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Hexon last won the day on July 13 2020

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  1. [MTA:SA] Fire system 0.1 updated to [MTA:SA] Fire system 0.2 on my PayHip, check it out ? Changes: You can extinguish fire with water cannon (Fire Truck and S.W.A.T.)
  2. [MTA:SA] Fire system 0.1 added to my PayHip, check it out ? Planned new versions in the future ?
  3. [MTA:SA] WhatsApp messenger added to my PayHip, check it out ?
  4. Use 2021 coupon to 40% off, coupon expire at 03/01/2021
  5. Welcome to my store If you want to buy from Turkey, please contact me on Discord (Hexon#0388) Contacts Discord: Hexon#0388 E-mail: [email protected] YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/hexondev Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hexondev If you found a bug please ontat me on Discord (Hexon#0388) [MTA:SA] Fire system 0.2 (UPDATED AT 05/02/2021) [MTA:SA] WhatsApp messenger [MTA:SA] Animation system with custon anim support & anim circle [MTA:SA] Taximeter [MTA:SA] Car trailer [MTA:SA] Scratch card game [MTA:SA] Spinner with new design [MTA:SA] Pointing system [MTA:SA] Spike system (Free) [MTA:SA] Weapon skin panel [MTA:SA] Garbage collector job (Bone attach required!) [MTA:SA] Trucker job [MTA:SA] Container carrier job (FREE) [MTA:SA] Container crane job [MTA:SA] Attachment system [MTA:SA] Drone system [MTA:SA] Lightbar editor with multiple lightbar support and custom siren sound [MTA:SA] Lightbar editor with multiple lightbar support [MTA:SA] Lightbar editor with custom siren sound [MTA:SA] Lightbar editor [MTA:SA] CSGO style spinner
  6. Hi! I want to sell my pointing system. You can point everywhere you want. This script is not replacing weapon models. It is good for Roleplay, Cops'n'Robbers and other gamemodes. Contains: (script files) If you want to buy this script(s), please PM me or send an email: [email protected] or use this link: BUY HERE Share this resource on Facebook to get a 5% discount. Other scripts HERE Use autumn coupon code to get 25% off! Coupon will expire at 30/10/2020 Thanks for reading!
  7. Hi! I want to sell my spike system. You can throw spike to prevent vehicle from advancing. It is good for Roleplay, Cops'n'Robbers and other gamemodes. Contains: Spike sound Spike animation (script files) If you want to buy this script(s), please PM me or send an email: [email protected] or use this link: BUY HERE Share this resource on Facebook to get a 5% discount. Other scripts HERE Use autumn coupon code to get 25% off! Coupon will expire at 30/10/2020 Thanks for reading!
  8. Hi! I want to sell my garbage collector job. Your job is collect the garbages from trashes and throw in trashmaster's back. It is good for Roleplay, Cops'n'Robbers and other gamemodes. Contains: (script files) If you want to buy this script(s), please PM me or send an email: [email protected] or use this link: BUY HERE Share this resource on Facebook to get a 5% discount. Other scripts HERE Use autumn coupon code to get 25% off! Coupon will expire at 30/10/2020 Thanks for reading!
  9. Hi! I want to sell my container crane job. You can work with a DFT-30. Your job is picking up containers from pick up point and put down in the marked area. Contains: (script files) If you want to buy this script(s), please PM me or send an email: [email protected] or use this link: BUY HERE Share this resource on Facebook to get a 10% discount. Other scripts HERE Use autumn coupon code to get 25% off! Coupon will expire at 30/10/2020 Thanks for reading!
  10. Talán itt van egy egyszerűbb megoldás (számomra biztosan egyszerűbb): local datumString = "2020-02-10" local datumArray = split(datumString, "-") print(datumArray[1], datumArray[2], datumArray[3])
  11. Hexon

    Move Object Help

    addEventHandler() onClientMarkerHit
  12. Nem értem ezt a voice alapú RP szervereket, feldobja a hangulatot, de eléggé sok hátránya van, nagyon sokan el tudnák funolni az egészet, folyamatosan szabályt lehet vele szegni, és ezt a rendszer még nem is képes logolni.
  13. Hali, a Lua-ról itt olvashatsz: https://www.Lua.org/ Az MTA-ról pedig itt: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Main_Page Elsőként a programozás alapjait kellene elsajátítani a véleményem alapján
  14. Szerintem nem tudod azt megoldani, hogy 1 időben egyszerre több helyen is legyen
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