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Everything posted by SaedAmer

  1. السلام عليكم addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",resourceRoot, function() if source == GUIEditor.button[6] then triggerServerEvent("yasTeam",localPlayer) elseif source == GUIEditor.button[7] then triggerServerEvent("noTeam",localPlayer) end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",resourceRoot, function() if source == GUIEditor.button[8] then triggerServerEvent("AD",localPlayer) elseif source == GUIEditor.button[8] then triggerServerEvent("noAD",localPlayer) end end) addEvent("yasTeam",true) addEventHandler("yesTeam", root, function() for i, player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do unbindKey(player, "y", "down", "chatbox", "Teamsay") end end ) addEvent("noTeam",true) addEventHandler("noTeam", root, function() for i, player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do bindKey(player, "y", "down", "chatbox", "Teamsay") end end ) ------------------------------------------ groups = { "Console", "Admin", "SuperModerator", "Moderator", "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4", "Level 5", "Level 6", "Head.Admin", "Owner", "Leve16Plus", "Level5Plus", "Level4Plus", "Level3Plus", "Level2Plus", "Level1Plus", "AdminChat" } addCommandHandler("AdminChat", function(player,cmd,...) for theKey,theGroup in ipairs(groups) do if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)),aclGetGroup(theGroup)) then for theKey,theGroup in ipairs(groups) do for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)),aclGetGroup(theGroup)) then outputChatBox("(ADMIN) "..getPlayerName(player)..": #ffffff"..table.concat({...}," "),thePlayer,255,0,0,true) end end return end end end end ) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",root, function() for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do bindKey(thePlayer,"[","down","chatbox","AdminChat") end end ) --------------------------------------------------------------- addEvent("AD",true) addEventHandler("AD", root, function() for i, player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do unbindKey(player, "[", "down", "chatbox", "AdminChat") end end ) addEvent("noAD",true) addEventHandler("noAD", root, function() for i, player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do bindKey(player, "[", "down", "chatbox", "AdminChat") end end )
  2. متغيرش حاجة نفس الموضوع
  3. addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",resourceRoot, function() if source == GUIEditor.button[6] then triggerServerEvent("yasTeam",localPlayer) elseif source == GUIEditor.button[7] then triggerServerEvent("noTeam",localPlayer) end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",resourceRoot, function() if source == GUIEditor.button[8] then triggerServerEvent("AD",localPlayer) elseif source == GUIEditor.button[8] then triggerServerEvent("noAD",localPlayer) end end) addEvent("yasTeam",true) addEventHandler("yesTeam", root, function() for i, player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do unbindKey(player, "y", "down", "chatbox", "Teamsay") end end ) addEvent("noTeam",true) addEventHandler("noLTeam", root, function() for i, player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do bindKey(player, "y", "down", "chatbox", "Teamsay") end end ) ------------------------------------------ groups = { "Console", "Admin", "SuperModerator", "Moderator", "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4", "Level 5", "Level 6", "Head.Admin", "Owner", "Leve16Plus", "Level5Plus", "Level4Plus", "Level3Plus", "Level2Plus", "Level1Plus", "AdminChat" } addCommandHandler("AdminChat", function(player,cmd,...) for theKey,theGroup in ipairs(groups) do if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)),aclGetGroup(theGroup)) then for theKey,theGroup in ipairs(groups) do for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)),aclGetGroup(theGroup)) then outputChatBox("(ADMIN) "..getPlayerName(player)..": #ffffff"..table.concat({...