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Posts posted by koragg

  1. 11 hours ago, ÆBKV said:

    it does not work so well with small and capital letters, do you have an idea why?

    You can make both the input text and the thing you're searching for (the result to be found) in small letters by using this: http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-string.lower

    That way it won't matter if you type "Infernus", "infernus", "INFERNUS", "iNfeRnuS" and so on. It will still work and show you the vehicle. 

  2. 12 hours ago, zRiaan said:

    yes, but I would like to add a modified radar as it worked before I changed the host, now that I have changed my host no radar wants to work, only shaders :(

    Isn't that modified radar made with shaders? Anyway, it's strange how it stopped working... changing host can't have anything to do with the resources.

  3. Fixed!! With below code:

    addEvent("onMapStarting", true)
    function onMapStarting()
    	canUsePJsAndLights = true
    	setElementData(resourceRoot, "canUsePJsAndLights", true)
    	for k, s in pairs(getElementsByType("spawnpoint")) do 
    		if getElementData(s, "upgrades") or getElementData(s, "paintjob") then
    			canUsePJsAndLights = false
    			setElementData(resourceRoot, "canUsePJsAndLights", false)
    	for k, s in pairs(getElementsByType("checkpoint")) do 
    		if getElementData(s, "upgrades") or getElementData(s, "paintjob") then
    			canUsePJsAndLights = false
    			setElementData(resourceRoot, "canUsePJsAndLights", false)
    	for k, s in pairs(getElementsByType("pickup")) do 
    		if getElementData(s, "upgrades") or getElementData(s, "paintjob") then
    			canUsePJsAndLights = false
    			setElementData(resourceRoot, "canUsePJsAndLights", false)
    	if canUsePJsAndLights == false then
    		local customLightsRes = getResourceFromName("cr_vehiclelights")
    		if customLightsRes then
    			if getResourceState(customLightsRes) == "running" then
    		setTimer(outputChatBox, 1500, 1, "This map has it's own custom upgrades, paintjobs and vehicle lights are disabled!")
    addEventHandler("onMapStarting", root, onMapStarting)

    And whenever I don't want paintjobs (and vehicle lights) to load I just use

    if canUsePJsAndLights == false then

    And for client-side I use the resource's element data which I've set above^.

    The problem before was that I didn't know from where that "upgrades" and "paintjob" element data came for checkpoints, spawnpoints and pickups but now I found out that it's there by default in MTA. This made my work super easy :) Thanks for all the help guys.

    • Like 2
  4. This became way too hard xD Well my paintjobs script works on all vehicles, literally all so editing the dff would be a huge download and i have no Idea how to do this since I've never used zModeler before. I guess I'll just detect if there are .txd and .dff files in the map's folder when a map starts (as @IIYAMA suggested). I can live with no paintjob on default cars if there is a modded one in the map. It's not like there are a lot of maps with custom vehicles which actually contain a switch to another non-modded one. :)


    Edit: line 435 here does that for another server but i still need to figure it out - https://github.com/JarnoVgr/Mr.Green-MTA-Resources/blob/master/resources/[gameplay]/gcshop/modshop/modshop_s.lua

  5. 2 hours ago, IIYAMA said:

    How about starting with the map meta.xml itself?



    1. onGamemodeMapStart


    1. function loadMap(startedMap)





    Node name: file

    Attribute: src


    And check for extensions.





    Not sure how to check for extentions but also what if the vehicle changes from a pickup or on checkpoint hit? Let's say map starts with a modded Sultan, then there is a pickup or checkpoint and it changes to a not modded Infernus, can I somehow know at any point during the race if the current vehicle is a mod or not?

  6. I've seen it been done at one server but even though it's resoures are open-source I found it hard to make it work. Basically I'm looking for a way to see if the currently played map has a custom vehicle model into it. I need this check because I want to disable custom paintjobs/vehicle lights if the player's current vehicle is a modded one (with txd and dff files). Also if the map starts with the modded vehicle but then switches to a normal gtasa vehicle I need paintjobs/lights to work normally. So I'm looking for a way to keep checking if the vehicle is a modded one or not and I'll make it with a setTimer of 50ms. Hope you can help. Merry Christmas to everyone btw :)

  7. Try to output in chat the content of the account data. Maybe it's not a number?

    Do this in a separate function:

    function testStuff (player)

    local acc = getPlayerAccount (player)

    if acc and isGuestAccount (acc) then return end

    local data = getAccountData (acc, "Zombie kills")

    if data then

    outputChatBox (data, player, 255, 0, 0)


    addCommandHandler ("testdata", testStuff)

    Just type "testdata" in chat and tell me what comes up. Server side script btw.

