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Everything posted by Brophy

  1. when admins decide to lock this, can they please archive it to look back on in future months for a 'top-up' laugh
  2. OMG, forum is rammed for this Users browsing this forum: dpuncher, energizer, GaRRoTTe, Gunny, JacoB, jizzonya, JonChappell, Luigi, MAD_BOY, Rainbow, slothman, vass69, VCES>ßróÞh¥, [4D]Prontera, [FMJ]DomSpy, [KFC]Venom, {FKU}WarFire, {ULK}Xc0n
  3. rofl, thats a classic post
  4. rofl, i would piss myself if that said that
  5. lmfao, was this the same tim that WAS in TAT, that brought a whole new meaning to hacking
  6. yeah i remember the days back in the 0.1 / 0.2 mta:vc
  7. are the admins letting bigger sigs now??
  8. As almost everyone expected, Rockstar Games has confirmed that Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is making its way to the Xbox. Developed by Rockstar North, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas for Xbox and PC will be in stores in North America on June 7th, 2005 and in Europe on June 10th, 2005.
  9. Brophy

    Super script

    rofl, erm........nah, just play on the VCES server
  10. http://www.mtasa.com also he said MTA dont plan on making scenarios just online ownage
  11. we have always been allies, seeing that chef is a ex-vces
  12. more bandwith usage on mta, teamspeak is optimised, just use that it dont lag a computer also its been discussed loads of times, use search button
  13. u could just translate the words and send them to the mta team to add for future versions
  14. proved my point kane, yeah i might drop by, rocket guns told me about it
  15. erm, i recall the 0.2 days m8, how many ppl got banned for killing mike
  16. i didnt say u act like a kid cuz u are taking the piss outta each other, im saying u act like a kid with stuff like your kids are crippled or your family has cancer, btw, do ppl get banned on your cs server if they kill u like on your mta server?
  17. not being funny mike, i can see why they say u act like a kid, using rons wife and kids to reply to his post, how much of a feeb man
  18. f12, but next time search the forums with the search button above
  19. Brophy

    [VCPD] Is Recruiting!!

    wonder where he got the 'emergency services' part from cough*VCES*cough
  20. if only i could find his hat to look underneath it /me will ask him on msn
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