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Abdul KariM

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Everything posted by Abdul KariM

  1. adding resource to group admin
  2. @Omoi والله مدري وش اقول
  3. استخدم الوظائف هذي لان اكوادك ملخبطة function getPlayerPoint ( player ) local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount ( player ) if ( isGuestAccount ( playerAccount ) ) then return false end return getAccountData ( playerAccount, "Points" ) or 0 end function setPlayerPoint ( player , Point ) local aPoint = type ( Point ) == "number" and Point or 1 local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount ( player ) if ( isGuestAccount ( playerAccount ) ) then return false end setAccountData ( playerAccount , "Points" , aPoint ) return true end
  4. Abdul KariM


    @LopSided_ no no , if player doesn't have data "stats" getElementData return false so there check of numbers must replace false to 0 , to skip this problem
  5. Abdul KariM


    @LopSided_ no , There is a check if data "stats" younger than 2 will go to second check @Anthony You're Welcome
  6. Abdul KariM


    use thing bindKey("F1", "down", function ( ) local Stats = getElementData ( localPlayer ,"Stats" ) or 0 if Stats < 2 and getElementInterior(localPlayer) == 0 and getElementDimension(localPlayer) == 0 then if not isInColExport () then guiSetVisible(Window_VS, not guiGetVisible(Window_VS)) guiSetVisible (Window_CHK, false) showCursor(guiGetVisible(Window_VS)) end end end ) if player don't have data "stats" the data equal 0 good luck
  7. mtxt بـ player بالسيرفر سايد بدل player بـ mtxt وبدل
  8. يب راح يسوي لو كانت القاعدة موب موجودة
  9. والله مافهمت وش تقول تتكلم بالالغاز انت ض
  10. انت فهمت غلط dbConnect راح يعوض عن عن الي مسويه انت
  11. @Master_MTA fileCreate اساسا لو ماكنت موجودة القاعدة راح يسويها الفنكشن نفسه يعني مايحتاج
  12. مايحتاج داتا بيس executeSQLQuery -- select+insert بالسكربت حقك executeSQLQuery -- select بلوحة الادمنية
  13. عليكم السلام اقدر ابرمج لك سكربت السجن واسويلك جميع ماذكرت عنه لكن الماب عليك سواء تشوفلك مصمم ماب او تسويه بنفسك سكايب بالتوقيع او تفضل كلمني خاص
  14. مافهمت عليك لكن لو تقصد يضغط زر او زرين من الكبيورد تقدر عن طريق "onClientKey" triggerServerEvent -- banPlayer or kickPlayer
  15. انسخ اكوادك وارجع للجيو ايدتور load code واضغط على وحط اكوادك وراح تقدر تعدل على اللوحة
  16. @iMr.WiFi..! مفروض تضيف تحقق ان اللوكال بلاير ينافي الاعبين باللوب if ( v ~= getLocalPlayer ( ) ) then لانه راح يضيف اسمه بالقريد ليست وناقصك فنكشن guiGridListClear راح يكرر الاسماء بكل مره يفتح فيها النافذة
  17. guiGridListGetSelectedItem guiGridListGetItemText getPlayerFromName triggerServerEvent setElementData
  18. راح تحتاج للسكل او للاكونت داتا عشان لو طلع الاعب وهو مسجون راح يدخل ويرجع ينسجن
  19. client addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function ( ) if( source == GUIEditor.button[2] ) then if guiGetText ( GUIEditor.edit[1] ) ~= '' then setElementData (localPlayer,'tag',guiGetText (GUIEditor.edit[1])) setElementData (localPlayer,'colour',guiGetText (GUIEditor.edit[2])) end elseif( source == GUIEditor.button[1] ) then triggerServerEvent("DelTag",localPlayer) end end ) server function DeletePlayerTag ( player ) if ( getPlayerTag ( player ) == false ) then return false end local playerSerial = getPlayerSerial ( player ) executeSQLQuery("DELETE FROM PlayersTag WHERE serial=?", playerSerial ) setElementData ( player , "tag" , false ) setElementData ( player , "colour" , false ) return true end addEvent("DelTag",true) addEventHandler("DelTag", root, function ( ) DeletePlayerTag ( source ) end )
  20. لو تبي تحذف التاج نهائي لازم من السكل
  21. executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS PlayersTag (player, serial, tag, colour)") addEventHandler("onPlayerChat",root,function (msg) local tag = getElementData(source,"tag") or 'player' local colour = getElementData(source,"colour") or '#FFFFFF' outputChatBox("#FF0000 # #FFFFFF[ #CD0000"..tag .."#FFFFFF ]x #A5A5A5".. getPlayerName(source) .. ""..colour.." : ".. msg.."",root, 255, 255, 255, true) return cancelEvent() end) function getPlayerTag ( player ) local playerSerial = player and getPlayerSerial ( player ) local playerResult = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM PlayersTag WHERE serial = ? ", playerSerial ) if ( #playerResult ~= 0 and type ( playerResult ) == "table" ) then return playerResult [ 1 ] [ "tag" ] , playerResult [ 1 ] [ "colour" ] end return false end function savePlayerTag ( player ) local playerSerial = player and getPlayerSerial ( player ) local playerTag = getElementData ( player , "tag" ) or false local playerColor = getElementData ( player , "colour" ) or false local playerName = getPlayerName ( player ) if ( not playerTag or not playerColor ) then return false end if ( getPlayerTag ( player ) ~= false ) then executeSQLQuery("UPDATE PlayersTag SET player=?,tag=?,colour=? WHERE serial=?", playerName, playerTag, playerColor,playerSerial) else executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO PlayersTag(player, serial, tag, colour) VALUES(?,?,?,?)", playerName, playerSerial, playerTag, playerColor) return true end return false end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, function ( ) savePlayerTag ( source ) end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function ( ) local playerTag , playerColor = getPlayerTag ( source ) if ( playerTag and playerColor ) then setElementData ( source , "tag" , playerTag ) setElementData ( source , "colour" , playerColor ) end end )
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