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Everything posted by Gravestone

  1. Try this code function serialCheck(thePlayer) local serial = getPlayerSerial (thePlayer) if serial == "CFCE0566CABAED4FDC72BD453130F5F4" or serial == "295814D56EC67407443BFEA3D29D9193" then outputChatBox ("Hello!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0, true) else outputChatBox ("Error!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0, true) --or return nil (if possible do not do anything here) end end addCommandHandler ("checkmyserial", serialCheck)
  2. Does this thread get reviewed actually?
  3. You mean respawning the vehicle after exploding? If so, use setVehicleRespawnDelay.
  4. Does the projectile fall on the vehicle?
  5. Do you have this function? What's 'etc'?
  6. Gravestone


    Have you tried driving on an un-even surface? Or is it just flat road?
  7. Gravestone


    If the resource was stopped with the player being already glued, then he'll remain glued until the resource starts again and he unglues. He can also unglue after respawning.
  8. Gravestone


    Are you using glue resource?
  9. bobcats = { {422, -2479.6240234375,2223.6669921875,4.84375}, {422, -92.9951171875,2823.0908203125,76.721649169922}, {422, -2448.99609375,-1335.8662109375,310.97662353516}, {422, -173.2470703125,-2635.5341796875,26.608192443848}, {422, 2108.447265625,-1600.916015625,13.552597045898}, {422, 2452.7392578125,1607.9833984375,10.8203125}, {422, -1800.8984375,-1950.9736328125,93.561332702637}, {422, -102.14576721191, 55.276020050049, 3.609395980835}, {422, 2008.3050537109, 2249.0886230469, 24.736904144287}, {422, -222.03587341309, 996.23352050781, 20.101808547974} } for i, v in ipairs(bobcats) do createVehicle(unpack(v)) end
  10. Btw, onClientPedDamage is a MTA's event so you don't have to add it.
  11. Client and server sided description
  12. setPedRotation is a deprecated function so you'll have to use setElementRotation instead. And for the weapon not being given, it's actually given, I don't know why it's not visible. I tried it with this server sided code: addCommandHandler("createped", function() batped = createPed(30, 2767.5, -1617, 11) setElementRotation(batped, 0, 0, -45) setPedAnimation(batped, "dildo", "dildo_idle") giveWeapon(batped, 5, 1, true) end ) addCommandHandler("wp", function() outputChatBox(getPedWeapon(batped)) end ) It outputs ID 5 i.e baseball bat. An MTA bug perhaps?
  13. Before starting off with your server, I suggest you to have a better understanding of lua and MTA coding. Visit lua website and MTA Wik.
  14. I'm not really aware of this modelling or it's conversion but you can contact @CodyL or @ThatsMe, these are the two people I know currently working/have worked on the Vice City to MTA Conversion and I'm sure they can help you with solving your problem.
  15. If the vehicles.lua file is client sided, then yeah, paste this code in there.
  16. You just have to add this code client sided and declare the file in the meta.xml of the resource. Start the resource and type /getpos. If I didn't understand you well, please explain 'put' a bit more.
  17. Have a look at the fourth argument of addEventHandler, that will explain you everything you need.
  18. Gravestone

    Lock System

    if source ~= personalCar[player].v then Try this maybe. P.s if you don't mind me saying, why are you using elseif statements every time? You can create a vehicle table and check if the text matches the name in the vehicle table.
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