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Everything posted by SmoothGarlic
So after the Update i got these errors: Code: local screenwidth, screenheight = guiGetScreenSize () function isWithinNightTime () local time = getRealTime() local hour = time.hour if hour >= 20 or hour <= 8 then return true else return false end end function showVersionInfo () end function SubmitPasswortLoginEdit(button) if button == "left" then if guiGetText ( Password ) == "******" then guiSetText ( Password, "" ) end end end function guiShowLoginAgain_func () guiSetVisible ( LoginWindow, true ) guiSetText ( gEdit["passwort_login"], "" ) end addEvent ( "guiShowLoginAgain", true ) addEventHandler ( "guiShowLoginAgain", getRootElement(), guiShowLoginAgain_func ) function SubmitEinloggenBtn(cmd, state) if state == "down" then source = getPlayerName(lp) local passwort = DGS:dgsDxGUIGetText( pw ) triggerServerEvent ( "einloggen", lp, lp, hash ( "sha512", passwort )) local file = xmlLoadFile ( ":reallife_server/pw.xml" ) if DGS:dgsDxRadioButtonGetSelected(pwSafeYes) == true then local psafe = xmlFindChild ( file, "pw", 0 ) xmlNodeSetValue ( psafe, passwort ) xmlSaveFile ( file ) end if DGS:dgsDxRadioButtonGetSelected(pwSafeNo) == true then local psafe = xmlFindChild ( file, "pw", 0 ) xmlNodeSetValue ( psafe, nil ) xmlSaveFile ( file ) end end end function _CreateLoginWindow() login = DGS:dgsDxCreateWindow(0.44, 0.41, 0.11, 0.18,"Login",true, nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil, true) DGS:dgsDxWindowSetSizable(login,false) DGS:dgsDxWindowSetMovable(login,false) DGS:dgsDxCreateLabel(0.04, 0.11, 0.30, 0.12,"Passwort:",true,login) pw = DGS:dgsCreateEdit( 0.04, 0.25, 0.91, 0.14, "", true, login, tocolor(255,255,255) ) DGS:dgsDxCreateLabel(0.05, 0.44, 0.65, 0.12, "Passwort speichern ?",true,login) -- DGS:dgsDxRadioButtonSetSelected(pwSafeNo, true) DGS:dgsDxGUISetProperty(pw,"masked",true) DGS:dgsSetParent(pw, login) loginButton = DGS:dgsDxCreateButton(0.23, 0.78, 0.54, 0.17, "Einloggen", true, login, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, tocolor(1,223,1), tocolor(4,170,4), tocolor(4,170,4) ) pwSafeYes = DGS:dgsDxCreateRadioButton(0.05, 0.59, 0.60, 0.08, "Ja",true, login) pwSafeNo = DGS:dgsDxCreateRadioButton(0.67, 0.59, 0.25, 0.08, "Nein",true, login) addEventHandler ( "onClientDgsDxMouseClick", loginButton, SubmitEinloggenBtn, true ) showCursor(true) local pwfile = xmlLoadFile ( ":reallife_server/pw.xml" ) if not pwfile then pwfile = xmlCreateFile ( ":reallife_server/pw.xml", "PW" ) xmlSaveFile ( pwfile ) pwfile = xmlLoadFile ( ":reallife_server/pw.xml" ) psafe = xmlCreateChild ( pwfile, "pw" ) xmlSaveFile ( pwfile ) else local psafe = xmlFindChild ( pwfile, "pw", 0 ) success = xmlNodeGetValue ( psafe ) DGS:dgsDxGUISetText(pw, success) DGS:dgsDxRadioButtonSetSelected(pwSafeYes, true) end end function camera () local matrix = math.random(1,5) if matrix == 1 then setCameraMatrix ( -2002.5085449219, 97.438499450684, 50.890598297119, -2002.3596191406, 98.375770568848, 50.575439453125 ) elseif matrix == 2 then setCameraMatrix ( -1994.8226318359, -150.59030151367, 71.665397644043, -1995.6309814453, -150.32920837402, 71.137786865234 ) elseif matrix == 3 then setCameraMatrix ( -2134.8269042969, 1479.3785400391, 58.808700561523, -2134.3942871094, 1478.5981445313, 58.357345581055 ) elseif matrix == 4 then setCameraMatrix ( -2821.173828125, 553.37512207031, 61.36360168457, -2821.9301757813, 552.81994628906, 61.017475128174 ) elseif matrix == 5 then setCameraMatrix ( -1716.0357666016, 938.47021484375, 