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Everything posted by orel56000

  1. It will not do what I need. For example: If I have - haha = 1, 5, QQQ. And I'll replace all = with , it will do: haha , 1, 5, QQQ But what I want is: QQQ, 5, 1, haha or 5, 1, QQQ + haha. You understand?
  2. Thank you, how did you got this link? the problem was to find the name of the song via fetchRemote.. not to hear the music, and not to find the name via a command, I just wanted to learn how to use fetchRemote cause I found almost nothing on google
  3. Ill try that out, thanks. but there still a option to do that with fetchRemote? I wanna learn how to use this function
  4. Hi, I'm having problems with understanding about fetchRemote and I can't find anything about what I want in the internet. I'm trying to get the song that playing in a online radio website: http://www.181.fm/player/?station=181-power I have tried to check if i can get a song with this command and its not working (the song was Alone (Clean)) and its not working, please help? fetchRemote("http://player.181fm.com/?station=181-power", 2, 5000, function(responseData, errno) if errno == 0 then local sfind, efind = string.find(responseData, "Alone (Clean)") -- outputChatBox(string.sub(responseData, sfind-100, sfind+100)) if sfind ~= nil then outputChatBox("YES") else outputChatBox("no") end end outputChatBox(errno..", "..string.len(responseData)) end, "", true) Thanks for helpers!!
  5. I have tried to take an object (the tunnels) from SAMP, and its working but with some issues.. When I load the object its working but there is no glass, I searched about that on google and found nothing but this video that he succeeded to do that. someone knows why this is happaning and how to fix it?? The guy's video: Whats happaning on my server: Thanks for helpers!!
  6. Yes! That what I meant for, thank you. BTW, there is an option to open this file and change things in the users? Like to change someone's password..
  7. Hi, If I use addAccount() on my server, can I see it's saved file manually? How can I backup users?
  8. I dont wanna make it, I ask if somebody knows about program that does it.. It is very useful and I'm sure someone thought about that and made it.. and its not about reversing it, its about chaning the variables so it will be in your platform
  9. Hey, someone knows a program that I can change text with variables?, I mean for example if I got: haha = 1,5,QQQ hah4a = 4,5,Qss h1aha = 3,5,QDa haasdha = 2,5,QVV ha = 1,7,QQw h11aha = 1,2,Qfd hah00a = 1,1,gfdgQ hahaazzza = 3,5,oooo so I can paste it in a box, and tell the program I want it to change it from - {Variable1} = {Variable2},{Variable3},{Variable4} ---> {Variable4}, {Variable3}, {Variable2}, {Variable1}. and it will print me out this: QQQ, 5, 1, haha Qss, 5, 4, hah4a QDa, 5, 3, h1aha ... ... .. . . . You understand me... Thanks for helpers!!
  10. how do I check if a command that a player wrote is not exist? i want to do something like this: if someone writing a command that not exist like akakaksl it will print him: "the command akakaksl is not exist". thanks for helpers
  11. I think, and when I have connected to my server, one object(that created with createObject) removed his collision (I could walk through it, but other players don't). I've tried to restart the gamemode - nothing, unless I close the game and running it again, nothing works
  12. Hello, I have a issue that if someone entered a server (not my server) and this server put in his skin a helmet for example. if he connect my server, the helmet stays and he will see it in my server too... or if the server disable collision to an object, its staying without collision in my server too... how to fix that?
  13. when i do outputChatBox(50000000000000000000000) its print 5e+22 instend of 50000000000000000000000. how to fix that? I've tried tostring() and tonumber() but its not working..
  14. I know there is a lot of converters, but its kind annoying when I just need to put about two objects, and I have to save it as a new resource of map, and open the .map file, and put it in a converter...
  15. I think I can program it for myself, and if I not, its not a big problem to enter the ffs converter.. i just asked, but thanks anyway
  16. I have fixed the problem, I have just set the last argument to false and its fixed. Thank you for helping anyway.
  17. Hello, I have a music system that works on a position on the GTA SA map, so when I get far away from the position, the music stops for this player, and when he coming back, it is starting from the beginning, I have tried to use setSoundPosition, but its works only for the music I heared already, ex: if i heared 12 seconds of the song, I cant just move the position to how ever, but not after 12 seconds. There is someway to fix this problem? maybe somehow to download the file music to the client from the link, or something. thank for helpers
  18. why its not mentioned on the wiki? it is make no sense because this function is working if I create the blip on the client side... so it is a bug...
  19. When I do createBlip on server side, and I do getBlipSize on client size and the blip's icon is diffrent from id 0 it is not working, it is always think the size is 2... what should I do?
  20. Any clue for relase date? because I'm now working on a project that should manage the custom object with showing them when you come close, and restore them when its out of stream, if there is an object as this, please tell me. And I'd like to know more info about JStreamer 2.0 because I've searched for JStreamer 1.0 and found nothing.
  21. How can I add custom objects?(Not Replace) because I have a lot of custom object that I wanna add, but there is no free id's for me, because my gamemode uses all the GTA SA map, include interriors. What should I do?
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