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Everything posted by r14thomas
Aeron, i think u are one of the greateast people, but the mtama update dont work i think... i was going on http://home.dds.nl/~aeron/files/mta.tmp but there was an apache error message and... am i right, if i think that u speak german? if it's true, let me say something to u: Aeron, du bist der beste, wenn du ICQ oder ähnliches hast, dann lass es mich wissen
ok, so the people list i see in gta vice city while playing mta (by pressing F11) is the same like i see in mtama, right?
i've edited the stats script, not great, but a little bit if ($4 != $null) { mta.say $1 Name: $mta.name($1,$4) - ID: $4 - Ping: $mta.ping($1,$4) - Kills: $mta.kills($1,$4) - Deaths: $mta.deaths($1,$4) - Online: $duration($mta.online($1,$4)) - Status: $iif($mta.game($1,$4) == 1,Out Game,In Game) } else mta.say $1 Name: $mta.name($1,$2) - ID: $2 - Ping: $mta.ping($1,$2) - Kills: $mta.kills($1,$2) - Deaths: $mta.deaths($1,$2) - Online: $duration($mta.online($1,$2)) - Status: $iif($mta.game($1,$2) == 1,Out Game,In Game) and now i need help: when someone writes a word, 4 example fu*k, he should get kicket, like that way: if (fu*k isin $3-) { mta.say $1 kicking $mta.name($1,$2) 4 saying a bad word mta.kick $1 $2 } so, now i want, that everitime someone say that word, he should get kicked, but if he's doing that 10 times in 30 minutes he get banned, so i thing, the script must make an ini file and write in that file everitime, he says that word, of course more people can get in this file, but there should be a own "word counter" 4 eauch people... i hope u understand And Aeron, theres an error in mtama look, if there are 5 players, in the mtama admin tool and in the player client u can see: 0 player 0 1 player 1 2 player 2 3 player 3 4 player 4 5 player 5 but, if player 3 parts (or another player, just an example) u can see in the mtama admin tool: 0 player 0 1 player 1 2 player 2 4 player 4 5 player 5 and in the player client: 0 player 0 1 player 1 2 player 2 3 player 4 4 player 5 so, if an player want see the stats from player 5 hes typing: !stats 4 but bekomes the stats from player 4, thats not so good, hope u edit this
I know that of course... but cant u or somebody other code a simple programm, that can handle .mrc files and connect to the irc network? I think somebody in this board can do that
I have a problem again of course MTAMA is the greatest thing ever seen but: I have MTA running on a Linux server and I went to run the scripts on the server, too... couse i cant be always online so cant u code a "MTAMA without MIRC version 4 Linux" (it were great, if the version can also connect to the IRC network ) hope u can help me *looking to Aeron*
im linux newbie... where i can update my liberies?
i have a problem with the new (linux) version of the MTA Server (0.3.1), i cant start it, the error: error while loading shared libaries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: Cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory can anyone please help me? on my Server is running RedHat Linux 9
please dont make too many thinks in the new server, we only need a security update, FAST... i was floddet 2 times in 5 minutes, thats not fine
hmm... one more question, whats wrong at this code: alias mta.admin { if ($2 == !welcome on) { writeini -n welcome.ini on mta.say Wilkommenstext aktiviert } elseif ($2 == !welcome off) { .remove welcome.ini mta.say Wilkommenstext deaktiviert } alias mta.join { if ($exist(welcome.ini)) { mta.say $1 Hi $mta.name($1,$2) und wilkommen auf dem Server mta.say $1 visit us at www.[ZENSORED].xx } elseif ($len($mta.name($1,$2)) == 1) { mta.ban $1 $2 } } P.S. i know the IP from the flodder server, i and a few other server admins have written emails to the hoster, who resells the server
ok, i've tried again and again, but the flodder is so fast, the mirc script is to slow here a log: Ö has joined the game. Ö: OWNED Ö has left the game. - has joined the game. -: OWNED - has left the game. » has joined the game. »: OWNED » has left the game. ½ has joined the game. ½: OWNED ½ has left the game. S has joined the game. S: OWNED S has left the game. f has joined the game. f: OWNED f has left the game. ° has joined the game. °: OWNED ° has left the game. ¼ has joined the game. ¼: OWNED ¼ has left the game. has joined the game. : OWNED has left the game. has joined the game. : OWNED has left the game. ÷ has joined the game. ÷: OWNED ÷ has left the game. has joined the game. : OWNED has left the game. o has joined the game. o: OWNED o has left the game. µ has joined the game. µ: OWNED µ has left the game. Ï has joined the game. Ï: OWNED Ï has left the game. has joined the game. : OWNED has left the game. has joined the game. : OWNED has left the game. = has joined the game. =: OWNED = has left the game. ' has joined the game. ': OWNED ' has left the game. ì has joined the game. ì: OWNED ì has left the game. Ö has joined the game. Ö: OWNED Ö has left the game. ~ has joined the game. ~: OWNED ~ has left the game. î has joined the game. î: OWNED î has left the game. C has joined the game. C: OWNED C has left the game. ï has joined the game. ï: OWNED ï has left the game. ) has joined the game. ): OWNED ) has left the game. ë has joined the game. ë: OWNED ë has left the game. ð has joined the game. ð: OWNED ð has left the game. has joined the game. : OWNED has left the game. Disconnected: Connection timed out. (Delay = 10 sec) Connecting... Disconnected: Connection timed out. (Delay = 10 sec) please help me
I have a MTS Server running, but a [ZENSORED] is always flodding my server... (the method he's doing that is not interresting ) so, hes always coming with a nick, that have only 1 letter so, i want to make a mirc script, that bann everyone, who has only 1 letter in his nick... I tried: alias mta.join { if ($len($2) == 1) { mta.ban $1 $2 } } i tried other thinks, too, but nothing works, so, who can help me with the mirc script?
can u please send me the votekick script, too? [email protected] thank u a lot