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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته اريد حل لدي المشكلة او دا الكود admin/server/admin_server.Lua @ line 363: Access denied @ 'setPlayerMuted' الكود : addEvent ( "onPlayerMute", false ) -- line 361 function aSetPlayerMuted ( player, state, length ) -- line 362 if ( setPlayerMuted ( player, state ) ) then -- line 363 if not state then -- line 364 aRemoveUnmuteTimer( player ) -- line 365 elseif state and length and length > 0 then -- line 366 aAddUnmuteTimer( player, length ) -- line 367 end -- line 368 triggerEvent ( "onPlayerMute", player, state ) -- line 369 return true -- line 370 end return false end
اعطيني حل مشكلة حق دي Banks-System/server.Lua:118: attempt to perform arithmetic on a boolean value -line=112- addEvent("AddMoneyToBank",true) -line=113 addEventHandler("AddMoneyToBank",root, -line=114 function (player,money) -line=115 local sourceAccount = getPlayerAccount ( player ) -line=116 local AccountName = getAccountName(sourceAccount) -line=117 --local new = getAccountSavedMoney ( AccountName )+money -line=118 local new = getElementData(player,"Bank")+money -line=119 --takePlayerMoney(player,money) -line=120 setElementData(player,"Money",(getElementData(player,"Money") or 0 ) - money) -line=121 setElementData(player,"Bank",(getElementData(player,"Bank") or 0 ) + money) -line=123 --setAccountSavedMoney ( AccountName, new ) -line=124 --setElementData(player,"Bank", new) -line=115 triggerClientEvent ( "onOpenBankWindow", player, player, new ) end )
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته اعطوني معنى ددا المشكلة Point-System\c.Lua @ line 81: bad argument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got nil) الكود function convertNumber(number) local formatted = number while true do formatted, k = string.gsub(formatted, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1,%2') if (k==0) then break end end return formatted end
الكود CrtTable = {}; TableCars = {}; updateText() if isTimer(DerbyCheckTimer) then killTimer(DerbyCheckTimer); end exports.M7ShooterMission:STARTShooterMission() setMarkerColor(CrM,0,255,0,255) elseif #CrtTable == 0 then killTimer ( DerbyCheckTimer ) for i, cars in ipairs(TableCars) do destroyElement ( cars ) end TableCars = {} exports["guimessages"]:outputServer(root, "#3399FF[Derby Mission] #FF0000The Derby Mission Was End !", 0, 255, 255) exports.M7ShooterMission:STARTShooterMission() setMarkerColor(CrM,0,255,0,255) end end end ---System---
مشكور ركان مشكورين على المساعدة ركان في مشكلة بعد ما اوزع يقلي روح للانفيتوري تلقاه يعني اف 7 بعد ما اروح ما القى البكج في اف 7 عشان افتحه
تمام حليتها اعطيني الحين تاع دي Server [12:27:22] Packages\server.lua @ line 176: Bad argument @ 'triggerEvent' [Expected string at argument 1, got player]
بروس الحين اقدر اوزع بس عند ما اوزع يطلع دي Server [00:48:35] [Gta-Mc]Packages\server.lua @ line 35: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerAccount' [Expected player or console at argument 1, got root] و دي كمان Client [00:52:52] [Gta-Mc]Packages\client.lua @ line 101: Bad argument @ 'guiStaticImageLoadImage' [Expected gui-element at argument 1, got nil] ملف الكلينت هو فوق شوف الاكود فوق
بجربه ونشوف تظهر لي كذا [20:29:52] [Gta-Mc]Packages\server.lua @ line 39: Bad argument @ 'addCommandHandler' [Expected staring at argument 1, got nill] Client [20:29:52] [Gta-Mc]Packages\client.lua @ line 101: Bad argument @ 'guiStaticImageLoadImage' [Expected gui-element at argument 1, got nil] Client : local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() local alpha = 255 local img = "img/pack.png" local wnd = {} function render () dxDrawImage(screenW - 252 - 10, (screenH - 225) / 2, 252, 225, img, 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, alpha), false) end addEvent ( 'Package:Random', true ) addEventHandler ( 'Package:Random', root, function () if sound then return end img = "img/pack.png" addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, render) sound = playSound ( 'sound.mp3' ) setTimer ( function () local rnd = math.random ( 100 ) if rnd == 32 and rnd == 16 and rnd == 11 and rnd == 48 then if isElement ( sound ) then destroyElement ( sound ) end pack = 1 img = "img/lucky"..pack..".png" sound = playSound ( 