function alert ()
local skin = getElementModel(localPlayer)
if skin == 1 then
local name = getPlayerName(localPlayer)
local sound = playSound("alert.mp3") -- Play wasted.mp3 from the sounds folder
setSoundVolume(sound, 1) -- Set the sound volume to 50%
outputChatBox("HLR felhivás "" megnyitotta váróját! Lehet jönni ha bármi segítség kell!")
outputChatBox("Nincs engedélyed hozzá")
addCommandHandler("alert", alert, false, false)
function duty ()
setElementModel(localPlayer, 266)
addCommandHandler("aduty", duty, false, false)
I did the if statement for the skin , to your "alert" command
And i corrected the aduty command fuction because you was using thePalyer and it does not mean anything
you should use localPlayer because you are using client side