ped Sound Help

    ok MrKAREEM I will try it + do you remember me? i'am itsMessi on FFS Gaming
  7. S7waj

    Ped Sound Help

    sound is added and sound diden't start
  8. S7waj

    Ped Sound Help

    i will trry it Where's the Wrong Here? addEvent ( "tanks", true ) addEventHandler ( "tanks", root, function ( ) local x,y,z = getElementPosition( tanks ) local sound = playSound3D( "tank_spawn.wav", x,y,z, true) attachElements ( sound, tanks) end )
  9. S7waj

    Ped Sound Help

    man i said i want it on ped not on location ( when ped move sound follow him )
  10. S7waj

    Ped Sound Help

    Like Zombie Moan
  11. S7waj

    Ped Sound Help

    ok i will try it man i want to play sound on ped not on location i want to know playSound3D codes pls
  12. S7waj

    Ped Sound Help

    I need codes to make a sound on ped when spawn and death ( sound from desktop )
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