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Everything posted by xRGamingx

  1. Hola Fakiuh , avisame si quieres crear un servidor conmigo tengo Host al dia siempre.. ando creando una comunidad de sv , ando ahora con el Multy GameMode DD/Race/Shoorte etc.. avisame
  2. Who recommended me a script for Halloween RPG server? Done plz
  3. Hola amigos del forum mta, le pido una ayuda porque necesito una funcion para poner a un panel , osea tengo un panel y quiero que ese panel abra mediante ese serial de pc que yo le agregue al script. que si un jugador entra de otra pc que no sea la de ese seria que esta en el script , pues que le abra el panel
  4. xRGamingx


    Quien me ayuda con este error? por favor es un sistema de Ban.. ERROR: [Cosas]\NCAdmins\Ban_S.lua:94: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'TiempoBan' (a string value) 90-function TiempodelBaneado ( playerSource ) 91-local ListaBan = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM BaneadosNC") 92-for ListaBaneados1, banead in ipairs ( ListaBan ) do 93-local serialbaneado1 = ListaBan[ListaBaneados1]["SerialBan"] 94-local timedelbaneado = ListaBan[ListaBaneados1]["TiempoBan"]-1 95-if serialbaneado1 then 96-executeSQLUpdate("BaneadosNC", "TiempoBan = '"..tonumber(timedelbaneado).."'", "SerialBan = '"..serialbaneado1.."'") 97-end 98-end 99-end
  5. Hello who helps me with this error cars http://fotos.subefotos.com/f7951b2b2ec8a71ab3991c5570b6ee06o.png ERROR: [Nuevo]\Vehiculos\carshopmarkers.lua:158: Database query failed: table Vehiculos has 39 columns but 38 values were supplied
  6. xRGamingx


    Dal e gracias amigo !Mil gracias.
  7. xRGamingx


    Gracias!! si funciono, no debo ponerle un archivo, server ?
  8. xRGamingx


    uso el mapa editor comun! con eso creo mis mapa http://subefotos.com/ver/?5a828a5285cc84bc6d97209d4df9c18bo.png
  9. xRGamingx


