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Everything posted by iiv03

  1. in meta you can't use file with html <html src="filename.html" /> https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Resource_Web_Access
  2. CLOSED a problem has been solved
  3. bro everything work but only when join server didn't warp me into team team = {} addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function(startedRes) team.syncElement = createElement("clanwar_syncElement", "clanwar_syncElement") setElementData(source,"16091976AntiStealScriptbyShimu01022009ReadingSecretCode","Passed") if getResourceName(getThisResource()) == getResourceName(startedRes) then team[3] = createTeam ( "Spectators", 255, 255, 255 ) --etc end end )
  4. i try with this when player join didn't work it's tell me Failed in chat where problem? function checkjoin() local players = getElementType("player") setPlayerTeam(players, team[3]) if not players then outputChatBox("Failed") end end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement(), checkjoin) btw when i use addCommandHandler in this a function and worked get me in the team but why that doesn't worked when join player? and x2 try function checkjoin(player) setPlayerTeam(player, team[3]) if not player then outputChatBox("Failed") end end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement(), checkjoin) i think problem ("I did not use getTeamName?")
  5. I just did normal like that dxDrawText("Alpha 1.0.2 still work on Developer",450,250,150,150,tocolor(255,255,255,230),tables.fontSize,tables.font,"center","center",false) and didn't work what is the reason?
  6. hey everyone i make that code and it didn't work with me function checkjoin() local players = getElementsByType("players") for k,v in ipairs(players) do if getElementData(v, "state") =="alive" then setElementHealth(v,0) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement(), checkjoin) addEventHandler("onRaceStateChanging",getRootElement(), checkjoin)
  7. hey the text not showing when map start why where problem here? sX, sY = guiGetScreenSize() tables = { moveY = sY+sY*0.5, moveX = sX*0.5-sX*0, fontSize = 1.00, font = dxCreateFont("font/font.ttf",17) or "default-bold" } function render() local x = tables.moveX local y = tables.moveY local width = sX*0.01 + tables.moveX local height = sY*0.05 dxDrawText("Alpha 1.0.2 still work on Developer",x,y,width,height,tocolor(255,255,255,230),tables.fontSize,tables.font,"center","center",false) setTimer(function () removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,render) end,5000,1) end addEventHandler("onClientMapStarting",root,function () addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,render) end) lol i used that event onClientScreenFadedIn and worked i don't know what happen have another question how can i check command? in function like /random use this? https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetCommandHandlers i wanna something if he type /random == then removeEventHandler
  8. hey I used it onPlayerWasted because I am work on Server side After I tried it and didn't give any points yet if I want to ask if should be players on another team and team? because did not work with me and I am in one team and there is no one in a second team because there is a Loop?
  9. hey it still takes two points players if they die in the two teams I want the last player in one team only takes a point is not two teams taking themselves what caused the problem? function pointsauto() local homeTeamPoint = false local enemyTeamPoint = false -- LOOP FOR HOME TEAM local playersHomeTeam = getPlayersInTeam(team[1]) --Assuming that homeName varaible is the team already created previously for id, player in pairs(playersHomeTeam) do if getElementData(player, "state") == "alive" then homeTeamPoint = true -- Here we say that there are alive players in home team and "MIGHT" the point foes for them break -- Here we stop the loop because there is already a player alive --setElementData(team[2], "points", 0) + 1 end end -- LOOP FOR ENEMY TEAM local playersEnemyTeam = getPlayersInTeam(team[2]) --Assuming that enemyName varaible is the team already created previously for id, player in pairs(playersEnemyTeam) do if getElementData(player, "state") == "alive" then enemyTeamPoint = true -- Here we say that there are alive players in home team and "MIGHT" the point foes for them break -- Here we stop the loop because there is already a player alive --setElementData(team[2], "points", 0) + 1 end end if homeTeamPoint ~= enemyTeamPoint then if homeTeamPoint then local pointE = tonumber(getElementData(team[2], "points") or 0) + 1 setElementData(team[2], "points", pointE) elseif enemyTeamPoint then local pointH = tonumber(getElementData(team[1], "points") or 0) + 1 setElementData(team[1], "points", pointH) end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getRootElement(), pointsauto)