'sound2.mp3' ) setTimer ( function () if isElement ( sound ) then destroyElement ( sound ) end end, 2000, 1 ) elseif rnd >= 1 and rnd <= 50 and rnd ~= 48 and rnd ~= 32 and rnd ~= 11 and rnd ~= 16 then if isElement ( sound ) then destroyElement ( sound ) end pack = 2 img = "img/lucky"..pack..".png" sound = playSound ( 'sound2.mp3' ) setTimer ( function () if isElement ( sound ) then destroyElement ( sound ) end end, 2000, 1 ) else if isElement ( sound ) then destroyElement ( sound ) end pack = 3 img = "img/lucky"..pack..".png" sound = playSound ( 'sound2.mp3' ) setTimer ( function () if isElement ( sound ) then destroyElement ( sound ) end end, 2000, 1 ) end setTimer(function() removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, render) sound = nil end, 3000, 1) triggerServerEvent ( 'Package:givePlayerPackage', localPlayer, pack, 1 ) end ,6000, 1 ) end) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() wnd.main = guiCreateWindow((screenW - 380) / 2, (screenH - 298) / 2, 380, 298, "[ Gta-Mc ] : My Packages", false) guiWindowSetMovable(wnd.main, false) guiWindowSetSizable(wnd.main, false) guiSetVisible ( wnd.main, false ) wnd.grid = guiCreateGridList(10, 28, 189, 257, false, wnd.main) guiGridListAddColumn(wnd.grid, "Package", 0.5) guiGridListAddColumn(wnd.grid, "Ammount", 0.3) -- wnd.pack = guiCreateStaticImage(221, 49, 137, 168, "img/pack.png", false, wnd.main) wnd.open = guiCreateButton(212, 251, 71, 34, "Open the pack", false, wnd.main) guiSetAlpha(wnd.open, 0.78) guiSetFont(wnd.open, "default-bold-small") wnd.close = guiCreateButton(293, 251, 71, 34, "Close", false, wnd.main) guiSetAlpha(wnd.close, 0.78) guiSetFont(wnd.close, "default-bold-small") end) bindKey("F7","down", function () guiSetVisible ( wnd.main, true ) showCursor ( true ) guiBringToFront ( wnd.main ) triggerServerEvent ( 'Package:getMyPackages', localPlayer ) end) addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick', resourceRoot, function (button, state) if button == "left" and state == "up" then if _bug then return 'Stuuuuuupid :Pp' end if source == wnd.close then guiSetVisible ( wnd.main, false ) showCursor ( false ) elseif source == wnd.open then if ( guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( wnd.grid ) ~= -1 ) then local ammount = tonumber ( guiGridListGetItemText ( wnd.grid, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( wnd.grid ), 2 ) ) if ammount > 1 then triggerServerEvent ( 'Package:openPack', localPlayer, guiGridListGetItemData ( wnd.grid, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( wnd.grid ), 1 ) ) guiGridListSetItemText ( wnd.grid, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( wnd.grid ), 2, tostring ( ammount - 1 ), false, false ) else triggerServerEvent ( 'Package:openPack', localPlayer, guiGridListGetItemData ( wnd.grid, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( wnd.grid ), 1 ) ) guiGridListRemoveRow ( wnd.grid, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( wnd.grid ) ) end guiSetEnabled ( wnd.open, false ) setTimer ( guiSetEnabled, 5000, 1, wnd.open, true ) end elseif source == wnd.grid then local id = guiGridListGetItemData ( wnd.grid, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( wnd.grid ), 1 ) if id and (fileExists("img/lucky"..id..".png")) then guiStaticImageLoadImage(wnd.pack, "img/lucky"..id..".png") else guiStaticImageLoadImage(wnd.pack, "img/pack.png") end end end end) addEvent ( 'Package:addPackagesToGridList', true ) addEventHandler ( 'Package:addPackagesToGridList', root, function ( packages ) if packages then guiGridListClear ( wnd.grid ) for i,v in ipairs ( packages ) do local row = guiGridListAddRow ( wnd.grid ) local type if v['number'] == 1 then type = 'Gold' elseif v['number'] == 2 then type = 'Silver' elseif v['number'] == 3 then type = 'Bronze' end guiGridListSetItemText ( wnd.grid, row, 1, tostring ( type ), false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( wnd.grid, row, 2, tostring ( v['ammount'] ), false, false ) guiGridListSetItemData ( wnd.grid, row, 1, tostring ( v['number'] ) ) end end end) _bug = false function handleInterrupt( status ) if ( status == 0 ) then _bug = true elseif ( status == 1 ) then _bug = false end end addEventHandler( "onClientPlayerNetworkStatus", root, handleInterrupt)