    Tengo un problema cuando hago un mapa, los objetos desaparecen y aparecen, porque pasa eso ? ayuda
  10. I have a problem when I make a map, the objects disappear and appear, because that happens? help
  11. Hello I need server name for a developing. RPG. Please tell me the name
  12. Hi, Someone passed me a dot counter for my DM server,. It is to count the points of each team winning in Race DM, Plz Help .
  13. Host gift for Multi sv Gamemode DM/Race/DD/ etc.. not server RPG. More than 1 year payment 2 Host, as one use it for my RPG sv. And the other used it to scriptear, and now decided to donate it to someone who wants to open a Multi sv Gamemode.. Host: #1 80 Slot expansion 150 slot Host #2 hosted my sv RPG /80 Slot. Yesterday pay 2 Host together, as they were due today, If someone wants to be with me a multi gamemode, send PM. My host always up to date,. Thanks
  14. Hi all, I want you to help me give you an animation in this market. I see on other servers in the interiors market moves up and down, and I would like to give my script that animation Interiors.. If anyone can help me. Look. img http://imgur.com/5Kcc9hM
  15. Hello who passes me a script to replace blip F11.. I did have a blip and I want to replace the default blip 20th Fire Look blip
  16. If recommended noes problem but not how, some help or some video plz
  17. I understand but which object should I use to create those maket?
  18. Hello friends, I know to start creating this market, anyone know how? Or some other design?. Some function?
  19. No matter just post what the error witch exist in debugscript on error /warning level , copy/past. Tabs = {} function createGUI() -------- CS_Window = guiCreateWindow(131,120,1004,484,"GP-Soporte",false) guiSetVisible(CS_Window,false) centerWindow(CS_Window) guiWindowSetMovable(CS_Window,false) guiWindowSetSizable(CS_Window,false) CS_TabPanel = guiCreateTabPanel(10,25,985,449,false,CS_Window) --------- if ( Rooms and type(Rooms) == "table" ) then for k,v in ipairs ( Rooms ) do local roomName = v local newTab = guiCreateTab(tostring(v),CS_TabPanel) -- Tabs[roomName] = {} Tabs[roomName]["Grid"] = guiCreateGridList(0,5,979,377,false,newTab) Tabs[roomName]["Column"] = guiGridListAddColumn(Tabs[roomName]["Grid"],"Date",0.1) Tabs[roomName]["Column"] = guiGridListAddColumn(Tabs[roomName]["Grid"],"Player" ,0.1) Tabs[roomName]["Column"] = guiGridListAddColumn(Tabs[roomName]["Grid"],"Messages",0.9) Tabs[roomName]["Edit"] = guiCreateEdit(0,382,889,41,"",false,newTab) Tabs[roomName]["Button1"] = guiCreateButton(889,382,90,39,"Send",false,newTab) -- manageButton(Tabs[roomName]["Button1"]) manageEdit(Tabs[roomName]["Edit"]) manageHelp(Tabs[roomName]["Button2"]) manageGrid(Tabs[roomName]["Grid"]) setUpToolTips(roomName) -- setElementData(localPlayer,"RG"..roomName,false) guiGridListSetSortingEnabled ( Tabs[roomName]["Grid"], false ) end end -- setUpBind() end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot,function () createGUI() fileDelete("Settings.lua") fileDelete("Client.lua") end ) function centerWindow(center_window) local screenW,screenH=guiGetScreenSize() local windowW,windowH=guiGetSize(center_window,false) local x,y = (screenW-windowW)/2,(screenH-windowH)/2 guiSetPosition(center_window,x,y,false) end function manageButton(button) if not button then return end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root,function() if source == button then onMsg() end end ) end function onMsg(withEdit,text) local tab = guiGetSelectedTab(CS_TabPanel) local tabName = guiGetText(tab) local edit = Tabs[tabName]["Edit"] if withEdit ~= false then editText = guiGetText(edit) else editText = text end if ( editText ~= "" ) then if not FloodOn == true then triggerServerEvent("onPlayerChatMessage",localPlayer,tabName,editText,Log) FloodOn = true guiSetText(edit,"") setTimer(function() FloodOn = false end , Flood , 1 ) end end end function check(key,press) if key == "enter" and press then if spec then onMsg() end end end function manageEdit(edit) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged",root,function() if source == edit then local text = guiGetText(edit) if text and text ~= "" then if not spec then spec = true addEventHandler("onClientKey",root,check ) end else if spec then spec = false removeEventHandler("onClientKey",root,check ) end end end end ) end addEvent("sendMessageToClient",true) addEventHandler("sendMessageToClient",root,function ( Sender , Room , Text, Text2,Text4,color1, color2, color3 ) if ( Room and Text ) then local grid = Tabs[Room]["Grid"] local row = guiGridListAddRow(grid) for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do guiGridListSetItemText ( grid , row , 1 , Text , false , false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( grid , row , 2 , Text2 , false , false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( grid , row , 3 , Text4 , false , false ) for i = 1, 4 do guiGridListSetItemColor(grid, row, i, color1, color2, color3) end end local vis = guiGetVisible(CS_Window) if vis == true and guiGetText(guiGetSelectedTab(CS_TabPanel)) == Room then end end end ) function setUpBind() bindKey(KeyToOpen or "F2","down", function () guiSetVisible(CS_Window,not guiGetVisible(CS_Window) ) showCursor(guiGetVisible(CS_Window)) if guiGetVisible(CS_Window) == true then mode = "no_binds_when_editing" else mode = "allow_binds" end guiSetInputMode(mode or "allow_binds") end ) --- if BindChat == true then function Command(Command,...) local text = table.concat({...}," ") if text then onMsg(false,text) end end addCommandHandler("soporte",Command) bindKey(theBind or "","down","chatbox","Soporte") end end function manageHelp(button) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root,function() if source == button then guiSetVisible(Help_Win,true) guiBringToFront(Help_Win) function onDbl() if source == Help_Win or Help_Label1 or Help_Memo or HelpLable2 then removeEventHandler("onClientGUIDoubleClick",root,onDbl) -- guiSetVisible(Help_Win,false) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIDoubleClick",root,onDbl) end end ) end function playerChat(msg, msgtype) if msgtype == 0 then --then make a trigger end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, playerChat)
  20. No matter just post what the error witch exist in debugscript on error /warning level , copy/past. function playerChat(msg, msgtype) if msgtype == 0 then --then make a trigger end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, playerChat) /Debugscript 3/ Error error: Loading script failed: GPSoporte\Client.lua:225: ') expected (to close '('at time 218) near'"
  21. function playerChat(msg, msgtype) if msgtype == 0 then --then make a trigger end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, playerChat) /Debugscript 3/ Error error: Loading script failed: GPSoporte\Client.lua:225: ') expected (to close '('at time 218) near'"
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