  10. hello @Overkillz i make that line can you tell me is there wrong ? function pointsauto() local homeTeam = getPlayersInTeam(homeName) local players = getElementsByType(homeTeam) for id, player in pairs(players) do if isPedDead(player) and getElementData(player, "state") == "dead" then local pointE = tonumber(getElementData(team[2], "points") or 0) + 1 setElementData(team[2], "points", pointE) end local enemyTeam = getPlayersInTeam(enemyName) local players = getElementsByType(enemyName) for id, player in pairs(players) do if isPedDead(player) and getElementData(player, "state") == "dead" then local pointH = tonumber(getElementData(team[1], "points") or 0) + 1 setElementData(team[1], "points", pointH) end end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getRootElement(), pointsauto) that's my try function pointsauto() local homeTeam = getPlayersInTeam(team[1]) if isPedDead(homeTeam) and getElementData(homeTeam, "state") == "dead" then local pointE = tonumber(getElementData(team[2], "points") or 0) + 1 setElementData(team[2], "points", pointE) end --[[local enemyTeam = getPlayersInTeam(enemyName) local players = getElementsByType(enemyName) for id, player in pairs(players) do if isPedDead(player) and getElementData(player, "state") == "dead" then local pointH = tonumber(getElementData(team[1], "points") or 0) + 1 setElementData(team[1], "points", pointH) end end]] end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getRootElement(), pointsauto) this my try second i got error table in isPedDead what wrong ? EDIT:: function pointsauto() local homeTeam = getPlayersInTeam(team[1]) for k,v in ipairs(homeTeam) do local thePlayer = v if isPedDead(v) and getElementData(v, "state") == "dead" then local pointE = tonumber(getElementData(team[2], "points") or 0) + 1 setElementData(team[2], "points", pointE) end --[[local enemyTeam = getPlayersInTeam(enemyName) local players = getElementsByType(enemyName) for id, player in pairs(players) do if isPedDead(player) and getElementData(player, "state") == "dead" then local pointH = tonumber(getElementData(team[1], "points") or 0) + 1 setElementData(team[1], "points", pointH) end end]] end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getRootElement(), pointsauto) here i fixed but i want it through the last player of the team if he remains alive gets a point how?i wanna only last player
  11. I want to ask about knowing how this is If team1 players died and the 2 team left one player gives a number how? do i have to check the state? please i need an example
  12. i haven't found a solution yet please helppp
  13. like this not work ? function updateTeamColour() setTeamColor ( team[2], colour.r, colour.g, colour.b ) end addEvent("updateTeamColour", true) addEventHandler("updateTeamColour", resourceRoot, updateTeamColour) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), updateTeamColour) server side
  14. not work local tagColor = rgbToHex(colour.r,colour.g,colour.b) or "#FFFFFF" function updateTeamSettings(cmd,R,G,B) if not tonumber(R) or not tonumber(G) or not tonumber(B) then return end R,G,B = tonumber(R),tonumber(G),tonumber(B) if R <= 50 and G <= 50 and B <= 50 then colour.r = 255 colour.g = 255 colour.b = 255 else colour.r = R colour.g = G colour.b = B end tagColor = rgbToHex(colour.r,colour.g,colour.b) or "#FFFFFF" local enemyTeam = getTeamFromName(enemyName) if enemyTeam then team[2] = enemyTeam TeamColor() else if team[2] then TeamColor() end end end addCommandHandler("color",updateTeamSettings) function TeamColor() triggerServerEvent ( "updateTeamColour", resourceRoot,team[2], colour.r, colour.g, colour.b ) end
  15. hey there is not fix yet can u help me it's still not updating color when i reconnect or join server Client Side colour = {} colour.r = 255 colour.g = 85 colour.b = 85 function rgbToHex ( nR, nG, nB ) local sColor = "#" nR = string.format ( "%X", nR or 255 ) sColor = sColor .. ( ( string.len ( nR ) == 1 ) and ( "0" .. nR ) or nR ) nG = string.format ( "%X", nG or 255 ) sColor = sColor .. ( ( string.len ( nG ) == 1 ) and ( "0" .. nG ) or nG ) nB = string.format ( "%X", nB or 255 ) sColor = sColor .. ( ( string.len ( nB ) == 1 ) and ( "0" .. nB ) or nB ) return sColor end local tagColor = rgbToHex(colour.r,colour.g,colour.b) or "#FFFFFF" function updateTeamSettings(cmd,R,G,B) if not tonumber(R) or not tonumber(G) or not tonumber(B) then return end R,G,B = tonumber(R),tonumber(G),tonumber(B) if R <= 50 and G <= 50 and B <= 50 then colour.r = 255 colour.g = 255 colour.b = 255 else colour.r = R colour.g = G colour.b = B end tagColor = rgbToHex(colour.r,colour.g,colour.b) or "#FFFFFF" if enemyTeam then team[2] = enemyTeam TeamColor() else --team[2] = createTeam ( enemyName, colour.r,colour.g,colour.b) if team[2] then TeamColor() end end end addCommandHandler("color",updateTeamSettings) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), updateTeamSettings) function TeamColor() triggerServerEvent ( "updateTeamColour", resourceRoot,team[2], colour.r, colour.g, colour.b ) end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), TeamColor) function text() dxDrawText("Alive Players[#334455"..home_alive.."