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Everything posted by Wumbaloo

  1. Hey, i have this code, of the example in the dxDrawCircle wiki page: local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize( ) local stopAngle = 0 addEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, function( ) if ( stopAngle < 360 ) then stopAngle = stopAngle + 5 else stopAngle = 0 end dxDrawCircle( screenWidth / 2, screenHeight / 2, nil, nil, nil, nil, stopAngle ) end ) And it return me "attempt to call global 'dxDrawCircle' (a nil value)" i don't understand why
  2. U can't i think because the parachute is attached to an animation in MTA Version
  3. BindKey and Cancel Event? bindKey cancelEvent
  4. a lock, personne ne répond.. Merci
  5. Des idées sur la structure?
  6. Hey! Je m'entraine actuellement sur un serveur zombie, les bots sont un peu bugués, du coup, j'aimerai les changer. Ceux actuels sprintent vers le joueur proche et l'attaque afin de l'infecter donc, mais, ils sprintent trop vite, j'aimerai qu'ils sprintent avec l'animation "FAT" "FAT_SPRINT", mais le setPedAnimation ferait buguer je pense, alors, j'ai essayé le setPedWalkingStyle mais ça ne fonctionne juste pour la marche (ALT) et non pour la course, la seule course différente que j'arrive à avoir c'est celle de la fille qui coure. Des idées?
  7. No tested, but should work Juste replace getElementData(player, ammoData) everytime by: local iChangeThis = getElementData(player, ammoData) giveWeapon(player,weapID,iChangeThis, false )
  8. Wumbaloo


    Do it with a "state" like: function openMyGate() state = not state if state == true then moveObject ( Gate, 2000, 1534.5999755859, -1451.5, 19.89999961853 ) elseif state == false then moveObject ( Gate, 2000, 1534.5999755859, -1451.5, 14.89999961853 ) end end
  9. I think i got you to block vehicles, check this out: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=91&t=91367
  10. Wumbaloo


    Use: setElementFrozen getVehicleOccupant
  11. http://www.lua.org/pil/4.3.2.html
  12. Because you don't die by a player
  13. addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",root,function(killer) local alivetime = getElementData(source,"alivetime") if tonumber(alivetime)>3 then outputChatBox("Playerul #ffffff"..getPlayerName(killer).."#ff0000 este suspectat de spawnkill!",root,255,0,0,true) end end) Should work Else check this out: OnPlayerWasted
  14. Try this: getWorldFromScreenPosition
  15. Wumbaloo


    Read: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Sc ... troduction And learn lua: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewforum.php?f=148 Else, you can look for scripters: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewforum.php?f=177
  16. Wumbaloo


    x, y, z = getElementPosition(player1) px, py, pz = getElementPosition(player2) dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, px, py, pz) Simply put if then else and do the rest
  17. Wumbaloo


    getDistanceBetweenPoints3D getDistanceBetweenPoints3D
  18. You can do it with: GUI, like, when you press F1 (with BindKey), then, draw a picture of the map (guiCreateStaticImage), next SpawnPlayer to the point but change Z value to ~500 for example, and finally, giveWeapon with the id of parachute (46) EDIT: It can help you: https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=9942
  19. Ah oui, j'avais zappé le setElementData, je l'avais déjà fait je me suis dis "inutile de l'ajouté à nouveau" C'est sûr, mais maintenant, ça fonctionne. Merci tout de même.
  20. Finalement quelqu'un m'a aidé plus vite héh' viewtopic.php?f=91&t=91240&p=820949#p820949
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