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Everything posted by Ton
No they can't make it MTA compatable, because MTA doesn't support mods. Not a mod, a map.Thanks Orian! I think I'm gonna work myself trough that tutorial somewhere in this week.
But for GTA. And if it's worth it somebody can make it MTA compatible.
Hey, Is it hard to make your own map? I would like to give it a try. I wanna make a race circuit! What software should I use? I've got experience with mapping for Unreal Tournament, UT2003 and Tactical Ops. (UT mod) This is btw my first post since Sa Nov 29, 2003 7:44 pm!
Do you know how large Vice City is?
Hey, Is there a way to record movies with sounds? And which editor can I use to edit the movies, add sounds in it, texts etc? (nice one, free would be cool) Thanks!!! Greetz, Big_Boss_Man
No, don't edit the radar. You see the next checkpoint big on the radar, the one afther that smaller.
Nice idea. And maybe Team Hunted. 2 teams (or more) every team has got a person who's hunted and you should kill the hunted person from the other team and protect yours.
u wont get more replies when posting like that just w8 some days... but coz u cant w8: i personally like Ben's idea....write in chat:/create race. than u get a heli (not synched, takes no damage), set a startline and than u can fly over thw whole city and create some checkpoints (horn button + if u r flying then the checkpoint is set to the next ground level (z axis)) than u set the finnish line and the race can begin. with this option to set the checkpoints yourself u could even make a race from the lift to the spotlight roof (would be funny with 10 ppl all on bike ). -for all those who never played gta-vc single player: u can only accelerate when the countdown reached 0 which makes it impossible for ppl to start too early. -if some1 new joins the game and wants to race then maybe it will take a lot of time till he's at the start location.. know what i mean? and im sure the players at the start will get pissed off very soon coz they have to w8 (maybe every minute some1 new joins the game).i just like the idea of creating ur very own race instead of using always the same tracks. i wonder if cerbera is still using this forum EDIT:i just thought its a bad idea of setting the checkpoints to the next ground level, i think it should be possible to set them to the whole z-axis coz maybe some ppl wanna race with helis. +LOL its not easy to get in the office room(lift) with the heli to set a startline (maybe just set it outside of the building) but i think this is the smallest problem. I think it very hard to make the system where people can make there own tracks. And it's also harder, if you set a checkpoint a bit wrong, everybody has to return. But when you've got preseted tracks, the editors can put the checkpoints very good in the game.And of course there must be something that you don't have to wait to long. People can't stay joining. And maybe it's better that when the race starts, the people who had a false just don't can't race with the others, he just don't see the checkpoints and he can't finish. (so the other people don't have to go back)
I always push the Windows button 16 times and control-alt-delete about 30 times andso. I'll try it.
Screw GTA3, it has got not bikes. (= no fun when you have ever played VC )
So, when VC crashed I can't get back to Windows (most of the times) so I have to restart the computer and that takes very long. Can't somebody make something that VC is automaticly closed when it crashed.?? Greetz, Big_Boss_Man
Well... I didn't write that for fun.
How do you do that? And where? I often fall because I go to hard. What I do is pressing forward and leaning backwards and release it when I get to high then I do it again when I come down.
LOL.720 smiley?
En die zijn zeker wel slim genoeg om ASE te gebruiken? Bij mij in de klas zitten een paar van die mensen die ik altijd moet helpen met van die domme dingen (en dan zoek ik altijd de URL op van het boek 'windows xp for dummies' bij Bol.com ofzo ) Die zullen er geen flikker van begrijpen.
I think you shouldn't have to make it that diffecult. There must be a lot of tracks to choose from. Like: race1=stadium>malibu>stadium race2=stadium>airport>stadium and many more! So you type: /race1 The chatconsole says: Big_Boss_Man planned race 6 (for if it's the sixth race since the server started, and there could be more races at one time) from the stadium to the malibu club to the stadium. Enter /joing race6 to join the race. The race starts in 2 minutes. The the console will say: Race 6 in 1½ minute, 1 minute, ½ a minute. So people have time to get a car and they know when they should be at the starting grid. The radar will show the track, the starting grid and the finishing grid. But only to the people who joined the race! And there are checkpoints, but they must be all over the road, so you can drive over the sidewalk and nobody can take a shortcut. So when the counter stops everybody who is at the startinggrid will get notified and everybody who joined and isn't on the starting grid will get notified and there will be 30 more seconds for that person to get to there. (if everybody is at the starting grid there will be no extra time) Then, everybody who joined, will see on his scream 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, go. And if someone starts driving before the start sign was giving, the race will be restarted in 30 seconds. If he does it again he will be disqualified. He can race with the others but he isn't in the race anymore. (his name wont be called at the results) That will be cool.
The regular smileys suck, why not get others?
They are the worst I've ever seen! Check this: This is crap! When I say 'oh!' the smiley must look realy suprised like this: The expressions of some are realy bad: Okay, that was what I wanted to say.
Okay. I like the idea. No more asking if people can give you a ride.
Hello, It would be nice if there is a code like /race which let the server add '3' '2' '1' 'go' to the chatthing so races will be fairer. Right?
Yeah, cool. And it must be large enough for a least 3 motors.And I've been in the dirtring with some other guys a few times, I think it would be cooler if you can choose what you want to do.
Yeah, that would be nice.But why would the superfast bikes cause crashes? Because the area got to load fasten?
Wie kent hier allemaal geen Engels?
Police and criminals. Criminals must go from the bank or the Sunshine garage to a hidding spot, without losing the vehicle, and the police must bust them! (or shot them )