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  1. GAMEMODE VIRUSZ MTA DAYZ - ENG This is a complete game mode for MTA:SA that includes: - HUD Weapons, Vest, Helmet, Thirst and Hunger - HUD Helmet and Vest - Patent and experience - Exclusive inventory - Various weapons - VIP System - Sync system - Many modified weapons. - Various backpacks. - Crosshairs Panel. - Boss, zombie, bot system. - Patent/level system. - Weapon shot trace system. - Modeled base. - PT/BR Este é um modo de jogo completo para MTA:SA que inclui: - HUD Armas, Colete, Capacete, Sede e Fome - HUD Capacete e Colete - Patente e experiência - Inventário exclusivo - Varias Armas - Sistema VIP - Sistema de Sync - Muitas armas modificadas. - Varias mochilas. - Painel de Miras. - Sistema de boss, zombie, bots. - Sistema de patente / level. - Sistema de traços de tiro das armas. - Base modelada. Shop: Payhip Discord Link: Discord
  2. Gamemode: - Levels and experience - Top-gta inventory - Epic skins for all weapons. - Customized stock. - Zombies give experience. - VIP system - Armor system - Military Area 51 - Perfect PvP with no errors. - Reward system to level up. - As you level up, you get new dances and skins. - More than 30 weapons. - First person - Panel of 30 Crosshairs. - 5 different event systems. - More than 1000 zombies distributed on the map with respawn time. - Customization system to save the character. - Start custom session. - Lag-free citywide mapping with lag-free objects. - Customizable login music. - Clean gamemode made from 0 very easy to understand. SYSTEMS: Levels: When killing a zombie, you gain XP. Depending on the level, you will be spawned with different items. As you level up, you can unlock Skins, Emotes. If you're a VIP, you'll unlock better stuff. (Perfect for microtransactions) Zombie: It's a high-quality system that generates zombies with different characteristics at the coordinates you choose. There are civil, military and super fast zombies. You can choose whatever you like. Building System: A building system, where you get materials by cutting down trees with an axe. You can build the base you can imagine. As they can also raidearte to steal your objects. This generates a new gaming experience where players will have to take care of their bases by doing pvp. Loot: The map contains loot in all cities. But there are areas in particular that have more loot. This makes users closer to loot and generate PVP. ADDITIONAL FEATURES: + Exclusive mapping. + Base and raid building system + All scripts fully editable. and decompiled + VIP system BUY HERE: PayHip
  3. Gamemode Systems - Vest / Helmet System - Several unique apocalyptic vehicles - Event system and suply with dx message - Complete inventory system - Item Anti-Dupping System - Very nice icons and debug munitor - VIP system with vehicle spawn already configured - Gamemode comes with several bases and edited map - Base/gate system configured with the group - Lightweight and error-free server. - 100% automatic backup system - Global chat system with discord log - Editable zombie/boos system - Exclusive shaders - Modeled base Discord: Maveriick#0277 Sell: PayHip
  4. GAMEMODE MTA DAYZ Prints: Gamemode Systems - Vest / Helmet System - Several unique apocalyptic vehicles - Event system and suply with dx message - Complete inventory system - Item Anti-Dupping System - Very nice icons and debug munitor - VIP system with vehicle spawn already configured - Gamemode comes with several bases and edited map - Base/gate system configured with the group - Lightweight and error-free server. - 100% automatic backup system - Global chat system with discord log - Editable zombie/boos system - Exclusive shaders - Server entirely in Portuguese - Store system Sell: PayHip Discord:TeecToy#0277 Email: [email protected]
  5. GAMEMODE MIDNIGHT DAYZ - Sistema de Colete / Capacete - Varios veiculos apocalipticos exclusivos - Sistema de evento e suply com mensagem dx - Sistema de inventario completo - Sistema AntiDupping de itens - Icons e debug munitor muito bonito - Sistema de vip com spawn de veiculos ja configurado - Gamemode acompanha varias bases e mapa editado - Sistema de base / portao configurado com o grupo - Servidor leve e sem erros. - Sistema de backup 100% automatico - Sistema de chat global com log no discord - Sistema de zumbis / boos editavel - Shaders exclusivo - Servidor totalmente em portugues - Sistema de loja Sell: Payhip Discord: TeecToy#0277 Email: [email protected]
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