how to move the camera, cant get it done.
local cameras = {
{ 329.10980224609, -2117.2749023438, 50.161201477051, 329.65179443359, -2116.4926757813, 49.853763580322 },
{ 1463.18, -1143.13, 194.36, 1463.18, -1143.13, 194.36 }
function cam( plr )
local theplr = nil
if ( source and getElementType ( source ) == 'player' ) then
theplr = source
elseif ( plr and getElementType ( plr ) == 'player' ) then
theplr = plr
setTimer ( function ( p )
local ind = math.random ( #cameras )
setCameraMatrix ( p, unpack ( cameras[ind] ) )
fadeCamera ( p, true )
end, 700, 1, theplr )
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, cam )
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogout", root, cam )