}," "),thePlayer,255,0,0,true) end end return end end end end ) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",root, function() for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do bindKey(thePlayer,"[","down","chatbox","AdminChat") end end ) --------------------------------------------------------------- addEvent("AD",true) addEventHandler("AD", root, function() for i, player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do unbindKey(player, "[", "down", "chatbox", "AdminChat") end end ) addEvent("noAD",true) addEventHandler("noAD", root, function() for i, player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do bindKey(player, "[", "down", "chatbox", "AdminChat") end end )
  4. function centerWindow(center_window) local screenW,screenH=guiGetScreenSize() local windowW,windowH=guiGetSize(center_window,false) local x,y = (screenW-windowW)/2,(screenH-windowH)/2 guiSetPosition(center_window,x,y,false) end MKAN = { {"البداية",3490.43726,-1940.38354,12.18125}, {"الحلبه",2817.75806,-1743.10510,9.97133}, {"البنك",1478.26538,-1705.67419,14.04688}, {"مركز الشرطة",function centerWindow(center_window) local screenW,screenH=guiGetScreenSize() local windowW,windowH=guiGetSize(center_window,false) local x,y = (screenW-windowW)/2,(screenH-windowH)/2 guiSetPosition(center_window,x,y,false) end MKAN = { {"البداية",3490.43726,-1940.38354,12.18125}, {"الحلبه",2817.75806,-1743.10510,9.97133}, {"البنك",1478.26538,-1705.67419,14.04688}, {"مركز الشرطة",1521.77258,-1677.03223,13.54688}, {"المجمع السكني",3393.76758,-1732.79016,10.90000}, {"حارة سي جي",2491.12109375, -1667.4482421875, 13.34375}, {"السد الكبير",-887.02734375, 2000.9217529297, 60.654315948486}, {"الدائري",1678.33533, 1447.70569, 10.77515}, {"شارع النخيل",2068.1389160156, 1008.2157592773, 10.671875}, {"شارع الفروسيه",2878.1115722656, -1110.029296875, 10.882762908936}, {"شارع الغروب",662.55310058594, 1936.7479248047, 5.5052728652954}, {"ساحه التفجير",-2051.4926757813, -173.29304504395, 35.3203125}, {"الجسر المعلق", -1160.81372,1078.04163,40.23039}, {"معرض السيارات 1", -1988.24353,287.47321,34.30679}, {"معرض السيارات 2", 2128.78906,-1126.25452,25.53082}, {"معرض السيارات 3", 544.69055,-1273.57458,17.24824}, {"معرض السيارات 4", 1917.88013,2070.78638,10.82031}, {"السينما",-2012.24548,441.59763,35.17188}, } ------------ bindKey("f6","down", function () guiSetVisible(wnd,not guiGetVisible(wnd)) showCursor(guiGetVisible(wnd)) end ) for i,mk in ipairs(MKAN) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(grid) guiGridListSetItemText(grid,row,1,mk[1],false,false) guiGridListSetItemData(grid,row,1,{mk[2],mk[3],mk[4]}) guiGridListSetItemColor(grid,row,1,math.random(0,255),math.random(0,255),math.random(0,255)) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function () local sel = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(grid) if source == move then if sel ~= -1 then local x,y,z = unpack(guiGridListGetItemData(grid,sel,1)) setElementPosition(localPlayer,x,y,z) else outputChatBox("* الرجاء اختيار مكان",255,0,0) end end end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function () if ( source == move ) then guiSetVisible(wnd,false) showCursor(false) end )
  5. السلام عليكم كل ما اجي اضيف recourse لجروب مش بيضاف ايه الحل؟
  6. اوك لما خلتهم كده مشتغلش addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if source == GRID then local name = guiGridListGetItemText(GRID, guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GRID), Column1 ) guiSetText(GUIEditor.edit[4], name) end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if source == GRID then local name = guiGridListGetItemText(GRID, guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GRID), Column2 ) guiSetText(GUIEditor.edit[5], name) end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if source == GRID then local name = guiGridListGetItemText(GRID, guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GRID), Column3 ) guiSetText(GUIEditor.edit[6], name) end end) + --------------------- عاوز addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function () if ( source == GUIEditor.button[3] ) then guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1],false) showCursor(false) elseif ( source == GUIEditor.button[1] ) then if ( guiGetText ( GUIEditor.edit[1] ) and guiGetText ( GUIEditor.edit[2] ) and guiGetText ( GUIEditor.edit[3] ) ~= '' ) then local row = guiGridListAddRow (GUIEditor.gridlist[1]) local row = guiGridListAddRow ( GRID) guiGridListSetItemText (GRID,row,Column1,guiGetText( GUIEditor.edit[1]),false,false) guiGridListSetItemText (GRID,row,Column2,guiGetText( GUIEditor.edit[2]),false,false) guiGridListSetItemText (GRID,row,Column3,guiGetText( GUIEditor.edit[3]),false,false) outputChatBox('[RentSystem]: تم ارسال الطلب ',0,255,0,true ) end end end ) يضاف عليه اذا اختار وحد من دول GUIEditor.radiobutton[1] = guiCreateRadioButton(348, 232, 120, 16, "موبايلي", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.radiobutton[1], "NormalTextColour", "FFFEFEFE") GUIEditor.radiobutton[2] = guiCreateRadioButton(348, 258, 120, 16, "كاش يو", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.radiobutton[2], "NormalTextColour", "FFFEFEFE") guiRadioButtonSetSelected(GUIEditor.radiobutton[2], true) GUIEditor.radiobutton[3] = guiCreateRadioButton(348, 284, 120, 16, "اتصلات", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.radiobutton[3], "NormalTextColour", "FFFEFEFE")
  7. GRID = guiCreateGridList(13, 28, 482, 413, false, GUIEditor.window[2]) Column1 = guiGridListAddColumn(GRID, "Name", 0.3) Column2 = guiGridListAddColumn(GRID, "MailName", 0.3) Column3 = guiGridListAddColumn(GRID, "Card", 0.3) GUIEditor.button[4] = guiCreateButton(18, 442, 21, 20, "X", false, GUIEditor.window[2]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[4], "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") GUIEditor.edit[4] = guiCreateEdit(249, 441, 207, 25, "", false, GUIEditor.window[2]) GUIEditor.edit[5] = guiCreateEdit(249, 466, 207, 25, "", false, GUIEditor.window[2]) GUIEditor.edit[6] = guiCreateEdit(9, 482, 207, 25, "", false, GUIEditor.window[2]) GUIEditor.edit[7] = guiCreateEdit(249, 491, 207, 25, "", false, GUIEditor.window[2]) GUIEditor.label[12] = guiCreateLabel(462, 447, 37, 15, "الاسم", false, GUIEditor.window[2]) GUIEditor.label[13] = guiCreateLabel(462, 447, 37, 15, "الاسم", false, GUIEditor.window[2]) GUIEditor.label[14] = guiCreateLabel(462, 472, 37, 15, "الاميل", false, GUIEditor.window[2]) GUIEditor.label[15] = guiCreateLabel(462, 497, 37, 15, "الدفع", false, GUIEditor.window[2]) GUIEditor.label[16] = guiCreateLabel(170, 456, 56, 16, "كود البطاقة", false, GUIEditor.window[2])
  8. السلام عليكم ازاي لما احدد Column يظهر الملعومات الي فيه في الادت
  9. في الاصدار القادم انشاء الله
  10. ده طلبي عشان دماغي اتخربتت
  11. ما عرفت احاول اساسا
  12. مش عارف اعملو
  13. طيب قول وش معني اللوب يعني انتم جين تساعدوني ولا تتخالفو ؟ اخ اوسكال لوب يعني تمر على القيم او تستخرج القيمة من الجدول افضل انك تسكت بما انك ماتعرف وش يعني لوب , مثال لو سمحت عشان افهم
  14. مساعده -------- يعني ايه لوب ؟
  15. معلش يعني ايه لوب ؟ لوب ابيض يعني ؟
  16. addEvent("ADDTeam",true) addEventHandler("ADDTeam",root, function() RGBToHex (red, green, blue, alpha) if((red < 0 or red > 255 or green < 0 or green > 255 or blue < 0 or blue > 255) or (alpha and (alpha < 0 or alpha > 255))) then return nil end if(alpha) then return string.format("#%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X", red,green,blue,alpha) else return string.format("#%.2X%.2X%.2X", red,green,blue) end end ) ----------------------------------------- اخي انا عاوز الجريد لست تجيب التيمات الي موجوده في السيرفر مش لما اكتب في الاديت بيعته للجربد
  17. يا اخي لا تقول كلام ما له علاقي ب الي طلبته انا بقلو عاوز فكشنات ده
  18. و السيرفر سايد ؟
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