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Everything posted by SetMarcos
client.Lua function playmusic() sound = playSound("joinsound.mp3") end function stopmusic() stopSound(sound) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() -- little interval, music is getting laggy when all resources are starting.. setTimer(function() playmusic() end, 2000, 1) end ) function pararsom() stopmusic() end addEvent("pararsom", true) addEventHandler("pararsom", root, pararsom) server.Lua -- root = getElementRoot() addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function() triggerClientEvent ( source,"pararsom",source) end )
Good morning, how can I make the car lights flash when a player tries to catch it? my code: function enterVehicle ( player, seat, jacked ) local lock = getElementData(source, "lockedTo") local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) if seat == 0 then if accName == lock then setElementFrozen ( source, false ) outputChatBox("[SERVER] - #00ff00your veh!", player, 255, 0, 0,true) return true else local Ax,Ay,Az = getElementPosition (source) cancelEvent() outputChatBox("[SERVER] - #ffff00Veh is private. #808080Owner is:#ff0000 "..lock..".", player, 255, 0, 0,true) triggerClientEvent ( player,"alarmeVeh", player ,source,Ax,Ay,Az) end end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), enterVehicle )
Good morning, you can leave a marker active only for a specific player, without condition, because it has a job that creates markers for delivery, so it happens that players go in the marks of other players
Good Morning! Can anyone help me how to force the player to make a command on the server side? Example: GUI> Click button> triggerServerEvent> Function Forces player to execute / time command I want to start a function from another resource. If you can help, I am grateful.
tenta isso aqui man setElementCollidableWith
if commandName then , vai retornar true se vc informar os valores um e dois, caso não seja informado ele retorna false e não entra na condição. tenta assim: function soma(thePlayer, commandName, um, dois) local num1 = tonumber(um) local num2 = tonumber(dois) local resultado = um + dois if commandName then if (num1 and num2) >= 0 then outputChatBox("A soma entre "..num1.. "e "..num2.." é igual a "..resultado..".", thePlayer, 255,255,255, true) end else outputChatBox("Você precisa digitar os dois números para fazer a conta.", thePlayer) end end addCommandHandler("somar", soma)
Bom dia! Alguém pode me ajudar a como forçar o player a fazer um comando no lado server? Exemplo: GUI > Click button > triggerServerEvent > Função força o player a executar o comando /time Pretendo iniciar uma função a partir de outro resource. Se puderem ajudar,eu fico grato.
[Ajuda] Trocar o personagem CJ pra outro personagem
SetMarcos replied to Paantry's topic in Programação em Lua
https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetElementModel https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Character_Skins -
Aprendendo a como montar um gang war
SetMarcos replied to Dasareas's topic in Portuguese / Português
Veja isso -
Version = 1.5.5-release-11815.4.004 Time = Sun Mar 18 09:22:23 2018 Module = C:\Games\GTA\proxy_sa.exe Code = 0xC0000005 Offset = 0x00349B7B EAX=00000000 EBX=0DD462F0 ECX=00000000 EDX=0022FC00 ESI=0DD62558 EDI=00000008 EBP=00000000 ESP=0022FB9C EIP=00749B7B FLG=00010202 CS=001B DS=0023 SS=0023 ES=0023 FS=003B GS=0000 How can I fix this? pls
Peguei um exemplo na comunidade e modifiquei, e ficou tudo como eu queria. Obrigado a todos pela ajuda.
Porque a função não está pegando? Alguém ajude por favor. -- Formato: {x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0}, local aSavePlaces = { {x = 1587.1513671875, y = -1152.365234375, width = 245, height = 160}, -- BOSS LS {x = 2372.2763671875, y = 1836.701171875, width = 150, height = 160}, -- BOSS LV {x = -2140.8330078125, y = 124.470703125, width = 150, height = 185}, -- BOSS SF } local aRadarAreaPlaces = { {1587.1513, -1152.3652,245, 160,255,0,0,100}, -- BOSS LS {2372.2763, 1836.7011,150, 160,255,0,0,100}, -- BOSS LV {-2140.8330, 124.4707,150, 185,255,0,0,100}, -- BOSS SF } function criandoareas( ) --local display = textCreateDisplay () --local text = textCreateTextItem("Em Zona Segura!", 0.9, 0.7, "high", 0, 255, 0, 255, 