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Everything posted by idarrr

  1. Use ":images/myimage.png" if you want to get image in another resources.
  2. It's safe, it will triggered once you entered the command. You can remove it with removeEventHandler.
  3. If you want to call function when player enter the vehicle use OnVehicleEnter It will run function when player entering the vehicle.
  4. On line 21 you can simply use PanelRender(clickedElement) then try setVehicleDoorState(clickedElement, 0, 0 ) And also, if you repair Vehicle on Client Side, other players still see it broken.
  5. idarrr


    I think you are destroying an Element Data, not the Object. Maybe you need to make table to store the Weapons.
  6. idarrr

    dx Help

    use getDistanceBetweenPoints3D if you want to get player in short distance.
  7. Hi, what kind of Game Mode you want to build? email me [email protected]
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