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Everything posted by ccw

  1. ccw

    GTA SA - MTA Ubuntu Help

    What is your MTA serial: 1) Start MTA 2) Press F8 3) Enter command: serial
  2. Try now Restart MTA if you get connection problems
  3. The server you are connecting to does not allow 'Killer Networking' Disable or uninstall 'Killer Networking'
  4. ccw

    [HELP] Compile Error

    Instructions for VS2019 are here: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Compiling_MTASA I think for VS2017 you must install MFC & ATL v141
  5. Find the MTA install directory and zip up MTA\dumps and upload to https://upload.mtasa.com/ and give link here
  6. Try now Restart MTA if you get connection issues
  7. Even the basic anti cheat for custom clients will be ending soon because it is too hard to maintain. Why do you want to use a custom client?
  8. Anti-cheat will not function correctly on custom clients. You'll have to make your own
  9. Try: apt-get install libncursesw5-dev If that doesn't work, what is the output of: ldd ./x64/core.so
  10. ccw

    need help

    Usually caused by a virus. You have Avast but it is disabled. Enable Avast and do a full scan.
  11. Please make a simple resource which shows the problem
  12. Caused by a virus https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/64715-install-anti-virus/
  13. ccw

    problem crash

  14. ccw

    Windows 10 Blue Screen

    Try disabling Windows Defender (AKA Windows Security), or at least disabling as many of its features as possible. If that doesn't help, try uninstalling MSI Afterburner If that doesn't help, try uninstalling ESET
  15. Caused by an error at MTAHQ Should be fixed by restarting the MTA client
  16. Those crashes are caused by memory problems and should be solved by installing 64 bit Windows. If you still get crashes after installing 64 bit Windows, then please provide more crash dumps
  17. ccw

    Windows 10 Blue Screen

    I don't know. Probably not. Please download and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Press 'n' when asked. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you
  18. ccw

    Windows 10 Blue Screen

    BSOD occurred in Microsoft Defender Zip up all files in C:\Windows\Minidump and upload to https://upload.mtasa.com/ and give the link here
  19. ccw

    Windows 10 Blue Screen

    Are there any files in C:\Windows\Minidump ? If yes, then please upload the latest one to https://upload.mtasa.com/ and give the link here
  20. C:\Program Files\grand t\gta_sa.exe is 0 bytes Try: 1) In Windows Explorer go to C:\Program Files\grand t\ 2) Delete gta_sa.exe 3) Rename proxy_sa.exe to gta_sa.exe
  21. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/78081-32-bit-windows-crashing/
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