51.152000427246, -1716.7960205078, 938.76733398438, 50.574275970459 ) end end function GUI_ShowLoginWindow() joinmusik = playSound (loginmusic, true) setSoundVolume(joinmusik,0.3) bindKey ( "enter", "down", SubmitEinloggenBtn ) _CreateLoginWindow() end addEvent ( "ShowLoginWindow", true) addEventHandler ( "ShowLoginWindow", getRootElement(), GUI_ShowLoginWindow) function GUI_DisableLoginWindow() -- addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, InfoUnten ) -- addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, infoUntenRechts ) stopSound(joinmusik) DGS:dgsDxGUICloseWindow(login) showCursor(false) setTimer ( checkForSocialStateChanges, 10000, 0 ) setTimer ( getPlayerSocialAvailableStates, 1000, 1 ) if isTimer ( LVCamFlightTimer ) then killTimer ( LVCamFlightTimer ) end setElementClicked ( false ) setTempToken () findSettings () end addEvent ( "DisableLoginWindow", true ) addEventHandler ( "DisableLoginWindow", getRootElement(), GUI_DisableLoginWindow) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function () local player = getLocalPlayer() for i = 1, 100 do outputChatBox (" ") end triggerServerEvent ( "regcheck", getLocalPlayer(), player ) end ) function ShowInfoWindow () infobox_start_func("Herzlich Willkommen\nbei "" Reallife\nLogge dich nun unten ein!", 7500 ) end function setTempToken () resetToken = setTimer ( setTempToken, 60000*60, 0 ) local token = generateString ( 6 ) triggerServerEvent ( "setTempToken", getLocalPlayer(), token ) playerTempToken = token outputChatBox("Ein neuer Token wurde soeben gesetzt. "..token) end
Website down ?
hi i need how to creat server pubg or i need resources pleas
SmoothGarlic replied to XGamerTn's topic in Resources
And please, learn english -
Please show screenshot's. I, for expampel, need that, because i want to know the design.
How can i ask the Script, which state it is ?
When i use onClientDgsDxMouseClick it execute the connectet function two times. How can i fix that ? At the moment i use a simple if-Query, but its very annoying
Take your time. At the moment you do a amazing job with DGS. You need ~24 Hours or less to fix a bug, that a good service man, I thank you for your support.
DgsDxCreateCycleHitShape What does t and what are the parameters ?
Something with the last update is wrong (no button, look debug) /edit I downgradet via github now it work again.
Now it fixed, thank you man !
Not by me, still blurred
Hi, i hope my eyes aren't broken When i look at this GUI i see a blure effect or something, can u fix that or how can i fix that ? I use the updated version.
Hi, i want to say thank you for your good work! Keep it up. I use your lib for everything since release and everything is working fine and looks cool. I'd like to thank you with a little donation, so do you have Paypal ? It would be a pleasure to help you out with some money.
Hey, i am it again. Am i able to do animations with dgs functions like dgsMoveTo ? Like with InterpolateBetween for GUIs or other dx things? Can u explain me this functions or add it to the wiki ?
Hi man, very nice class but here are two things: 1. You wrote the wrong Script in the meta.xml (Line 84-86) <export function="dgsDxCreateRadioButton" type="client" /> <export function="dgsDxRadioButtonGetSelected" type="client" /> <export function="dgsDxRadioButtonGetSelected" type="client" /> You export the same Function two times, so dgsDxRadioButtonSetSelected don't work, if the user of the script don't edit it. 2. Can u update the GitHub Version ?
A dxClass to make windows, buttons and more (guy functions to dx) in dx.