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Posts posted by DarkDragon98756

  1. and i sayd :P
    hmm its probably the same as with the that i wont work heli :?

    and it would also look really f*cked up in some boats like the tropic and the marquis and some others beczus at some you would probably be in the roof and at the marquis cj can only stand and else he would be sitting in air :error:

    I wish I could understand what you 'sayd' without breaking my brain.

  2. I know about this, but i was asking if there will be targeting driveby like in cars. (MTA team wants to remove normal drive by because it's unbalancing the game)

    That's exactly what I said. If you can normal drive-by from it in single-player, you can manual aim drive-by in MTA...

    And the normal drive-by is overpowered.

  3. Wow stop playing online games. Go buy a real connection if you want to. I can't think of any reason why you couldn't get one unless you're A) underage or B) don't have any isp near you which I highly doubt.

  4. four things:

    1. Shooting backward on the motorbike looks REALLY stupid (when driving it at the same time)

    2. GTA is unrealistic but it tries to be. Don't make it more stupid than it is.

    3. Why would not driver's drive-by look like in Mafia? You can shoot but for limited amount of space.

    4. As a passenger we should be able to shoot almost any weapon. Is it available? (for example i saw once in SP guy shooting from ak-47 sorry I don't have a photo)

    Man, i don't wanna the game be more realistic, i want it to be as more fun as possible. And ak-47 in drive-bys is too powerfull weapon, will spoil it imho

    How can you even say that before you try it? You realize all the drive-by weapons can be modified. You could tone up/down the damage on certain weapons whilst drive-bying to keep it even. It's just that if you can only drive-by with SMG's everyone will be the class (if there's classes) with the SMG. Or people will only buy SMG's.

  5. The game does have to be realistic to some extent, it's just a matter of opinion where to draw the line.

    I'd rather have an enjoyable and (as best possible) balanced multiplayer experience than worry about someone turning while his model isn't inside the car. I wouldn't even care if the model wasn't even in the car. Pfft.

  6. There probably wont. These drivebys are far better than the SP ones. If anything, you'll be able to disable drivebys as driver altogether but not change to the other drivebys.

    Everytime you agree with me about drive-by's I get a fuzzy feeling inside of me. I'm so glad that someone in this god forsaken world knows what overpowered is when he sees it.

  7. It will be in the release afaik and it's better than giving them the default right/left driveby.

    No its not!!!Better is when driver can shoot to left and right!You see when you driving with the car and turning camera to the right player is putting his hand on the car!!!His hands isn't on the helm!!!Its not real!!!You should make somekind of option where server can put this option on and off!

    It's clear you have no idea what you're talking about. Even amongst the terrible english. But let me try to speak to you in a way you can understand.


  8. Well I was just wondering if it's possible to make it so that if you pick up a certain combination of weapons in deathwatch you automatically become a certain class. For example, if you pick up a silenced pistol and a knife or sword you become an assassin. If you pick up a sniper rifle and a silenced pistol you become a scout...ECT. Sort of like in single player when you pick up the silenced pistol or whatever you automatically can do stealth kills. Each class would have its little advantages...ECT.

    Speaking of stealth I was wondering if it’s possible to put that into DM. The way I figure it would work is, if you are crouched and still for a few seconds with a certain weapon you are removed from everyone’s radar. Only if they are within a certain radius around you as and as long as your not in a lighted area. Of course with that said, being able to sneak up to someone and do stealth kill would be nice. On top of that maybe you can get a little bonus of like 2 frag points or something. Also maybe with that you could get rewards at the end of the match stating your accomplisments during the match. Nothing special but something that would say "sneaky bastard" or say "demolition man" if you used alot of explosives.

    The lighting in SA is pretty bad. You never actually get darker so you can always see people in the dark. Plus, it's a third person game. You can only really get snuck up on if you're zooming in. It's pretty good in SA-MP though.

  9. Okay, you people need to look at the big picture. San Andreas is no where near losing popularity by any means. If you look at Gamespot it has been on the top 10 list for the PS2 version since it came out! Thats almost 2 years and it's still on the top ten for a version that isn't moddable (yeah yeah the 2.0 version of hte PC one isnt technically moddable, but thats why we all have 1.0). The point is you and a couple hundred or even thousand people could be bored of SA by the time MTA DM comes out, but that doesn't mean the other million and some will be. All in all, no people won't be bored of it.

    How can you say that? San Andreas is crap. It's boring as shit once you finish the story. Sure you can run around like an idiot from the cops, but the AI sucks so bad. The game is already out of popularity. If anyone's still playing it (on the PS2 of all things with no mob abilities at all) it's all just a buncha dumbasses that can't see a good game if it bites them on the nose. San Andreas is done once you get all the explosions, headshots, and the story out of the way. There's nothing left to it.

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