السلام عليكم
عاوز لما الكونسول يشتري بيت يكتب اسم المالك كده
Owner SaedAmer
ده ملف السيرفر !!
function joinHandler(player) if not player then player = source end local r, g, b = math.random(50, 255), math.random(50, 255), math.random(50, 255) setPlayerNametagColor(player, r, g, b) g_PlayerData[player] = { vehicles = {} } g_PlayerData[player].blip = createBlipAttachedTo(player, 0, 2, r, g, b) if g_FrozenTime then clientCall(player, 'setTimeFrozen', true, g_FrozenTime[1], g_FrozenTime[2], g_FrozenWeather) end if getOption('welcometextonstart') then outputChatBox('►▌ Welcome In [M.L] Server ▐◄', player, 255,0,0) end end addEventHandler('onPlayerJoin', g_Root, joinHandler) local sql = { Query = executeSQLQuery }; addEventHandler( 'onResourceStart', resourceRoot, function() sql.Query( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS house_data (\ ID INTEGER, en_X REAL, en_Y REAL, en_Z REAL,\ en_tX REAL, en_tY REAL, en_tZ REAL,\ ex_X REAL, ex_Y REAL, ex_Z REAL,\ ex_tX REAL, ex_tY REAL, ex_tZ REAL,\ int INTEGER, dim INTEGER, cost INTEGER, owner TEXT, key TEXT )" ); for i, v in ipairs( getElementsByType( 'player' ) ) do setElementData( v, 'k_len', tonumber( get( 'keyLength' ) ) ); local acc = getPlayerAccount( v ); if not isGuestAccount( acc ) then setElementData( v, 'HS_accountName', getAccountName( acc ) ); end; setElementData( v, 'mrk_in', nil ); end; local hr = sql.Query( "SELECT * FROM house_data" ); for i = 1, #hr do createHouse( false, hr[i].ID, hr[i].owner, hr[i].key, hr[i].en_X, hr[i].en_Y, hr[i].en_Z, hr[i].en_tX, hr[i].en_tY, hr[i].en_tZ, hr[i].ex_X, hr[i].ex_Y, hr[i].ex_Z, hr[i].ex_tX, hr[i].ex_tY, hr[i].ex_tZ, hr[i].int, hr[i].dim, hr[i].cost ); end; end ); addEventHandler( 'onResourceStop', resourceRoot, function() for i, v in ipairs( getElementsByType( 'player' ) ) do setElementData( v, 'k_len', nil ); setElementData( v, 'HS_accountName', nil ); end; end ); addEventHandler( 'onPlayerJoin', root, function() setElementData( source, 'k_len', tonumber( get( 'keyLength' ) ) ); end ); addEventHandler( 'onPlayerLogin', root, function( _, acc ) setElementData( source, 'HS_accountName', getAccountName( acc ) ); end ); addEventHandler( 'onPlayerLoout', root, function( _, acc ) setElementData( source, 'HS_accountName', nil ); end ); addCommandHandler( 'hpanel', function( player ) if isObjectInACLGroup( 'user.'..getAccountName( getPlayerAccount( player ) ), aclGetGroup( 'House' ) ) or hasObjectPermissionTo( player, 'command.banip', false ) then if not getElementData( player, 'HP_Opened' ) and not getElementData( player, 'mrk_in' ) then triggerClientEvent( player, 'HP_SetVisible', root, true ); end; else outputChatBox( '* Access denied for this command!', player, 255, 36, 51 ); end; end ); addEvent( 'onPlayerAttemptCreateHouse', true ); addEventHandler( 'onPlayerAttemptCreateHouse', root, function( rt ) createHouse( true, #sql.Query( "SELECT * FROM house_data" ) + 1, '', '', unpack( rt ) ); outputChatBox( '* تهانينا تم تكوين بيت جديد!', client, 255, 255, 0 ); end ); function createHouse( add, ID, owner, key, eX, eY, eZ, etX, etY, etZ, exX, exY, exZ, extX, extY, extZ, int, dim, cost ) if add then sql.Query( "INSERT INTO house_data ( ID, en_X, en_Y, en_Z, en_tX, en_tY, en_tZ, ex_X, ex_Y, ex_Z, ex_tX, ex_tY, ex_tZ, int, dim, cost, owner, key ) VALUES ( "..ID..", "..eX..", "..eY..", "..eZ..", "..etX..", "..etY..", "..etZ..", "..exX..", "..exY..", "..exZ..", "..extX..", "..extY..", "..extZ..", "..int..", "..dim..", "..cost..", '', '' )" ); end; local m_Enter = createMarker( eX, eY, eZ - 1, 'cylinder', 1.25, 0, 153, 255, 150 ); setElementData( m_Enter, 'HS_INFO', { etX, etY, etZ, int, dim, cost, owner, key, ID } ); if getElementData( m_Enter, 'HS_INFO' )[7] ~= '' then setMarkerColor( m_Enter, 255, 51, 36, 150 ); end; addEventHandler( 'onMarkerHit', m_Enter, function( player ) if getElementType( player ) == 'player' and not getPedOccupiedVehicle( player ) then if not getElementData( player, 'HP_Opened' ) then if not isGuestAccount( getPlayerAccount( player ) ) then setElementData( player, 'mrk_in', getElementData( source, 'HS_INFO' )[9] ); onPlayerHouseMarkerHit( player, source, true ); setPedFrozen( player, true ); else outputChatBox( '* يجب عليك تسجيل دخولك!', player, 255, 51, 36 ); end; end; end; end ); addEventHandler( 'onMarkerLeave', m_Enter, function( player ) if getElementType( player ) == 'player' and not getPedOccupiedVehicle( player ) then setElementData( player, 'mrk_in', nil ); end; end ); local m_Exit = createMarker( exX, exY, exZ - 1, 'cylinder', 1.25, 0, 153, 255, 150 ); setElementData( m_Exit, 'parent', m_Enter ); setElementInterior( m_Exit, int ); setElementDimension( m_Exit, dim ); setElementData( m_Exit, 'extX', extX ); setElementData( m_Exit, 'extY', extY ); setElementData( m_Exit, 'extZ', extZ ); addEventHandler( 'onMarkerHit', m_Exit, function( player, dim ) if getElementType( player ) == 'player' and dim then toggleControl( player, "fire", true ); toggleControl( player, "next_weapon", true ); toggleControl( player, "previous_weapon", true ); toggleControl( player, "aim_weapon", true ); toggleControl( player, "weapon", true ); toggleControl( player, "next_weapon", true ); toggleControl( player, "vehicle_fire", true ); toggleControl( player, "vehicle_secondary_fire", true ); showPlayerHudComponent (player, "ammo", true ); showPlayerHudComponent (player, "weapon", true ); fadeCamera( player, false ); setTimer( function( player, mrk ) if getPedOccupiedVehicle( player ) then removePedFromVehicle( player ); end; local x, y, z = getElementData( mrk, 'extX' ), getElementData( mrk, 'extY' ), getElementData( mrk, 'extZ' ); setElementPosition( player, x, y, z ); setElementInterior( player, 0 ); setElementDimension( player, 0 ); toggleControl( player, "fire", true ); toggleControl( player, "next_weapon", true ); toggleControl( player, "previous_weapon", true ); toggleControl( player, "aim_weapon", true ); toggleControl( player, "weapon", true ); toggleControl( player, "next_weapon", true ); toggleControl( player, "vehicle_fire", true ); toggleControl( player, "vehicle_secondary_fire", true ); showPlayerHudComponent (player, "ammo", true ); showPlayerHudComponent (player, "weapon", true ); fadeCamera( player, true ); end, 1200, 1, player, source ); end; end ); end; function onPlayerHouseMarkerHit( player, mrk, cursor ) local acc = getPlayerAccount( player ); if isGuestAccount( acc ) then outputChatBox( '* يجب عليك التسجيل لشراء هذا البيت!', player, 255, 51, 36 ); setElementData( player, 'mrk_in', nil ); setPedFrozen( player, false ); return false; end; local tts = { [1] = true, [2] = false, [3] = false, [4] = true, [5] = false, [6] = false }; if isObjectInACLGroup( 'user.'