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  1. ty bru I appreciate it, you helped me a lot!.
  2. How can i merge 2 tables?, i.e I merge 2 strings with '..' so how do i do that with tables the script works fine i tested it, but it didn't output the text? ty .
  3. Don't know, i didn't test it yet
  4. Table = { } function test(thePlayer) Table[1] = thePlayer Table[2] = "Has committed suicide" r, g, b = 255, 0, 0 Table[3] = r, g, b killPed(Table[1], Table[1]) outputChatBox(Table[1]..Table[2].."!", root, Table[3], true) end addCommandHandler("suicide", test) I tried to script something with a table, if i want to store addCommandHandler into a table, it is possible, ? Table = { } Command = addCommandHandler("suicide", test) Table[4] = Command function test(thePlayer) Table[1] = thePlayer Table[2] = "Has committed suicide" r, g, b = 255, 0, 0 Table[3] = r, g, b killPed(Table[1], Table[1]) outputChatBox(Table[1]..Table[2].."!", root, Table[3], true) end Table[4] --Or Table[4] = addCommandHandler("suicide", test) I think i understood almost everything , thanks to you !
  5. Didn't expect that bro Thanks fam i appreciate it. now i finally know what are tables. the basics but how do i use tables to store MTA elements ?
  6. I know that Tables are needed and i'm very bad i don't know what's tables for what they're used for.., can you send me tutorials about it? or you can explain to me by yr self . I always lose my way on lua.org
  7. It is possible to attach GUI with dx element?
  8. S3Nn4oX

    lua problem

    addCommandHandler("group", function(thePlayer) if exports.acl:isPlayerInGroup(thePlayer, "ev") or exports.acl:isPlayerInGroup(thePlayer, "admin") then triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "createWindow", getRootElement()) triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "fillagrid", getRootElement()) triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "fillcgrid", getRootElement()) triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "fillugrid", getRootElement()) end end ) function addGroup(thePlayer, group) local playerToAdd = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if not exports.acl:isPlayerInGroup(playerToAdd, group)then exports.acl:addAccountToGroup(playerToAdd,group) exports.msj:sendMessage("You've been added to: " ..group.. "!", 0, 150, 0,thePlayer) end end addEvent("addPlayerToGroup", true) addEventHandler("addPlayerToGroup", root, addGroup) function removeGroup(thePlayer, group) local playerToRemove = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if exports.acl:isPlayerInGroup(playerToAdd, group) then exports.acl:removeAccountFromGroup(playerToRemove,group) exports.msj:sendMessage("You've been removed from: " ..group.. "!", 0, 150, 0,thePlayer) end end addEvent("removePlayerFromGroup", true) addEventHandler("removePlayerFromGroup", root, removeGroup) try this
  9. function skindonator(thePlayer) local account = getPlayerAccount (thePlayer) if isGuestAccount(account) then return end if getAccountData(account,"donatorEnabled") == 1 then setElementModel(thePlayer, 150 ) outputChatBox ("Enjoy your premuim skin") else setElementModel(thePlayer, 189 ) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",getRootElement(),skindonator) You forgot to define theplayer account
  10. What are the functions that i can move a dxtext?
  11. S3Nn4oX


    How to fix this bug?
  12. S3Nn4oX


    I was trying to change someone vehicle color every 1 second but I fixed it. thanks
  13. S3Nn4oX


    Alright, it doesn't working I don't see the messages when I type /troll S3Nn4oXx(My Nick Name) it doesn't say the error, no debug ..
  14. S3Nn4oX


    I have a problem with my code, it doesn't show the messages when I type /troll <someonenotexists> it doesn't send me a message and it doesn't do the function, No debug errors,warnings
  15. Hey guys, https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=108&t=84376 in this link Deki made a dxEditbox how can I getText from the editbox?
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