2, "right", "bottom") --textDisplayAddText(display, text) for _, a in ipairs( aRadarAreaPlaces ) do pRadarArea = createRadarArea ( unpack( a ) ) setElementData( pRadarArea, "zombieProof", true ) end for _, b in ipairs( aSavePlaces ) do if b then outputChatBox("@b: "..tostring(b)) if b.x and b.y and b.width and b.height then outputChatBox("@b.x: "..tostring(b.x)) outputChatBox("@b.y: "..tostring(b.y)) outputChatBox("@b.width: "..tostring(b.width)) outputChatBox("@b.height: "..tostring(b.height)) zona = createColRectangle (b.x, b.y, b.width, b.height) outputChatBox("@zona: "..tostring(zona)) end end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", zona , function ( pHitElement ) if getElementType( pHitElement ) == 'player' then --textDisplayAddObserver(display, pHitElement) outputChatBox("@pHitElement: "..tostring(pHitElement)) outputChatBox("[BOSS] - Você entrou em área BOSS.", pHitElement, 0, 145, 0, true) end if getElementData(pHitElement,"zombie") and getElementType( pHitElement ) == 'ped' then killPed(pHitElement) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", zona , function (pLeaveElement) if getElementType (pLeaveElement) == 'player' then --textDisplayRemoveObserver(display, pLeaveElement) outputChatBox ("[BOSS] - Você saiu da área BOSS.", pLeaveElement, 145, 0, 0, true) end if getElementData (pLeaveElement, "zombie") and getElementType (pLeaveElement) == 'ped' then killPed (pLeaveElement) end end ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot,criandoareas) @b: table: 06EDE618 @b.x: 1587.1513671875 @b.y: -1152.365234375 @b.width: 245 @b.height: 160 @zona: userdata: 000010CE ---- @b: table: 06EDE5F0 @b.x: 2372.2763671875 @b.y: 1836.701171875 @b.width: 150 @b.height: 160 @zona: userdata: 000010CF ---- @b: table: 06EDE6B8 @b.x: -2140.8330078125 @b.y: 124.470703125 @b.width: 150 @b.height: 185 @zona: userdata: 000010D0 Sem erros no debugscript 3
Obrigado pelas respostas. @#RooTs@Lord Henry
Já tentei assim... sem sucesso tbm
alguém poderia explicar porque as funções 'entrando' e 'saindo' não estão funcionando? pls local aSavePlaces = { {1587.1513671875, -1152.365234375,245, 160}; -- BOSS LS {2372.2763671875, 1836.701171875,150, 160}; -- BOSS LV {-2140.8330078125, 124.470703125,150, 185}; -- BOSS SF } local aRadarAreaPlaces = { {1587.1513671875, -1152.365234375,245, 160,255,0,0,100}; -- BOSS LS {2372.2763671875, 1836.701171875,150, 160,255,0,0,100}; -- BOSS LV {-2140.8330078125, 124.470703125,150, 185,255,0,0,100}; -- BOSS SF } function criandoareas( ) for _, a in ipairs( aRadarAreaPlaces ) do pRadarArea = createRadarArea ( unpack( a ) ) setElementData( pRadarArea, "zombieProof", true ) end for _, b in ipairs( aSavePlaces ) do zona = createColRectangle ( unpack( b ) ) end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", zona ,entrando) addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", zona , saindo) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot,criandoareas) function entrando( pHitElement ) if getElementType( pHitElement ) == 'player' then outputChatBox("[BOSS] - Você entrou em área BOSS.", pHitElement, 0, 145, 0, true) elseif getElementData(pHitElement,"zombie") and getElementType( pHitElement ) == 'ped' then killPed(pHitElement) end end function saindo( pHitElement ) if getElementType( pHitElement ) == 'player' then outputChatBox("[BOSS] - Você saiu da área BOSS.", pHitElement, 145, 0, 0, true) elseif getElementData(pHitElement,"zombie") and getElementType( pHitElement ) == 'ped' then killPed(pHitElement) end end
Mano, tu é brabo. Muito obrigado @DNL291
@marker_id: SOBREVIVENTE-1 @teamName: SOBREVIVENTE @index: 1 @thePlayer: userdata: 00000EA2 @table_data: table: 00B66668 @marker_id: SOBREVIVENTE-2 @teamName: SOBREVIVENTE @index: 2 @thePlayer: userdata: 00000EA2 @table_data: table: 00B66668 @marker_id: SOBREVIVENTE-3 @teamName: SOBREVIVENTE @index: 3 @thePlayer: userdata: 00000EA2 @table_data: table: 00B66668 @marker_id: SOBREVIVENTE-4 @teamName: SOBREVIVENTE @index: 4 @thePlayer: userdata: 00000EA2 @table_data: table: 00B66668 - @marker_id: ASSASSINO-4 @marker_id: ASSASSINO-3 @marker_id: ASSASSINO-2 @marker_id: ASSASSINO-1 Estou na Sobrevivente
Não funcionou e não mostrou nenhum erro.
if g_team and getTeamName(g_team) == marker_id:sub( 1, #marker_id-2 ) then skins( hitPlayer, marker_id:sub( #marker_id ) ) assim?