..getAccountName( acc ), aclGetGroup( 'House' ) ) or hasObjectPermissionTo( player, 'command.banip', false ) then tts[6] = true; end; local owner = getElementData( mrk, 'HS_INFO' )[7]; local accName = getAccountName( acc ); if owner == accName then tts[1] = false; tts[2] = true; tts[3] = true; tts[4] = true; tts[5] = true; end; if owner ~= accName and owner ~= '' then tts[1] = false; end; if owner == '' then if isObjectInACLGroup( 'user.'..getAccountName( acc ), aclGetGroup( 'House' ) ) or hasObjectPermissionTo( player, 'command.banip', false ) then tts[4] = true; else tts[4] = false; end; end; tts[7] = getElementData( mrk, 'HS_INFO' )[9]; tts[8] = getElementData( mrk, 'HS_INFO' )[7]; tts[9] = getElementData( mrk, 'HS_INFO' )[6]; triggerClientEvent( player, 'openHouseManagementWnd', root, tts, cursor ); end; addEvent( 'HOUSE_Buy', true ); addEventHandler( 'HOUSE_Buy', root, function( cost, key ) local accName = getAccountName( getPlayerAccount( client ) ); local houseCounter = 0; for i, v in ipairs( getElementsByType( 'marker', getResourceRootElement() ) ) do if getElementData( v, 'HS_INFO' ) then local owner = getElementData( v, 'HS_INFO' )[7]; if owner == accName then houseCounter = houseCounter + 1; end; end; end; if houseCounter >= tonumber( get( 'playerHouseCounter' ) ) then outputChatBox( '* You can not buy more than #00FF00'..get( 'playerHouseCounter' )..' house(-s)#FF3324 at the same time!', client, 255, 51, 36, true ); setPedFrozen( client, false ); return false; end; if getPlayerMoney( client ) >= tonumber( cost ) then outputChatBox( '* الرقم السري الرجاء عد نسيانه to #00FF00'..key, client, 255, 51, 36, true ); outputChatBox( '* تهانينا تم شراء البيت بنجاح!', client, 255, 255, 0 ); sql.Query( "UPDATE house_data SET owner = '"..accName.."', key = '"..key.."' WHERE ID = ?", getElementData( client, 'mrk_in' ) ); takePlayerMoney( client, cost ); local mrk = getHouseByID( getElementData( client, 'mrk_in' ) ); local t = {}; for i = 1, 6 do t[i] = getElementData( mrk, 'HS_INFO' )[i]; end; t[7] = accName; t[8] = key; t[9] = getElementData( client, 'mrk_in' ); setElementData( mrk, 'HS_INFO', { t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5], t[6], t[7], t[8], t[9] } ); setMarkerColor( mrk, 255, 51, 36, 150 ); setTimer( onPlayerHouseMarkerHit, 50, 1, client, mrk, true ); else outputChatBox( '* ليس لديك مال كافي لشراء البيت!', client, 255, 51, 36 ); onPlayerHouseMarkerHit( client, getHouseByID( getElementData( client, 'mrk_in' ) ), true ); end; end ); addEvent( 'HOUSE_Sell', true ); addEventHandler( 'HOUSE_Sell', root, function() sql.Query( "UPDATE house_data SET owner = '', key = '' WHERE ID = ?", getElementData( client, 'mrk_in' ) ); local mrk = getHouseByID( getElementData( client, 'mrk_in' ) ); givePlayerMoney( client, getElementData( mrk, 'HS_INFO' )[6] / 2 ); local t = {}; for i = 1, 6 do t[i] = getElementData( mrk, 'HS_INFO' )[i]; end; t[7] = ''; t[8] = ''; t[9] = getElementData( client, 'mrk_in' ); setElementData( mrk, 'HS_INFO', { t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5], t[6], t[7], t[8], t[9] } ); setMarkerColor( mrk, 0, 153, 255, 150 ); setTimer( onPlayerHouseMarkerHit, 50, 1, client, mrk, false ); end ); addEvent( 'HOUSE_Enter', true ); addEventHandler( 'HOUSE_Enter', root, function() setPedFrozen( client, false ); local mrk = getHouseByID( getElementData( client, 'mrk_in' ) ); local t = {}; for i = 1, 5 do t