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  1. Hi guys, i've got a error in my inventory system, when i want to take a object from a car, i've got a "please wait..." and it don't moove elseif item[1] > 0 then local furniture_shop_box_ID = exports["furniture-system"]:getBoxItemID() if item[1] == furniture_shop_box_ID then triggerEvent("furniture:stock:transfer", source, source, element, item[1], item[2], true) end if getElementData(source, "furniture:carry:isCarrying") then outputChatBox("Vous portez déjà une boîte comprenant des meubles!", source, 255, 0, 0) return end output( element, source, item[1], item[2]) moveItem( element, source, slot ) exports.logs:logMessage( name .. " #" .. getElementID(element) .. "->" .. getPlayerName( source ) .. " - " .. getItemName( item[1] ) .. " - " .. item[2], 17) It is the code of the object (the outputchatbox are in french..). The item i want to take is a furniture ? Can you help me ? Thank's
  2. I've got the same error...
  3. Like this ? for index, in ipairs (factionTable(factionDuty)) do -- Loop all the factions
  4. So i have to make factiontable in the ipairs ? I don't understand..
  5. Hi, i've got a big problem for index, factionTable in ipairs ( factionDuty ) do -- Loop all the factions if isPlayerInFaction(targetPlayer, factionTable["factionID"]) then for index, factionPackage in ipairs ( factionTable["packages"] ) do -- Loop all the faction packages local found = false for index, packageColShape in ipairs ( factionPackage["colShape"] ) do -- Loop all the colshapes of the factionpackage if isElementWithinColShape( targetPlayer, packageColShape ) then found = true break -- We found this package already, no need to search the other colshapes end end if factionPackage.vehicle and getPedOccupiedVehicle( targetPlayer ) and factionPackage.vehicle[ getElementModel( getPedOccupiedVehicle( targetPlayer ) ) ] then found = true end if found and canPlayerUseDutyPackage(targetPlayer, factionPackage) then table.insert(availablePackages, factionPackage) end end end end I have this error :bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table excepted, got nil) Can you help me ? Thank's
  6. I give you the s_duty : http://pastebin.com/JLXg4U5f
  7. Faction package is the duty, i give you the duty script ?
  8. faction perks is the package of a faction
  9. Hi, i've got a problem with duty. I make the duty for my character in the f1 (faction panel), i choose my duty and i reconnect. When i reconnect i don't have my duty and i've got a message "There is not duty for you" I've got a message when i reconnect -- check if the player has the duty package if duty > 0 then local foundPackage = false for key, value in ipairs(factionPerks) do if value == duty then foundPackage = false break end end if not foundPackage then triggerEvent("duty:offduty", client) outputChatBox("Your duty has been deleted", client, 255, 0, 0) end end The message is the duty has been deleted. The packages of duty are in the database but in game, i don't have packages
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