https://imgur.com/2Ac6JX9 erros ao entrar na marker. line 32: if g_team and getTeamName(g_team) == marker_id:sub( 1, #id-2 ) then
testei assim, mais sem sucesso... local pos = { ["SOBREVIVENTE"]= { {2346.400390625,-1272.5,26.89999961853,276}, -- sobre {2339.8999023438,-1272.5,26.89999961853,277}, {2333.5000000000,-1272.5,26.89999961853,278}, {2325.400390625,-1272.5,26.89999961853,279}, }, ["ASSASSINO"]= { {2346.400390625,-1276.5,26.89999961853,234}, -- assssino {2339.8999023438,-1276.5,26.89999961853,235}, {2333.5000000000,-1276.5,26.89999961853,236}, {2325.400390625,-1276.5,26.89999961853,237}, }, } -- criando as marcas function createMarkersSkins () for k, v in pairs(pos) do for i=1, #v do local x, y, z = unpack(pos[k][i]) setElementID( createMarker(x, y, z, "cylinder", 1.5, 200 ,200, 0, 155), k ) end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, createMarkersSkins) addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", resourceRoot, function( hitPlayer ) if getElementType(hitPlayer) == "player" then local g_team = getPlayerTeam(hitPlayer) if g_team and getTeamName(g_team) == getElementID(source) then skins(hitPlayer) end end end ) function skins(thePlayer) local team = getPlayerTeam( thePlayer ) if not team then return end local table_data = pos[getTeamName(team)] or false if table_data then if table_data[1] then local skinID = table_data[1][4] -- skins 276, 234 setElementModel(thePlayer, skinID) outputChatBox (getPlayerName(thePlayer).." você trocou sua skin",thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) elseif table_data[2] then local skinID = table_data[2][4] -- skins 277, 235 setElementModel(thePlayer, skinID) outputChatBox (getPlayerName(thePlayer).." você trocou sua skin",thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) elseif table_data[3] then local skinID = table_data[3][4] -- skins 278, 236 setElementModel(thePlayer, skinID) outputChatBox (getPlayerName(thePlayer).." você trocou sua skin",thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) elseif table_data[4] then local skinID = table_data[4][4] -- skins 279, 237 setElementModel(thePlayer, skinID) outputChatBox (getPlayerName(thePlayer).." você trocou sua skin",thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) end end end sou meio ruim pra explicar como penso, mais acho que vc já tem uma noção de como quero fazer. Me ajude se puder.
Queria fazer assim, tipo cada marker corresponder a um modelo de skin diferente... sendo 4 markers para cada team skin model 101 {2346.400390625,-1272.5,26.89999961853}, -- sobre skin model 102 {2339.8999023438,-1272.5,26.89999961853}, skin model 103 {2333.5000000000,-1272.5,26.89999961853}, skin model 104 {2325.400390625,-1272.5,26.89999961853},
Fala pessoal, estou aqui novamente com outra dúvida... Queria saber como eu faço pra atrelar um modelo de skin a cada marca, para quando o player do team X entrar na marker Y que contenha a id da skin Z... local pos = { {2346.400390625,-1272.5,26.89999961853}, -- sobre {2339.8999023438,-1272.5,26.89999961853}, {2333.5000000000,-1272.5,26.89999961853}, {2325.400390625,-1272.5,26.89999961853}, {2346.400390625,-1272.5,26.89999961853}, -- assssino {2339.8999023438,-1272.5,26.89999961853}, {2333.5000000000,-1272.5,26.89999961853}, {2325.400390625,-1272.5,26.89999961853}, {2346.400390625,-1272.5,26.89999961853}, -- caçador {2339.8999023438,-1272.5,26.89999961853}, {2333.5000000000,-1272.5,26.89999961853}, {2325.400390625,-1272.5,26.89999961853}, {2346.400390625,-1272.5,26.89999961853}, -- multi {2339.8999023438,-1272.5,26.89999961853}, {2333.5000000000,-1272.5,26.89999961853}, {2325.400390625,-1272.5,26.89999961853}, {2346.400390625,-1272.5,26.89999961853}, -- pro {2339.8999023438,-1272.5,26.89999961853}, {2333.5000000000,-1272.5,26.89999961853}, {2325.400390625,-1272.5,26.89999961853}, } function createMarkersSkins () for i, v in ipairs(pos) do local x, y, z = unpack(v) marker = createMarker(x, y, z, "cylinder", 1.5, 200 ,200, 0, 155) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, skins) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, createMarkersSkins) function skins(thePlayer) local team = getTeamName(getPlayerTeam( thePlayer )) if (team == "SOBREVIVENTE") then setElementModel(thePlayer, 71) outputChatBox (getPlayerName(thePlayer).." você trocou sua skin",thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) elseif (team == "ASSASSINO" )then setElementModel(thePlayer, 73) outputChatBox (getPlayerName(thePlayer).." você trocou sua skin",thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) elseif (team == "CAÇADOR")then setElementModel(thePlayer, 73) outputChatBox (getPlayerName(thePlayer).." você trocou sua skin",thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) elseif (team == "MULTILADOR")then setElementModel(thePlayer, 74) outputChatBox (getPlayerName(thePlayer).." você trocou sua skin",thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) elseif (team == "PROFISSIONAL")then setElementModel(thePlayer, 75) outputChatBox (getPlayerName(thePlayer).." você trocou sua skin",thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) end end obs: as markers estão iguais apenas para exemplo. Me ajudem pls <3