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About ElsPesY

  • Birthday 19/09/1995


  • Gang
    Grove Street Familie
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    Gang member
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Vic (3/54)



  1. some help pls i used MTADiag and give me this https://pastebin.mtasa.com/999993186
  2. آتمنى لو كان الويكى معرب بالكامل كان هيسهل كتير على الناس شكراً على الشرح
  3. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته بقالى كام يوم بحاول أشوف شروحات واقرأ فى مواضيع المنتدى وبستفيد جداً وبتعلم شكراً ليكم لاكن عندى استفسار صغير ازاى اضيف للكود دة امر ان السيارة الى تتحجز تتنقل لاماكن محددة اتمنى تكونوا فهمتو قصدي function UnlockVehicle(element, matchingdimension) if (getElementType(element) == "vehicle" and getVehicleOccupant(element) and getElementData(getVehicleOccupant(element),"faction") == 4 and getElementModel(element) == 525 and getVehicleTowedByVehicle(element)) then local temp = element while (getVehicleTowedByVehicle(temp)) do temp = getVehicleTowedByVehicle(temp) local owner = getElementData(temp, "owner") local faction = getElementData(temp, "faction") local dbid = getElementData(temp, "dbid") local impounded = getElementData(temp, "Impounded") local thePlayer = getVehicleOccupant(element) if (owner > 0) then if (faction > 3 or faction < 0) then if (source == towSphere2) then --PD make sure its not marked as impounded so it cannot be recovered and unlock/undp it setVehicleLocked(temp, false) exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(temp, "Impounded", 0) exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(temp, "enginebroke", 0, false) setVehicleDamageProof(temp, false) setVehicleEngineState(temp, false) outputChatBox("((تم حجز المركبة بنجاح))", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14) else if (getElementData(temp, "faction") ~= 4) then if (impounded == 0) then --unlock it and impound it exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(temp, "Impounded", getRealTime().yearday) setVehicleLocked(temp, false) exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(temp, "enginebroke", 1, false) setVehicleEngineState(temp, false) local time = getRealTime() -- fix trailing 0's local hour = tostring(time.hour) local mins = tostring(time.minute) if ( time.hour < 10 ) then hour = "0" .. hour end if ( time.minute < 10 ) then mins = "0" .. mins end local datestr = time.monthday .. "/" .. time.month .." " .. hour .. ":" .. mins local theTeam = exports.pool:getElement("team", 4) local factionRanks = getElementData(theTeam, "ranks") local factionRank = factionRanks[ getElementData(thePlayer, "factionrank") ] or "" exports.global:giveItem(temp, 72, "Towing Notice: Impounded by ".. factionRank .." '".. getPlayerName(thePlayer) .."' at "..datestr) insertTowRecord(thePlayer, temp) outputChatBox("((تم حجز المركبة بنجاح))", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14) --notifications --exports.global:sendLocalDoAction(source, "Vehicle "..vehName.." has been impounded to "..factionName.."'s impound lot at lane #"..freeLane.lane..".") local factionName = getTeamName(theTeam) local owner = getElementData(temp, "owner") local account = exports.cache:getAccountFromCharacterId(owner) or {id = 0, username="No-one"} local characterName = exports.cache:getCharacterNameFromID(owner) or "No-one" if owner > 0 and account then exports.announcement:makePlayerNotification(account.id, factionName.."has impounded your "..exports.global:getVehicleName(temp).." (owned by "..characterName..").") end end end end else outputChatBox("هذة المركبة لايمكن حجزها لانها خاصة باحد الجهات الحكومية", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14) end end end end end addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", towImpoundSphere, UnlockVehicle) addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", towSphere2, UnlockVehicle)
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