Hey guys, I need a little help with editing a live radio stations script so that when somebody enters my server radio is off by default (so map music can be heard) and it should be able to be turned on (the live radio) via the "N" key on keyboard if the client wishes so.
Also i don't know why but even if I put radio volume to 0% in ESC-Settings-Audio the live radio volume doesn't change at all. It's not linked with the ESC-Settings-Audio interface i guess.
I can't create scripts and can barely edit them so please tell me what code to write and where. Here is link to the resource : http://www.mediafire.com/download/n2v7k ... eradio.zip
PS Resource isn't created by me nor do I wish to publish it without giving proper credit or before asking it's author. I just need the above edits for my own training server. I hope someone can help me with this, cheers