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  1. Bom eu tenho um voice no meu servidor, que é do n3xt, porém ele é compilado devido a utilização vinculada dele juntamente com o sistema de celualr sendo assim não consigo remover ele do servidor. Gostariam que me indicassem uma configuração boa pro mtaserver do voice, atualmente estou usando a original. E gostaria de saber se é possível criar um script básico por fora que aumentaria o voice, executasse uma função que aumentaria o voice, o que eu uso no meu servidor que é compilado, se existe essa maneira ou não. por favor me audem
  2. Tenho um radar aquele com gps, que originalmente dele ele remove os blips padrão do servidor, queria alguma função pra ativar os blips padrão do servidor novamente no radar. alguem poderia me ajudar , o radar é bem complexo, só isso mesmo que atrapalha de remover os blips original.
  3. Guedes


    After the new MTA update, on my server and on a lot of other servers, players suffered direct crash errors and all with different errors, we've already tried to see if it's something on the server, but it's possibly not, an error in the mta. I wanted to know if you have any position on this or if you can point me to something It's not just me, it's all players on my server, and on other servers too the same constant problem https://prnt.sc/26rr6n7 https://prnt.sc/26rr7k8 https://prnt.sc/26rr7bq
  4. If there are no possibilities, not even paying, then I accept the offer of it, because even so I will be at a loss only accept paypal? my account is blocked
  5. This problem has already happened once ccw was able to solve it, please I can't lose this toplist, help me !!
  6. Due to the covid-19 pandemic, I couldn't change the name of the toplist server, so it ended up entering the top as MTA Server, and I need to change the name urgently so as not to lose the toplist I'm Brazilian, the euro here is very expensive I spent months collecting the money to acquire the same and due to covid my father was in isolation I had to help him I couldn't use the computer, and I need this change please help me!! IP:mtasa:// name I want: 〚BR/RP〛 BRASIL CIDADE AVANÇADA ~ | OFICIAL → LITE → Exclusivo → Otimizado |
  7. Hello, again, please ask to answer me, I am 3 days waiting for answers and I don't have it. My TOPLIST entered as an MTA server, due to the isolation period that was caused by COVID-19 in Brazil, it is very serious, and I am only asking to change the name of the server in the list of favorites, please do not be in the meanness. , it took me a while to get the money. Email PayPal: [email protected] (Accommodation Reseller in Brazil) My toplist is already counting! IP IN TOPLIST THAT IS AS MTA SERVER: 22063 Server name to be updated: <servername>〚BR〛★ BRASIL CIDADE AVANÇADA ★ ~ | FiveM RP → Oficial → Exclusivo | ~ </servername>
  8. Hello community I came across this support to ask MTA administrators for help I bought top list arrived already, but my hosting is with lag, and the hosting owner wants to put me on another machine due to IP not allowing, and I would like to know how to change ip. I waited a long time to realize a dream and I do not want it to be destroyed by the host's lag.
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