    • Thanks 1
  8. Try this. Not tested though. Server-side:

    function changePlayerNick(player, command, target, newNick)
    	local account = getPlayerAccount(player)
    	local accName = getAccountName(account)
    	if account and isGuestAccount(account) then
    	if isObjectInACLGroup("user." ..accName, aclGetGroup("Admin")) then
    		if not target or not newNick then
    			outputChatBox("Correct command is /changenick player nick.", player, 255, 0, 0, true)
    		local targetPlayer = getPlayerFromPartialName(target)
    		if not targetPlayer then
    			outputChatBox("No such player found.", player, 255, 0, 0, true)
    		outputChatBox("You changed #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(targetPlayer).."#00FF00's nickname to #FFFFFF"..newNick.."#00FF00.", player, 0, 255, 0, true)
    		outputChatBox("Your nickname was changed from #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(targetPlayer).."#00FF00 to #FFFFFF"..newNick.."#00FF00.", player, 0, 255, 0, true)
    		setPlayerName(targetPlayer, newNick)
    		outputChatBox("You're not an Admin!", player, 255, 0, 0, true)
    addCommandHandler("changenick", changePlayerNick)
    function getPlayerFromPartialName(name)
        local name = name and name:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() or nil
        if name then
            for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
                local name_ = getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower()
                if name_:find(name, 1, true) then
                    return player


    • Like 1
  9. Have a look at this tutorial: 

    It makes things look fine on any resolution. If the first method seems hard for you i posted an easier one as a reply. At least it's easier for me. Good luck! 

    • Thanks 1
  10. At first glance I saw that you've made a typo


    should be


    The wiki says

    • imageData: A string which contains the JPEG image data. This can be saved with the file functions, or sent to players with triggerClientEvent or even uploaded to a web site.

    But it's pretty weird that there isn't any mention of saving a picture in none of the file functions. All of the parameters required are strings so putting the image data instead won't work. I'd also like to know the answer to this since it's something I've never even thought of doing. :)


    5 minutes ago, Salem said:

    I'm trying to save it directly:

    addEvent( "onPlayerScreenShot", true )
    addEventHandler ( "onPlayerScreenShot", getRootElement(), function( theResource, status, pixels, timestamp, tag )
        if status == "ok" then        
            local iname = tag.."_"..getRealDateTimeNowString();
            outputDebugString( "[IMAGE] "..iname )
            local newFile = fileCreate( "e:/"..iname..".jpg" )                -- attempt to create a new file
                if ( newFile ) then                                       -- check if the creation succeeded
                    fileWrite( newFile, "This is a test file!" )        -- write a text line
                    fileClose( newFile )                                -- close the file once you're done with it
                    outputDebugString( "[IMAGE] saved." )
                    outputDebugString( "[IMAGE] not saved." )            
            outputDebugString( "Image failed by "..tag.." at "..getRealDateTimeNowString() )
    end );

    but error 'image not saved' appears.

    Try without the "e:/" part in fileCreate:

    local newFile = fileCreate(iname..".jpg")

    But fileWrite's second argument must be a string so I can't see how you'll put the image data there.

  11. 3 minutes ago, TorNix~|nR said:

    I want when a player join, he can not use the F1 F2 F3, for example all panels

    Yeah, that will never work with 'guiSetInputMode'. You'll need to do something like

    if getElementData(localPlayer, "LoggedIn") == true then
      --open panel

    client-side and something like this

    function onPlayerJoin()
      setElementData(source, "LoggedIn", false)
    addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, onPlayerJoin)
    function onPlayerLogin()
      setElementData(source, "LoggedIn", true)
    addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, onPlayerLogin)

    server-side. That's what I do and it works for me. Good luck :)

    • Thanks 1
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