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  1. Hello...i wonder why this script is giving me errors and :~..It seems fine to me. Maybe you can help me out
  2. kills/death. 3402/2432 = 1.39 K/D 3402 - kills 2432 - deaths
  3. The original is with vehicle, but i've edited it to get the weapon creator......
  4. Hello. I've found this script to detect the weapon (hs rocket/ rocket). If the rocket hits col shape it will output the creator but it doesn't work addEventHandler("onClientColShapeHit",root, function(element) local weapon = getPedWeapon(g_Me); if weapon and g_Rockets[source] and g_Rockets[source][2] and (element == weapon) and (g_Rockets[source][2] ~= weapon) then if isTimer(resetTimer) then killTimer(resetTimer); end MyKiller = getProjectileCreator(g_Rockets[source][2]); setTimer(resetKiller,20000,1); outputChatBox(getPlayerName(MyKiller)); end end) addEventHandler("onClientProjectileCreation",root, function(creator) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source); local detector = createColSphere(x,y,z,6); g_Rockets[detector] = {source,creator}; end)
  5. DarkByte


    but how to increase it like a gradient? to change the color step by step hope you understood me
  6. DarkByte

    Save data

    Can you help me with mySQL im not so experienced with SQL..
  7. DarkByte

    Save data

    How is possible to data in a serial. If so show me a simple example..
  8. DarkByte


    Found this, but how to manage it an get it to a color? local function wavelengthToRGBA(length) local r, g, b, factor if (length >= 380 and length < 440) then r, g, b = -(length - 440)/(440 - 380), 0, 1 elseif (length < 489) then r, g, b = 0, (length - 440)/(490 - 440), 1 elseif (length < 510) then r, g, b = 0, 1, -(length - 510)/(510 - 490) elseif (length < 580) then r, g, b = (length - 510)/(580 - 510), 1, 0 elseif (length < 645) then r, g, b = 1, -(length - 645)/(645 - 580), 0 elseif (length < 780) then r, g, b = 1, 0, 0 else r, g, b = 0, 0, 0 end if (length >= 380 and length < 420) then factor = 0.3 + 0.7*(length - 380)/(420 - 380) elseif (length < 701) then factor = 1 elseif (length < 780) then factor = 0.3 + 0.7*(780 - length)/(780 - 700) else factor = 0 end return r*255, g*255, b*255, factor*255 end
  9. DarkByte


    How it's possible to make the respect color like in the image. For example if respect is 0 to be green, if it's decreasing to get to red and if increasing to go to blu and so..like in this spectrum below
  10. I've tried onClientVehicleDamage, but it doesn't detect the rocket.
  11. Then how the shooter gamemode gets the killer?
  12. I want to make it serversided, and need some halp HB btw
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