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    CGG Gang
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    skaldegatan 5h
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  1. Well Hello i have update my server to new version 1.5.6 and /whowas does not work.
  2. Hello! We are searching for Sponsors who can sponsor VPS for us @ www.vortexhosting.ga Sponsors will be paid as well as get promotions. Over 40K fan base!!
  3. you dont have grand theft auto san anderias. to run mta please download gta san anderias. and re install the mta and try again.
  4. Hello MTA Team i find one guy joined my own server and i joined the console of the mta server i got this [15:37:01] KICK: IS3xy-H3 was kicked from the game by (VF #2 02050000) i think reason is VF #2 02050000 i think i dont have any problem in my own server other player is playing only him has got kicked from the game thanks for reading i hope the problem is fixed
  5. Mustafa9821


    hahahahaaahhaah noob learn you how to report as admin nooob mastermind
  6. CGG CnR/Jobs/Turf/Some RP | Hosted | mtacgg.tk very nice server join guys there job turf cars fun robbery everything etc
  7. Mustafa9821


    i miss mta so alot i promise i will not do this i swear to all but can you give me chance for it ?
  8. Mustafa9821


    thanks i hop that i be unbaned anyway do you know me ?
  9. Mustafa9821


    ok sir i promise i wil not do it i promise i not hack or give virus how should can i be unbaned `?
  10. Mustafa9821


    no sir im 166 day and 5 hour 5 minutes
  11. Mustafa9821


    Hello sir i want be unbaned can you give me chance that i not do this again hacking member i stop do this to people can you give me chance please thanks my serial is D2729C21B9519F96D0E3565E41E080F2
  12. Mustafa9821

    @ccw HELP ME

    Well , Hey MTA Staff Team Infact this guy is talking about me , And as i can see he hasnt any proofs , i would ask my self why would mta trust a guy or should i say hater just wants me to be banned + As i agree with prisitege so please dont take any action if you arent sure about it and thanks for reading .
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