Ah, the long awaited accusation. I don't blame you, I too was indoctrinated to think that the RPG was something SAES 'owned' however, it's just another game-mode. I've had my fair amount of time playing there, throughout the early years of it's blossom, namely 2012 - 2016.
However let me run you down on what the Creative Gaming RPG server actually is. It's our view on the Roleplay Gaming game-mode in MTA. All of the scripts you see and experience on our server are crafted by our experienced developers, believe me a simple housing system, spaw-nmenu and other jobs namely 'trucker' that you mentioned are nothing but a very basic stem of the RPG. - Keep in mind, we are only in OpenBeta. The basic scripts you see currently are nothing but a temporary template to have the players experience an entirely different management, community and view of the RPG in MTA.
We have nothing against SAES, even so I thank that community for providing me with years of entertainment, however we deemed it is time to step it up on our own accord and make a new version and feel to the RPG in MTA as you and I know it. The community receives that which the player wants, and we know what the player wants due to our experience in the RPG sense, so countless of updates have been implemented into the 'regular' RPG that you perhaps know to love.
I do not however, belittle your opinion regarding your defense about SAES, since there has been plenty of copycats throughout the years which have indeed used 'leaked scripts and editing them' - This is a different story however and we would like you to see how our server blossoms.
In the hands of an experienced .Lua developer, these basic accusations of using 'leaked scripts and editing them' has been completely thrown out of the window, because our development has taken ages to launch and in-return have bugs still yet to be discovered, thats why our OpenBeta playerbase is our first line of Quality Assurance when it comes to our scripts and functions.
We all hope to see you ingame to have a delightful experience in our server,
Head Admin Russell.