#ffffff/"..tagColor..enemy_team.."#ffffff]",sX,sY*0.03,sX*0.2,sY*0,tocolor(255,255,255,generalAlpha),clanwar_data_fontSize*1.2,clanwar_data_font,"center","center",false,false,false,true) end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, text) Server Side team = {} colour = {} colour.r = 255 colour.g = 85 colour.b = 85 function rgbToHex ( nR, nG, nB ) local sColor = "#" nR = string.format ( "%X", nR or 255 ) sColor = sColor .. ( ( string.len ( nR ) == 1 ) and ( "0" .. nR ) or nR ) nG = string.format ( "%X", nG or 255 ) sColor = sColor .. ( ( string.len ( nG ) == 1 ) and ( "0" .. nG ) or nG ) nB = string.format ( "%X", nB or 255 ) sColor = sColor .. ( ( string.len ( nB ) == 1 ) and ( "0" .. nB ) or nB ) return sColor end local tagColor = rgbToHex(colour.r,colour.g,colour.b) or "#FFFFFF" function updateTeamSettings(playerSource,cmd,R,G,B) local playerName = getPlayerName(playerSource) local account = getPlayerAccount (playerSource) local account_name = getAccountName(account) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. account_name, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" )) then if not tonumber(R) or not tonumber(G) or not tonumber(B) then outputChatBox("#313131こコBOT#ffffff| #ffffffWrong Syntax #abcdef/color R G B",playerSource,255,255,255,true) return end R,G,B = tonumber(R),tonumber(G),tonumber(B) if R <= 50 and G <= 50 and B <= 50 then--R,G,B = ,tonumber(G),tonumber(B) colour.r = 255 colour.g = 255 colour.b = 255 else colour.r = R colour.g = G colour.b = B end tagColor = rgbToHex(colour.r,colour.g,colour.b) or "#FFFFFF" triggerClientEvent(getRootElement(), "updateName", getRootElement(), homeName, homeTag, enemyName, enemyTag,colour.r,colour.g,colour.b) outputChatBox("#313131こコBOT#ffffff| #ffffffTeam Colour successfully changed",playerSource,255,255,255,true) local enemyTeam = getTeamFromName(enemyName) if enemyTeam then team[2] = enemyTeam updateTeamColour() else team[2] = createTeam ( enemyName, colour.r,colour.g,colour.b) if team[2] then updateTeamColour() end end end end addCommandHandler("color",updateTeamSettings) function updateTeamColour() setTeamColor ( team[2], colour.r, colour.g, colour.b ) end addEvent("updateTeamColour", true) addEventHandler("updateTeamColour", resourceRoot, updateTeamColour) btw in server side work updatecolor when i reconnect but in client not work please help i'm so confused
  16. hey everyone have bug here and i don't know how fix that colour = {} colour.r = 255 colour.g = 85 colour.b = 85 function rgbToHex ( nR, nG, nB ) local sColor = "#" nR = string.format ( "%X", nR or 255 ) sColor = sColor .. ( ( string.len ( nR ) == 1 ) and ( "0" .. nR ) or nR ) nG = string.format ( "%X", nG or 255 ) sColor = sColor .. ( ( string.len ( nG ) == 1 ) and ( "0" .. nG ) or nG ) nB = string.format ( "%X", nB or 255 ) sColor = sColor .. ( ( string.len ( nB ) == 1 ) and ( "0" .. nB ) or nB ) return sColor end local tagColor = rgbToHex(colour.r,colour.g,colour.b) or "#FFFFFF" function updateTeamSettings(cmd,R,G,B) if not tonumber(R) or not tonumber(G) or not tonumber(B) then return end R,G,B = tonumber(R),tonumber(G),tonumber(B) if R <= 50 and G <= 50 and B <= 50 then colour.r = 255 colour.g = 255 colour.b = 255 else colour.r = R colour.g = G colour.b = B end tagColor = rgbToHex(colour.r,colour.g,colour.b) or "#FFFFFF" if enemyTeam then team[2] = enemyTeam updateTeamColour() else --team[2] = createTeam ( enemyName, colour.r,colour.g,colour.b) if team[2] then updateTeamColour() end end end addCommandHandler("color",updateTeamSettings) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), updateTeamSettings) function updateTeamColour() setTeamColor ( team[2], colour.r, colour.g, colour.b ) end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), updateTeamColour) function text() dxDrawText("Alive Players[#334455"..home_alive.."#ffffff/"..tagColor..enemy_team.."#ffffff]",sX,sY*0.03,sX*0.2,sY*0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),clanwar_data_fontSize*1.2,clanwar_data_font,"center","center",false,false,false,true) end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, text) after i change the colors team and i do reconnect the color is due to the same thing and I want it to save the colors in server work .. but in didn't work client not work?
  17. what troube here why no event triggerEvent connect to nextmap? function updatePosition (mapinfo) g_MapInfo = mapinfo if g_MapInfo.nextmap then setNextmap(g_MapInfo.nextmap) triggerEvent("radar:setOffset", localPlayer, nextDisplay.posY*0.2) end end i wanna set triggerEvent connect when i set nextmap it didn't work
  18. Oh i forgot but this is very simple. Thank you
  19. hey, i got error attempt to compare string with number in this line if R <= 50 and G <= 50 and B <= 50 then
  20. مو كذا قصدي ذا لما يبدا الحركه توصل وتوقف هناك. مشكور والله هذا الي كان أقصده ممكن سؤال؟ وش سويت غلط عشان اسلوبي مو كويس
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