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Everything posted by Xwad

  1. Xwad

    gta sa textures

    how did you do that? did you used a program for that? Just becaouse there are other .col's that are not working (Not in the natal project)
  2. Hi! i want to remove the bind "s" for going backwards with the rhino tank. Is this possible? maybe need i se cancelEvent?
  3. Xwad


    This is not easy:/ i also tryed to do a custom rotation system but it was very difficult..
  4. Xwad

    gta sa textures

    Now its working!!! Thanks MrTasty!!<333
  5. Xwad


    How did you made so many tanks? In mta there are only 3 turret towered vehicles. Or did you add more skins for one tank?
  6. Xwad

    gta sa textures

    still not working:/ i added the natal4.col for natal4.dff, but i still fall through the object.. I cant stand on it:( PLS HELP
  7. both code are now working! thanks guys!!
  8. Xwad

    gta sa textures

    well i exported all files and started importing it. Its working the only problem is that the col is not working:// i fall trought the object:/ i have uploaded the resource. Pls download it and try it out in mta map editor, and you will see that the problem is with the col.. PLS help!! http://www.mediafire.com/download/3e8b4 ... O_test.rar
  9. Xwad

    gta sa textures

    but i cant open it with winrar
  10. Xwad

    gta sa textures

    Hi. Im working on a big map project and my question is that is it possible to add these textures to mta? http://www.gtagarage.com/mods/show.php?id=24995 I downloaded it but i didnt find any dff files only txt files:/ What should i do? or is there any object like this?
  11. Xwad

    rhinos explode

    Thats true !! I will try it thanks:D
  12. Xwad

    rhinos explode

    Its not good becaouse if its moving while exploding then it will stop moving
  13. I dont want to set it foward. I want to make that if i enter the command then the turret will stop at the position where it is.
  14. Citizen i also tryed your code and its not working too://
  15. No i am sure he wants to add a new shooting sound and he is trying to do it on a very bad way. So this is how he wants to do it: changing the reload sound to a shootong sound and set the timer to 0.
  16. Nobody understands you becaouse your english is very bad.. But i think i know what your problem is becaouse i made the same think in this script. just replace this part of the script with my edited part: function projectileSound ( creator, veh ) local zeType = getProjectileType( source ) if zeType == 21 then if getElementType(creator) == "vehicle" then if getElementModel(creator) == 432 or getElementModel(creator) == 601 then local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) local velX, velY, velZ = getElementVelocity(source) local cx, cy, cz = getVehicleComponentPosition( creator, "misc_c" ) cx, cy, cz = getPositionFromElementOffset(creator, cx, cy, cz) fxAddTankFire(cx, cy, cz, velX, velY, velZ) setElementModel(source, 342) shoot = playSound("reload.mp3", false) setSoundVolume(shoot, 1) end end end end addEventHandler( "onClientProjectileCreation", getRootElement(), projectileSound )
  17. Xwad

    rhinos explode

    When a vehicle is exploding then it's jumping a little bit up. Is it possible to remove that little jump on the rhino vehicle? Thanks.
  18. so is this function (setVehicleTurretFrozen) exported?
  19. Xwad

    play random sound

    zeah now its working 100% thanks:D
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