Hello, you should contact Gamecp technical support as this is out of MTASA's hands. Probably incorrectly configured the installation of the control panel, verify that all the libraries are installed and have the necessary permissions to start applications (possibly for this reason it closes)
Hola, los puertos cerrados aun configurando tu router es porque tu ISP (Proveedor de Internet) bloquea los puertos , puedes solucionar esto contactando con ellos y pidiendo una direccion IP Publica que en la mayoria de proveedores tiene un costo adicional. Si ellos te dicen que no ofrecen esto, pues no queda mas que contratar un servicio de Hosting para MTASA que suelen ser muy económicos te costaría casi igual que contratar una dirección IP Publica y tendrías tu servidor funcionando 24/7. En lo personal te conviene contratar un Hosting.
Hello, to consult this information you can use the GameQ library, to consult server information.
PHP GameQ Library
This is an example from php, where you get all this information and more from the server:
Hello, I tell you that to protect your server from these attacks you have to stay with a provider that offers such protection, since it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to stop these attacks without dedicated hardware. ?